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Haaa nah no makeup challenge.. rasa selalu sgt dh dok tunjuk muka tkdak makeup ni,sbb tak lalu lah weh kadang2 nk buat ig review dok kena makeup,tkdak kerja carik kerja pulak.. Ni cerita lepaih pakai dermaroller from @officialpurestbyfaezahelai full set skincare mlm tu.. esok nya rupa akan jd mcm ni.. tp tgk kulit jugak lah.. Sorry lah dok tergaru garu cam kera dh.. sbb merenyam sungguh aihh!! Ni mmg normal lah sbb nk renew skin cell.. and klu rasa kering sampai berbiji tu pon normal especially yg mmg kulit dry.. . For free consultation follow @officialpurestbyfaezahelai @officialpurestbyfaezahelai @officialpurestbyfaezahelai . Or can also purchase from shopee too faezahelai.os . #nomakeupchallengekonon #purestbyfaezahelai #microneedling #microneedlingathome #veganskincare #skincareproducts #skincarejunkie #beautyjunkie #asianskincare #asianskin #acnescars #acneremoval #acnescarsremoval #acnescarstreatment #acnescarsolution #faezahelai #lovelovelove #feelingblessed #alhamdulillah

Haaa nah no makeup challenge.. rasa selalu sgt dh ...

Thanks for having me @cosmoglamclinic.kepong🤩 - I’ve done treatment Ndyag Laser & Omega Light and brightening mask, which is good for uneven skin tone, Skin rejuvenation, glowing skin, Healthy skin and skin brightening✨ - Please Visit @cosmgoglamclinic.kepong . To book an appointment, Pls call us @cosmoglamclinic.kepong 📱 03-62430136 📱 010-2323136 #Glamanyaraya#aestheticclinic cgckepong#ndyaglaser#acne #co2laser#pigmentation#acnescar#facelifting#vshape #facialrejuvenation#wrinkles#laser#hairremoval#prp #plateletrichplasma#HIFU #glowskin#filler#botox#darkcircle #eyebag#flawlesskin#healtyskin#mesolipolysis #chemicalpeeling #dermapen#dermaroller #micronedling#lipsaugmentation#skin#healtyskin#mesolipolysis #chemicalpeeling #dermapen#dermaroller #micronedling#lipsaugmentation

Thanks for having me @cosmoglamclinic.kepong🤩 - I’...