關於taipei expat的評價, Focus Taiwan
Taipei has been ranked among 82 cities around the world as the #best place to live and work for #exp...
Taipei has been ranked among 82 cities around the world as the #best place to live and work for #exp...
十年前你/妳在幹嘛? 還記得嗎? 我自己? 十年前我剛來台灣開始追15歲一直保持的夢想... ...
今天帥嗎? 忙了的一個禮拜第三天~ 來錄 #請問你是哪裡人 好好玩~ Do I look good...
你們今年有去嗎? 最喜歡哪一張? 留言~ 🎄昨晚陪兩個朋友去看板橋耶誕城 🎄 Sally 跟 Jus...
下面留言猜猜看我跟黃梓懿 - Maxie這次拍片在西門吃什麼~ 200個❤️公開第一個提示(剛剛免...
[News / 甜點新聞] Yann Couvreur x Frank Haasnoot(for ...
昨天除了這禮拜第二次遇到Josh之外也遇到梨梨亞~ 真的好開心! 記得今晚的 請問 你是哪裡人 有...
There were once six different sets of Romanizatio...
emergency!!! A member of the expat community was...