sinanju 在 【ガンプラ】呂布シナンジュ&赤兎馬!焼き色塗装でワンポイントアクセント、全塗装作成『GUNPLA CUSTOM BUILD LYU BU SINANJU』SDガンダム三国創傑伝 的影片資訊
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This marks the end of our UC timeline, I hope this series have brought you all good memories! 呢一集完結咗...
War is nearly over, but we have the power to rewrite history! 雖然戰爭就快完,但係我哋有能力改寫歷史㗎! #中二病 #機動戰士 #Gun...
How to defeat opponents that are bigger than you? Just be bigger than them! 敵人大隻過你點算?再大隻過佢咪得囉! #中二病...
This is our biggest battle in history. It is so low budget that is so high cost. これは俺たちの史上最大の戦争です。低コ...
The Ghost of Laplace will reveal Marida's story. More Gundam product! (Banshee Norn) 第三集會揭曉瑪莉妲嘅背景 ✨ ...
He is "The Second Coming of Char" with loose joints! このHGすごいよ!さすがRGのお兄さん!! 甩骹的新安州 #Gundam #機動戰士 #中二...
To collaborate with FX Creations, we have jumped our Gundam timeline to the UNICORN period. Feel fre...
アビーグッズ販売中! あびーびより
開箱介紹:CN-01 新安洲 合金完成品 ~ by 大人的玩具 賣場 FB https:/...