𝐀𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐟𝐲
My intention of this post is not to humiliate, nor degrade anyone. But rather hopefully through this experience of mine, it can help highlight, remind, educate all of us . -#respectimagerights
Two nights ago, I got a dm from one of my Singapore fan asking if they are mis-using my photo. Let me just say that in my 15 years of being in the entertainment line, cases of misusing my picture, or any other celebrity’s picture has been countless. We continue to hope and pray that audience will not fall into trap.
The fan showed me a screenshot of a sponsored ad of a property agency, with my family portrait that I took with a photographer friend. The copy didn’t mention my name, but claim that it was another person. I cleared with my photographer friend, and he said he didn’t allow anyone to use the picture nor sold copyright to anyone, and even encouraged me to pursue legal action.
I immediately took the liberty to email the person, introducing myself with proof, and links to my Youtube Channel and FB page. Told him that I was notified of such case, highlighting the concern that his company that they were using my picture without copyright clearance, impersonating as another person with false information. And my main worry is that, people will fall into this false lie especially when Musang King Channel (our youtube channel) have a big portion of Singaporean fanbase.
And we waited.
The whole of next day, my DM was swarmed with messages from fans asking me about the same thing. But I thought I could give him some time.
When night came, I was informed that he was still running the ad, get this, with multiple version.
I thought it was getting out of hand.
I decided to post story out clarify that we never work with this agency and asked my fans to help remind him to check his email.
You can see part of his response below.
“It is indeed a true story we are using and not any scam, however, our client Shi Xian has yet to send us a picture of his family, so we randomly took a picture off the internet as a temporary picture to launch our campaign during our digital marketing class, we sincerely do not know that the people in the picture that we used are public figures. “
Basically he is saying his story is true, Shi Xian and Cheryl’s story is legit. But the legit couple who enjoyed their service haven’t given him the picture yet. So he “ngam ngam hou” use my picture temporarily because he has to launch his campaign. How he knew I was a public figure.
I got stunned.
The issue is not if I am a public figure or not.
Using someone else’s picture without approval or copyright clearance is not ok.
Regardless if you were caught or not.
Stealing is wrong. Period.
I wish you all the best.
Please know the severity of the issue.
I seriously hope that your company, and others will not repeat this ignorant mistake again.
Big thank you to all the fans, artist friends, media for supporting image rights and caring for my situation.
Hopefully we can use this to remind people around us to avoid scammers and from repeating the same mistake.
决定发这篇文章,目的不在于让谁难堪,更不是为了贬低任何人,而是希望通过我这次亲身经历给大家提醒 - #尊重并提高肖像权保护意识。
前两天收到新加坡粉丝的私讯,告知在一个新加坡房地产经纪公司的 FB Page 看到对方盗用了我的照片做广告,并发来了截图。
这篇广告盗用了一位摄影师好友为我们一家三口拍的家庭照 ,广告文案未提及我的名字,反而套上了另一个主人翁的故事做营销。
(1) 无论你盗用的照片是艺人还是素人,盗用照片就已经是不对的事情 ,这侵犯到肖像权,属于违法行为
(2) 由于是公众人物的身份,大家看到广告后或许会更相信广告所讲的都是真的 ,相当于利用艺人背书 ,会让消费者更容易掉入商业圈套。网路行销当中有太多太多盗用照片或身份的诈骗案,大家一定要很小心、注意!做个精明消费者!
xian名字 在 徐薇涵 海豚 Facebook 的最佳解答
270 Neil TsaiNeil Tsai
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112 Kawai LamKawai Lam
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220 Dong Xian LiuDong Xian Liu
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UID 633584296 感恩感謝
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195 Candy ChanCandy Chan
謝謝海豚 UID 940971110
01/09 17:39:17 0 人 有
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65 Tea AleTea Ale
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160 李到晛李到晛
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21 Eric HsiehEric Hsieh
UID 373703955 保底是我的
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100 JZ ChenJZ Chen
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208 改名字改名字
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xian名字 在 袁智聰 Yuen Chi-Chung Facebook 的精選貼文
今期《art plus》我寫上月逝世的Silver Apples靈魂人物Simeon。
悼念紐約電音先鋒Silver Apples靈魂人物
Simeon Coxe (1938 – 2020)
美國紐約市電子音樂先鋒/前衛迷幻電音二人樂團Silver Apples靈魂人物Simeon(全名Simeon Oliver Coxe III)在9月8日於費爾霍普市家中因肺纖維化逝世,享年82歲。
Silver Apples在1967年由Simeon與鼓手Danny Taylor二人組成。Danny Taylor早已在2005年病逝,相隔15年後Simeon也告與世長辭,如今兩位Silver Apples的創團成員皆已作古人,歸於塵土——我隨即想起了在Silver Apples的1968年首張同名專輯《Silver Apples》一首喚作〈Dust〉的歌曲:”A broken bottle's inside / Strewn with rinds of love / And shattered shells of soul / Dust of other days… / Crumpled hours of devotion / Washed down gutter streams / To sink within the tide”。
毋庸置疑,Silver Apples是首隊讓前衛電子音樂與流行音樂通婚的隊伍(比德國電音教父Kraftwerk還要早),而且也是史上首隊二人電音樂團。Silver Apples的音樂,就是破格而簡約地只有由Simeon的實驗性電聲演奏與主唱,以及Danny Taylor的鼓擊所構成,在那個迷幻搖滾的音樂紀元開創了一種前無古人的電音主導迷幻流行樂,啓動了電音流行曲(electronic-pop)的雛形與先河,留下是無遠弗屆的影響力。
作為一隊電音先驅樂團,Silver Apples之傳奇性是他們只曾在1967至70年間曇花一現,留下來只有兩張錄音室專輯《Silver Apples》(1968年)和《Contact》(1969年)(第三張專輯《The Garden》乃胎死腹中、要相隔近20年後才重見天日);他們活躍的年頭,就連那個progressive電子音樂運動也尚未全面爆發。正是因為Silver Apples走得太前,所以他們並不及之後的一眾電音先鋒名字那麼廣為樂迷熟悉,而是一個埋藏著的傳奇,有著他們的傳說中”cult band”地位。直到1996年間退出樂壇20多年的Simeon終告回歸、讓 Silver Apples 重出江湖,而他們的兩張錄音室專輯也以CD形式再版發行,Silver Apples之典故才開始廣泛地流傳。
前身是一行五人搖滾樂隊The Overland Stage Electric Band的Silver Apples,取名自愛爾蘭詩人William Butler Yeats詩篇《The Song of the Wandering Aengus》一句”The silver apples of the moon”(美國學院派avant-garde作曲家Morton Subotnick的1967年電子音樂曲目也是不約而同地以William Butler Yeats這首詩篇而命名為《Silver Apples of the Moon》)。貴為電音先鋒,電聲演奏家Simeon卻並不是鍵琴手,他誠然:「我從不懂演奏鍵琴,我也不懂彈奏結他,我所知道的就是有一個驅動來以這些小盒子的旋鈕(dial)和手柄(knob)來製造音樂。」因此Simeon不是採用任何當年仍非常昂貴的電子合器作演奏,而是以一組組他自製的古老oscillator(電子振盪器)來建立出他的一套oscillation電子演奏系統,D.I.Y.創造出他的「原始電子合成器」,這套機器系統也是因他命名、喚作「The Simeon」。Simeon不但反搖滾、也反樂器,樹立出其D.I.Y.音樂態度。
就在Silver Apples的1968年首張同名專輯《Silver Apples》裡,Simeon便全是利用九台oscillator進行演奏:五台是以腳踏演奏低音,三台是以電報鍵來奏出節奏,餘下的則以手柄來作主奏,以”beeps” / “boops” / “swoops”來構成他們的未來派電幻聲音——專輯開場曲正是喚作〈Oscillations〉、道出「電子振盪」聲響之意義;而來自新奧爾良的Simeon,他的歌曲亦有著藍調與民謠的根源。也可想而知,早年Silver Apples為一個在紐約中央公園舉行的三萬人馬拉松音樂會作暖場表演(同場有The Steve Miller Band、The Mothers of Invention等名團),那是有幾驚世駭俗的事情。對Silver Apples為之驚為天人的還包括Jimi Hendrix,雙方曾一起來過jam seesion奏出美國國歌《The Star Spangled Banner》。
當年Silver Apples之所以瞬間走向終結,因為第二張專輯《Contact》唱片封面的飛機駕駛艙內有個Pan Am「泛美航空」商標,而唱片封底則是飛機失事殘骸,故此令到Pan Am對他們作出百萬美元的法律訴訟,加上唱片公司改組,所灌錄好的第三張專輯《The Garden》也無法面世,Silver Apples就在1970年解散收場。
廿多年後,Simeon帶同Silver Apples回歸,先是跟鍵琴手Xian Hawkins和鼓手Michael Lerner組成新陣容,灌錄過《Beacon》(1997年) 和《Decatur》(1998年)兩張專輯;繼而Simeon與Danny Taylor復合,兩位創團成員再合體。可是隨著Danny Taylor在2005年離世,Silver Apples便餘下Simeon獨力經營下去,帶著Danny的鼓擊sample繼續巡演。
而Silver Apples的最後一張專輯,是2016年的《Clinging to a Dream》。
慶幸我曾首兩度看過Silver Apples的現場演出——2011年Silver Apples舉行中國巡演,我看了在廣州TU凸空間的一場(還有北京及上海兩站);2014年Silver Apples則來港為香港Art Basel節目《Apocalypse Postponed》的表演。即使只有Simeon單人匹馬表演,但單是能夠現場看到他如何把弄操控其古老的oscillator電音演奏系統,已是大開眼界的事。何況這兩次我都有親身跟Simeon接觸過,當時他已是70多歲的老而彌堅高齡音樂家;也好記得廣州那場,最後Simeon出來encore時他說只會多玩一首歌曲,我即馬上向著舞台喊出〈You And I〉,Simeon說:「我就玩出〈You And I〉吧。」
xian名字 在 Xian Chen - 流氓他跟你一樣名字耶 - פייסבוק 的推薦與評價
Lizardman19 Game Live Channel. אתר אישי · ToneTone痛痛. תחום עניין · 羽毛的電玩新手村-Unity遊戲開發. בלוגר · 鴉片的英國研究. Scientist · Rockman Chronicles. משחק ... ... <看更多>