survival in the wild 在 『野外求生-竹筒料理』教你一秒變野外大廚,鮮甜竹香河鮮料理 |探險威狼 Wilang Explorer |Survival Instinct|野外求生|萬榮 |Vlog 88 的影片資訊
大家好,我是威狼 今天要介紹的『野外求生-竹筒料理』 過去因為沒有現在鍋具 所以許多東西就要就地取材 而我們今天就利用原住民耆老智慧 利用桂竹 來製作天然的鍋具、碗筷 而料理都取至於河裡 現抓現撈的河...
大家好,我是威狼 今天要介紹的『野外求生-竹筒料理』 過去因為沒有現在鍋具 所以許多東西就要就地取材 而我們今天就利用原住民耆老智慧 利用桂竹 來製作天然的鍋具、碗筷 而料理都取至於河裡 現抓現撈的河...
I followed the small stream to catch wild frogs and wild snails, I took more bamboo shoots and retur...
Every day I tend the vegetable garden and forage for food, today I follow the wild stream to catch f...
I go to a wild stream to catch crabs, I bring crabs back to my shelter and cook.. #KêmMun...
I went to check the fish trap, fortunately a lot of fish got caught in the trap, I brought the fish ...
In order to have meat in the meal, I go to work as a trap to catch fish, then I go to harvest banana...
I followed the wild stream to find food, I caught a lot of crabs and a big catfish.. #KêmMun...
I followed the wild stream to catch frogs to bring back as food, luckily I caught quite a lot, the f...
I need a lake for bathing and keeping fish, I decided to make a lake in the stream.. #KêmMun...
I went to check the trap and got a lot of fish, I set a fire and roasted the fish by the bank of the...