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真的很抱歉!自從這支影片推出之後,害到了那些跟我們聯絡的醫生。他們都是各大醫院的主治醫生,目前衛生部已經對他們發出了通牒...😞 另外,這幾天也有好幾家醫院來聯絡我們,我們也主動去聯絡了一些醫院,聽...

關於telehealth中文的評價, 吉爾家

【礙妳在心口難開?|澳洲台籍心理醫師懂妳心苦】 #COVID19政府補助無須付差價(短期) #全澳居民可諮詢 #讓我們一起拉平曲線 依然記得六年前的生日當天,趁著上班午休空檔,我打電話向家庭醫師求...

【美國進入「國家緊急狀態」 川普拒自我隔離: 我又沒症狀】 🤷🏻‍♂️ 3/13/2020 川普記者會重點整理 1. 提到WHO警告歐洲成為疫情中心,表示因為自己限制歐洲旅遊,達到成果。(Facts: 歐洲旅遊禁令從今晚才開始) 2. 宣布美國進入緊急狀態,能動用500億美元緊急預算 3. 宣布「又便宜、又incredible、又新的電子醫療(Telehealth)」 4. 要求美國醫院啟動緊急準備計畫 5. 邀請幾家美國大藥妝連鎖店CEO到場,宣布公家與私人部門合作,「一個月內,能有500萬個檢測能力」 6. 要求包含Walmart, Walgreens, CVS ,Target 用停車場準備病毒檢測站 7. 免除聯邦學生貸款利率 (說晚點才有細節) 8. 指示美國能源部在「價錢好」的時候,儲備石油 9. 疫情在「接下來的八週很有決定性」 10. 「我又沒症狀...我也不認識他」,不打算自主隔離,「大概」(probably)會檢測。(與川普近距離接觸的巴西新聞發言人確診) 11. 回應中國病毒來源於美軍的指控,「他們(中國)知道病毒從哪來,我們都知道。」 12. 官員輪番盛讚川普。 — 🇺🇸‼️📍 Notes: 1. Trump suggests that his decision to limit travel from Europe has done a significant amount to limit the spread of the coronavirus. (The decision has not yet been implemented. It goes into effect tonight at midnight.) 2. Declares a national emergency. He says he will have access to up to $50 billion. 3. Announces “Telehealth!...A fairly new, incredible thing... I tell you, teleheath is incredible." 4. “I’m also asking every hospital in this country to activate its emergency preparedness plan.” 5. Announces public-private partnership to increase national coronavirus testing capabilities.Says "5 million [tests availbable] within a month. I doubt we'll need anywhere near that." 6. Calls up the CEOs of Walmart, Walgreens, CVS and Target. They say they will be using their store parking lots for nationwide coronavirus testing. 7. Announces waiving interest on all federal student loans 8. Instructing the Secretary of Energy to buy oil at a “good price” and fill up reserves 9. "The next eight weeks are critical." 10. "We have no symptoms whatosever," Trump says of his own health after coming into contact with Brazilian official last weekend who later tested positive. Says he “probably” would do the test. 11. On China's coronavirus conspiracy theory: "They know where it came from; we all know where it came from." 12. Officials turn to praising Trump #TwoVeryBigWords

【美國進入「國家緊急狀態」 川普拒自我隔離: 我又沒症狀】 🤷🏻‍♂️ 3/13/2020 川...