the internship 在 That Way You Talk | 藏不住的亞洲口音? 的影片資訊
#InTraining #Accent #AsianAmerican You hear what I’m saying, but what’s my accent telling you? Alic...
#InTraining #Accent #AsianAmerican You hear what I’m saying, but what’s my accent telling you? Alic...
#小鬼登島InTraining #NewZealand #ORANUI4 This is a celebration of Taiwan’s shared heritage with the Aust...
#InTraining #MurderMystery #Unsolved TW: This fictional episode contains graphic descriptions of vi...
#InTraining #Wattpad #GuiltyPleasure Marina LOVED reading Wattpad - a website written by teenage gi...
#小鬼登島 #臺灣不見了 #強國小粉紅 It’s 2049, and Taiwan has disappeared. The first dawn of this new year brings om...
#小鬼登島 #Podcast #展覽 Podcasting is so easy (duh!) and that’s why everyone has one. Today, we head to a...
感恩節要來發表達滿滿感激的影片!😚 迫不及待分享更多實習面試經驗了~在垃圾桶裡撿到實習之後,找實習經驗並沒有比較順利,不過卻意外遇到了各種神奇的面試經驗!尤其其中有一次的面試經驗,凱心琳我個人覺得比G...
#FIT #GFM #Classof2020 Capstone Project | A Sustainable, Tech Driven Fashion Brand| 白玉 Bai Yu ------...
#實踐大學推廣教育部 #服飾經營管理 時尚職涯|全球時裝產業鍊概論|課程推廣優惠|你也有這些疑問嗎?|白玉 Bai Yu ---------------------------------------...
#實踐大學推廣教育部 #服飾經營管理 時尚專業|影響力品牌實戰班|品牌商業分析管理|課程介紹 | 白玉 Bai Yu ---------------------------------------...