The Holy Spirit showed me something powerful! He said that when you are standing far off from God’s throne, all you see is His holiness and glory—the flaming appearance of God, the brilliant light, the angels and four living creatures, the twenty four elders around His throne, the emerald halo, the sea of glass, the flashing lightnings, the seven fires of the Spirit.
“Immediately I was in the Spirit. Behold, there was a throne set in heaven, and one sitting on the throne that looked like a jasper stone and a sardius. There was a rainbow around the throne, like an emerald to look at. Around the throne were twenty-four thrones. On the thrones were twenty-four elders sitting, dressed in white garments, with crowns of gold on their heads. Out of the throne proceed lightnings, sounds, and thunders. There were seven lamps of fire burning before his throne, which are the seven Spirits of God. Before the throne was something like a sea of glass, similar to crystal. In the middle of the throne, and around the throne were four living creatures full of eyes before and behind. The first creature was like a lion, and the second creature like a calf, and the third creature had a face like a man, and the fourth was like a flying eagle. The four living creatures, each one of them having six wings, are full of eyes around and within. They have no rest day and night, saying, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, the Almighty, who was and who is and who is to come!”” (Revelation 4:2-8 WEB)
But when you go close to Abba God’s face, you will see through all that, and see Him smiling at you. He will hug you who are His precious child. You cannot know that you are loved unless you boldly approach the throne of Grace!
“Let us therefore draw near with boldness to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy, and may find grace for help in time of need.” (Hebrews 4:16 WEB)
Do you feel that God is so unapproachable, that if you go near His light, it will expose all your sins and you will receive punishment?
I know the feeling of self-condemnation. I had it when I was a new Christian almost a decade ago, when I had misunderstandings about the meaning of God’s word—specifically in the four gospels.
I remember reading things like “If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. If your eye causes you to stumble, pluck it out,” and feeling like I was doomed. How terrible it is to live under self-condemnation and fear of judgment due to wrong believing.
God has been faithful and increased my understanding of His word. Come and study the four gospels with me through the lens of grace, passage by passage, chapter by chapter, and be set free from the bondage of wrong teachings that make you feel afraid and condemned:
同時也有14部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過285萬的網紅Namewee,也在其Youtube影片中提到,I found that many foreign audience cannot understand the meaning of my English lyrics?. Malaysian and Singaporen friends, pls help me to translate it ...
「we are behind meaning」的推薦目錄:
- 關於we are behind meaning 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於we are behind meaning 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於we are behind meaning 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於we are behind meaning 在 Namewee Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於we are behind meaning 在 Fujii Kaze Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於we are behind meaning 在 GDJYB雞蛋蒸肉餅 Youtube 的最佳解答
we are behind meaning 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的精選貼文
Gifted for a Time Like This
Today, the Jews celebrate Purim. One of the main characters in the story behind Purim is called Esther. She was a beautiful Jewish woman who became queen at the time; she was used mightily by God to rescue the Jews from total extermination.
Her original name in Hebrew was Hadassah which means “myrtle” (a star-shaped flower). Her name as queen was Esther, meaning “star”.
God took a humble star from the ground and elevated her to shine brightly in the sky. He gifted her with beauty and influence with the king for a purpose.
“For if you remain silent now, then relief and deliverance will come to the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Who knows if you haven’t come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”” (Esther 4:14 WEB)
Just like Esther, you entered God’s kingdom for such a time as this. Your birth in this generation was no coincidence.
I’m telling you that God has a plan for your life. The Holy Spirit distributed gifts and anointings as He chooses; you have received a unique measure of them.
God’s heart is always “relief and deliverance” for His covenant people. He does things mainly for His elect ones who will receive salvation. Many times, He co-labors with believers through their prayers and obedience of faith.
You are gifted in certain things for a purpose. These gifts are meant to be used to bring profit to God’s kingdom.
Perhaps you have heard/read Jesus’ parable of the talents. It is about the stewardship of gifts that we receive from the Lord.
““Now after a long time the lord of those servants came, and reconciled accounts with them. He who received the five talents came and brought another five talents, saying, ‘Lord, you delivered to me five talents. Behold, I have gained another five talents besides them.’ “His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a few things, I will set you over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’” (Matthew 25:19-21 WEB)
One day, Jesus will settle accounts with us—not to punish us who are believers, but to reward us based on how we used the gifts He deposited inside us.
Whatever gifts you have received, you are meant to produce good results by using them. The Lord won’t expect you to produce more results than you have the grace for. Five talents result in five more, two talents result in two more, and both the first and second servants in the parable received the same words of praise.
What is it that you have been gifted with? Be like an Esther who fulfilled her calling. She chose to be brave and obey the God-inspired instructions of Mordecai, even if it meant the risk of death.
One day you will see Jesus’ smiling face as He sits on His throne of glory, as He says to you, “Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a few things, I will set you over many things. Enter into the joy of your Lord.”
Find out what “few things” you have been entrusted with, and what are the “many things” that Jesus could set you over soon:
we are behind meaning 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
Baca Ini Jika Tak Pandai Bahasa Inggeris
Kepada korang yang dah pandai bahasa Inggeris boleh abaikan surat ini. Biarkan abang ajar kepada korang korang yang lain.
Semua sedia maklum bahasa Inggeris itu penting kerana banyak sekali sumber ilmu yang dapat dirujuk dalam bahasa ini.
Wikipedia yang menjadi rujukan terbesar pun paling banyak artikel ditulis dalam bahasa Inggeris. Begitu juga kalau korang berniat untuk menyelamatkan dunia, maka ‘kerja’ itu akan jadi lebih mudah bila korang pandai English. InshaAllah berjaya terutamanya jika korang expert like a crazy pig (pandai gila babi).
Nota: Gila babi bukan digunakan untuk menghina tapi untuk menujukkan rasa kagum yang teramat iaitu kagum gila babi. Harap maklum.
Berbalik pada topik utama. Dipendekkan cerita, dulu abang mayat adalah seorang Melayu yang agak malas untuk belajar bahasa Inggeris. Mungkin pada zaman itu, PM belum mewajibkan lagi pelajaran matematik dan sains dalam bahasa Inggeris. Lagipun pada masa itu belum ada internet, maka abang membuat endah tak endah dengan pentingnya BI (alasan semuanya itu).
Sehinggalah pada suatu hari, abang mayat melihat sekumpulan budak-budak Punk ketawa selepas membaca tulisan di dinding tandas terutama bila ada F word. Hal ini membuatkan abang iri hati dengan kelebihan ilmu mereka dan ditambah pula dengan ramainya pendosa dari luar negara yang datang ke Malaysia, maka abang memulakan langkah to improve my English sebagai salah satu kaedah yang lebih cepat dalam usaha menyelamatkan dunia. InshaAllah!
Bak kata pepatah:
“Everyone should be able to do one card trick, tell two jokes and recite three poems, in case they are ever trapped in an elevator.” (Lemony Snicket)
Namun, oleh kerana abang dah lama habis sekolah dan datang dari keluarga yang kurang berkemampuan, maka abang belajar bahasa Inggeris dengan cara sendiri.
Sekarang, berkat usaha gigih, karisma, dedikasi dan integriti... err… kejap! Cerita ini bukanlah nak bercerita tentang abang yang pandai English gila babi, tapi cerita tentang bagaimana kita boleh cepat pandai dalam bahasa itu. Bila cepat tiada lagi istilah ‘hot-hot chicken shit’.
Kalau mahu belajar apa-apa bahasa, perkara pertama adalah korang kena ada kamus sendiri. Korang kena beli kamus dan bawa ke mana sahaja. Kalau boleh hafal satu kamus. Jika dulu nabi digelar ‘al-Quran bergerak’, sekarang giliran korang pula menjadi ‘kamus bergerak’. Jika ada kawan bertanya, what is inception? Terus dapat jawab, the Nolam film in the beginning blah blah...nampak tak?
Abang tahu, korang lemah BI bukan sebab bodoh tetapi korang tak tahu makna dan malas menghafal kerana dalam otak sudah ditanam ‘tak tahu English pun boleh hidup juga’ atau ‘malaikat dalam kubur tak tanya dalam bahasa Inggeris’. Bukankah dalam syurga lebih afdal cakap Arab? Arghh… malas nak cerita bab ni. Apa kata korang buang persepsi itu. Jangan jadikan itu alasan dan halangan.
Abang juga hairan kenapa pelajar dalam kelas English jarang bawa kamus. Masalah utama korang adalah tak tahu makna. Jadi, kalau tak tahu kenalah beli kamus dan hafal. Itu kunci yang pertama!
“Don't be so humble, you are not that great.” (Golda Meir)
Dah ada kamus? Sekarang pergi beli buku nota untuk mencatat perkataan yang tak faham sewaktu membaca dan sebelum tidur hafal balik perkataan baru tadi.
Jadi korang akan ada dua buku, satu adalah kamus dan satu lagi buku nota yang akan menjadi kamus peribadi kerana korang akan mencatat perkataan baru dan tak tahu makna sahaja. Lama kelamaan, buku nota itu akan menjadi tebal dan korang dah tak perlu merujuk kamus lagi.
Untuk permulaan, Pilih bahn bacaan yang mudah dahulu. Kalau boleh ambil bahan bacaan budak tadika, baca dan faham makna keseluruhan cerita. Selepas itu, baca buku budak sekolah rendah pula, seterusnya buku sekolah menengah, lirik lagu, dialog film, dan akhirnya bacalah novel Inggeris sebelum membaca tafsir al-Quran dalam bahasa Inggeris.
Abang masih ingat apabila baru berkecimpung dalam dunia internet, rasa teruja sungguh. Begitu banyak sumber ilmu yang boleh kita terokai. Buka sahaja Wikipedia bermacam-macam cerita yang boleh dibaca. Cukuplah ada wiki.. Ilmu tak bertepi.. perghhh!
Waktu tu pun baru tahu apa itu Rotten Tomatoes, siapa Maddox, imdb info dan banyak lagi istilah baru. Tetapi sebelum itu kenalah pandai English dulu!
Bila dah pandai, boleh mula berniat untuk berdakwah ke peringkat antarabangsa. Bukan setakat dari Perlis sampai ke Sabah saja perjuangan kita. Think BIG dan langkah kita akan besar tapi jika Think SMALL maka langkah pun akan small.
Contoh: Jika korang fikir habis belajar nanti cukuplah dapat bekerja makan gaji di company yang stabil, maka perjalanan hidup akan terhad kepada kerja lapan jam sehari, lima hari seminggu dan menunggu dinaikkan pangkat. Tetapi jika korang fikir mahu berbisnes, mencipta produk, menggaji pekerja, kayakan diri sendiri dan membuat sesuatu yang bermakna, maka perjalanan hidup korang akan luas tiada penghujungnya. Tapi sebelum nak mendapatkan semua ini, kenalah pandai bahasa penjajah!
“To stay around (if you dot want to go far), learn bahasa tempatan. To go futher, learn bahasa penjajah!” (Hamka Kereta Mayat)
Jadi Abang memang rajin baca Wikipedia. Sambil baca sambil buka kamus, (sekarang dah ada Google Translate lagi senang). Selepas itu abang beli akhbar The Star, komik English (sekarang banyak yang online) dan juga kitab karangan Maulana Yusof Mutakhab, hadis versi English. Baca, baca dan baca…
Dari dulu abang suka tengok movie. Selesai tengok movie, abang akan baca sinopsis atau plot cerita dalam bahasa Inggeris untuk tahu penggunaan ayat. Mana yang tak faham abang akan catat dan hafal pada waktu makan. Begitu juga dengan komik Dragonball dan GTO, walaupun dah khatam dalam bahasa Melayu, abang baca pula versi bahasa Inggeris di internet.
Bila berjalan abang akan bawa kamus, (sekarang cuma perlu download aplikasi ke dalam telefon) jika nampak tulisan yang diconteng di dinding tandas awam dalam bahasa Inggeris, abang akan buka kamus dan ketawa dalam slang English jika lawak itu bermutu tinggi.
Contoh lawak di dinding tandas;
‘A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend. A successful woman is one who can find such a man.’ (Lana Turner)
Untuk lebih cepat pandai, abang pinjam dua buku dari perpustakaan awam iaitu versi Melayu dan Inggeris. Kedua-dua buku itu abang akan baca dan bandingkan. Antara buku yang abang buat begitu adalah How To Win Friends & Influence People tulisan Dale Carnegie, Rich Dad Poor Dad dan banyak buku popular lain.
Untuk dapat saham di dunia dan akhirat pula, abang baca buku islamik yang ada dua versi BM dan BI seperti buku tafsir dan hadis. Kedua-dua buku itu abang baca dan bandingkan. Ada juga waktunya isteri abang akan membaca taklim dalam BM dan ayah semak dalam BI.
Contoh hadis bahasa Inggeris yang dipetik dari A Selection of Hadith;
Nabi said: He is wise and shrew who takes account of himself and prepares for what is after death. And he is weak and incapable who follows his desires and yet pins high hopes on Allah’s Mercy. (Tirmidhi)
Kadang kadang abang kaji falsafah Inggeris:
“Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you thought you were. So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parent's generation, try delousing the closet in your own room.” (Bill Gates)
Ada masanya apabila menonton filem, abang akan fokus pada subtitiles dan gunakan dalam kehidupan seharian. Contoh petikan dialog daripada filem Bujang Lapuk (The Three Bachelor Warriors).
Aziz : Probably, that house that you mentioned, has anyone occupied it yet?
Sudin : Which house ?
Aziz : That house, the one that you kept talking about.
Sudin : Oh, that house. It's still vacant ... if we apply for it, we'll get it.
Aziz : How many rooms, Din ?
Sudin : I saw three rooms.
Aziz : That's good. Each of us can have a room to himself. Are they large ?
Sudin : Not very. But it's long, 7 feet ... about 3 feet long and 7 feet deep.
Aziz : Quite big, huh, there's even depth..that's A GRAVE !
Bila dah naik sheikh, ada juga abang cuba menyanyi lagu Melayu dalam Bahasa English seperti lagu;
Sekadar Di Pinggiran - Just at the Edge
Menaruh Harapan - Pinning on Hope
Kau Kunci Cintaku Di Dalam Hatimu - You are the Key to My Love in Your Heart
Takdir Dan Waktu - Fate and Time
Pada Syurga Di Wajahmu - Your Heavenly Face
Teratai Layu Di Tasik Madu - Dying Lotus in the Honey Lake
Tanya Sama Itu Hud Hud - Ask the Woodpecker
Cinta Beralih Arah - Love Turns Away
Jerat Percintaan - Love Trap
Balqis - Queen of Sheba
Rela Ku Pujuk - I'm Willing to Entice
Gemilang - Glory
Terlalu Istimewa - Too Special
Awan Nano - Nano Cloud
Terukir Di Bintang - Etched In the Stars
Bahagiamu Deritaku - Your Happiness is My Pain
Kalau masih tak faham lagi, di sini abang copy paste satu lagu yang paling abang suka nyanyi dulu.
Aci-Aci, open the door,
Nana come back at one a.m,
Don't be afraid of the owl,
Nana bring Semambu of cane.
Nana Nana, come home rush,
Aci afraid to be all alone,
There's a ghost behind the house,
Shifty eyes and a striped nose long.
Aci aci, don't be afraid,
Nana have Oh! a stunt machete,
Ghost and demons will be afraid,
See the machete, surely they desperated!
If Nana, just say so,
Then my heart is calm so-so,
If come again, ghost and demons,
Aci will beat them with a brooms!
(Lirik tibai, mintak tolong cikgu Inggeris betulkan)
Lagu lain:. suci dalam.debu.
Alkisahnya Lagu suci dalam debu popular waktu abang tingkatan satu.
Naik bas pergi sekolah driver putar lagu ni.
Abang waktu tu ada minat sorang awek pandai English bernama Adibah nor(typo nama sebenar), jadi abang translate lagu Iklim versi English dan bagi kat dia.
Tapi cinta abang ditolak. Mungkin sebab kesalahan grammar abang yang telus sangat. Ha ha
Clean in dust!
(Sila Nyanyi ikut rentak asal)
You just like a clean water
In the glass with dust
Even the dirty.... you can see
Beautiful of clean is still protect
Love is not only at eye
Love coming from heart
Let be wrong.. from they eye
Let the different can see... between us.
I hope you... still can accept
Even looking so ugly
Because the real meaning of love
Only we feel it
One day will coming
The light will appear
The door will open
We step in together
That time we can see
The light is bright
The dust be a pearl
The ugly be honor
This is not dreaming
What I sharing
But very confident
Because of love
The sea will burn
Still I swimming
Selain itu, untuk menambahkan kefahaman dalam English, abang juga berpantun dengan orang-orang tua.
Contoh pantun;
The Pandan Island is far from land,
The Daik Mountain has three peak,
Though the body has rot in the sand,
The good deeds are never forget.
(grammar silap sikit sebab nak bagi belakangnya sinomim, adohai)
Terkadang abang juga ada berteka-teki dalam bahasa Inggeris;
1. Which mountain has three peaks?
2. Which island is far from land?
Sesekali, apabila berdiri seorang diri depan cermin, abang akan menari macam Michael Jackson dan menyanyi lagi ini;
You better run,
You better do what you can,
Don't wanna see no blood,
Don't be a macho man,
You wanna be tough,
Better do what you can,
So beat it,
But you wanna be bad,
Just beat it.
Bini abang cukup menyampah tengok ayah tergedik-gedik sepahkan bilik tidur dengan tarian gimnastik. Woha!
Kadang-kadang abang akan berpatriotik dalam Bahasa Inggeris;
Rukun Negara
Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan - Belief of God
Kesetiaan kepada Raja dan Negara - Loyalty to King and Country
Keluhuran Perlembagaan - The Supremacy of the Constitution
Kedaulatan Undang-Undang - The Rule of Law
Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan - Courtesy and Morality
Bila jumpa member-member berpendidikan tinggi yang bergelar pensyarah, doktor atau professor, tanpa segan silu abang akan terus bercakap dalam bahasa Inggeris dengan mereka. Begitu juga jika berurusan dengan orang Cina dan India, abang akan speaking dengan mereka. Malahan dengan kucing yang curi-curi masuk rumah pun abang akan halau dalam bahasa Inggeris. Malah sesekali bila berasmaradana dengan bini, kami speaking juga. Woha!
Dan pengalaman yang paling bernilai dalam hidup ialah ketika para pendakwah dari luar negara datang berdakwah di kampung maka abang akan menjadi pengalih bahasa untuk orang kampung yang tak tahu berbahasa Inggeris. Begitu lebih kurang…
“Alhamdulillah, Allah puts the success of human’s life in this world and the hereafter only in the perfect religion. The Perfect religion is carrying out all of the commandments of Allah following the way of Rasulullah S.A.W. All of the companions of Rasullulah have had the perfect religion in their life, It was mainly because all of them had six noble qualities with them. If we want to have the perfect religion in our life, we should follow the footsteps of those successful people by making effort to obtain and bring the six qualities into our life. If we have these six noble qualities with us, we will also be able to practice the perfect religion in our life easily…”
Alkisahnya, Pada suatu hari, ketika rancak berborak dengan kawan-kawan dalam bahasa Inggeris yang berterabur tapi janji faham, maka terciptalah satu teori baru dalam hidup abang. Kawan-kawan abang bila belajar bahasa Inggeris mereka ada target atau measurement masing-masing dalam menentukan setakat mana pengetahuan mereka dalam bahasa ini telah tercapai.
Sesetengah mereka menganggap sudah pandai berbahasa Inggeris apabila boleh berborak dengan pelancong asing. Ada pula yang merasakan mereka sudah fasih berbahasa ini apabila boleh menyanyi lagu Inggeris dan pada masa sama faham maksud tersirat. Ada yang anggap mereka sudah pandai berbahasa Inggeris apabila boleh mengarang resume sehingga diterima kerja. Selain itu, ada yang menganggap mereka sudah fluent English apabila boleh membaca novel barat tanpa merujuk kamus dan lain-lain.
Tapi abang lain, abang ada target tersendiri dalam menentukan setakat mana pengetahuan ayah dalam Bahasa Inggeris tercapai iaitu…
Dipetik dari buku Hamka keretamayat
Okey belanja sikit lagi...
Tapi abang lain, abang ada target tersendiri dalam menentukan setakat mana pengetahuan abang dalam Bahasa Inggeris tercapai iaitu…
Abang Mesti Bermimpi Dalam Bahasa Inggeris!
Maka untuk itu.., pada suatu hari yang lain
(Sekarang baru betul betul bersambung)
(cerita penuh kisah ini ada dalam buku Hamka keretamayat-Ngeteh dikubur ayah)
Buku ada stok.
Semusim di Syurga- kisah penduduk kuala syurga dan masalah agama.
Kisah laki bini-cerita pasangan membantu cinta dalam masa tiga hari.
Kisah anak bini- kisah anak tanya soalan pelik tapi di jawab oleh ayah dengan bergaya.
NGETEH di kubur ayah-kisah surat dari kubur kepada masyarakat kebanyakkan.
Kerana dia anak syurga:-kisah 12 parent OKU berdamai dengan takdir.
No wasap untuk order abang mayat share dekat first komen.
Don't say abang not umbrella.. ella..ella.. umbrella.. ella.. ella..
we are behind meaning 在 Namewee Youtube 的最佳貼文
I found that many foreign audience cannot understand the meaning of my English lyrics?. Malaysian and Singaporen friends, pls help me to translate it lah...
這次MV拍攝的主題是“歐洲杯”,所以請來了很多歐洲的辣妹和帥哥來演戲,裡面有的在大馬工作的,有的則是疫情期間滯留在這裡沒辦法離開的“遊客”?。MCO期間要拍攝本來就是很難的事情,尤其這是一首比較大的製作,我們全程都是被警察追著跑的,連電影局都來看著我們拍... 但放心我們都很乖地遵守SOP。甚至在拍攝前付了整萬馬幣給整個團隊包括演員都去做了病毒檢測(Swab test) 才敢開拍,我們已經盡力了。。。也請大家在家裡好好照顧自己,祝馬來西亞MCO 3.1愉快。
Thanks musician, crew, production team, actors, actress, venue and everyone who help us to complete this MV under such a difficult situation of the epidemic #CumdyCumdyProduction #SaBeelevendadewz #陈舒颐 #feniasworld #kyklamashka_ #yuri_caiyun #teenaik93 #brownie_08_06 #ammetta_supermodelmalaysia #djmimi7593 #krmlgn
#lera_holikova #sysy2387 #ibkinx #ODDDanceSchool #gerald_cph,And our most honorable sponsor
Btw, People are asking why we are using SGD in the mv? Because it is too “dangerous” to use Ringgit in this kind of mv mah... ?
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we are behind meaning 在 Fujii Kaze Youtube 的最讚貼文
Fujii Kaze - "Kaerou"
Director:Kodama Yuichi(vivision)
Assistant Director:Sato Ryuken(DIAMOND SNAP)
Cinemato Grapher:Okuguchi Makoto(Tsuji Office)
1st Camera Assistant:Shimizu Erika
DIT:Oyama Taito(progressive)
Lighiting Director:Kobayashi Kosei
1st Light Assistant:Omura Kiron
Prop Artist:Sakai Toshihide(TATEO inc)
Art Assistant:Sano Mariko(TATEO inc)
Grip:Taniguchi Takashi(OF)
Camera Car:Arai Keita(S3)
Casting:Yamauchi Tomokazu/Nishimura Kazuyuki(KOSEI)
Location Cordinator:Yamauchi Hiroshi
Stylist:Sugiyama Mayumi/Masuda Mika
Stylist Assistant:Oga Nozomi
Costume(fujii kaze):YOHJI YAMAMOTO
Hair & Maike up(fujii kaze):Takai
Hair & Maike up Assistant(fujii kaze):Morishita Haruka
Color Grading:Ishihara Yasutaka(SONY PCL)
Shooting Editor:Gorilla(vivision)
Offline Editor:Kodama Yuichi(vivision)
VFX:Mizuno Masaki/Kawasaki Kotomi(Khaki)
CGI:Takagane Koji(Khaki)
Mixer:Masutomi Kazune
Producer:Inagaki Mamoru(GEEK PICTURES)
Production Manager:Taniguchi Yuki(GEEKPICTURES)
PM Assistant:Kanazawa Satoru/Takahashi Hiroki/Takeguchi Akefumi/Oshida Keiji/Iwanaga Yasuhiro/Mimori Yosuke/Sakamoto Ryosuke(GEEK PICTURES)/Sato Yosuke(GEEK PICTURES)
Aoyama Asami
Sandy K
Shibamoto Yasuyoshi
Taira Jin
Tateishi Kirara
Tanaka Jin
Daikohara Chieko
Tenkou Mayumi
Hotta Shinzo
Fujii Kaze
Yamaki Koharu
Yoshizawa Kazumi
☆ 05.20(wed) release 1st ALBUM "HELP EVER HURT NEVER"(CD)
1. Nan-Nan
2. Mo-Eh-Wa
4. Cause It's Endless
5. Flavor Of Sin
6. Cho Si Noccha Te
7. Tokuni Nai
8. I'd Rather Die
9. Hey Mr.Wind
11. Kaerou
【First Edition】 ¥4,000(+tax) UMCK-7064/5
・Special booklet
1. Close To You
2. Shape Of You
3. Back Stabbers
4. Alfie
5. Be Alright
6. Beat It
7. Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
8. My Eyes Adored You
9. Shake It Off
10. Stronger Than Me
11. Time After Time
【Normal Edition】 ¥3,000(+tax) UMCK-1659
【Digital】 ¥2,100(+tax)
iTunes Store:
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Amazon Music:
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Official site:
Go Home
Written by Fujii Kaze
Prod by Yaffle
Mixing Engineer Masahito Komori
Recording Engineer Yoshimasa Wakui / Daishi Iiba(birdie house)
Mastering Engineer Tsubasa Yamazaki
Mastered at EELOW
Drums Leon Yuki
Electric Bass Naoki Kobayashi
Percussion Takashi Fukuoka
1st Violin Rina Odera
2nd Violin Natsue Kameda
1st Viola Mikiyo Kikuchi
2nd Viola Reiichi Tateizumi
Cello Yuki Mizuno
Acoustic Piano Fujii Kaze
You are melting into sunset
I am fading into sunrise
If our path never cross again
Then, that is the way it is
You're turning on the lamp
I'm searching for the light
We both have nothing to fear, nothing to lose
We both have nothing at all in the first place
See you, see you again
Those boys' eyes aren't innocent anymore
Those evening bells are ringing out but can't be heard anymore
That is, that is almost like
Everything seems to be over
Far from it, We've got a long way to go, and I'll never forget...
Ah Let's forget everything and go home
Ah Let everything flow away and go home
Though that scar hurts, tho this thirst never be quenched
That doesn't matter anymore, Let's blow them all away
Let's go home with a nice breeze
Let's go home with a gentle rain
What is the use of hating each other
I'm, I'm gonna be the first one to forget
You are worried about the future
I am still attached to the past
This is our last time, I'm supposed to be a God
But still we are too much human
I looked at the world without me
From above, and I found out
It keeps on turning exactly the same as always
That made me feel easy somewhat
See you, see you again
We say farewell at the right before the highway
Leaving all the hustle-bustle behind, I walk alone
Taking, All my life was about taking
And not a bit of giving
Not knowing the meaning of this life I've lived
Ah, Let's give everything and go home
Ah, With empty hands, Let's go home
What we can give is just what we are given
Let's say thank you and be honored
I'm waiting for you, Let's go home
Let's go home where happiness never ends
What can we take with us when we leave this world
Let go of the burdens we're carrying, one by one
What is the use of hating each other
I'm, I'm gonna be the first one to forget
Ah, How am I going to live from today

we are behind meaning 在 GDJYB雞蛋蒸肉餅 Youtube 的最佳解答
405 Method Not Allowed | #GDJYB 雞蛋蒸肉餅
Common faces she wears a common make-up
Common lives live in a common way
Common hobbies and common people
We are all printed on a digital page
Duplicated lives Duplicated loves
Who duplicated the ones who duplicated us
Reading the same code watching the same scene
Who shout out loud and breaks the sky in dreams
Someone is chasing behind me
Like a shadow like a copy
Something wrong about this city
Like a nightmare like a cage
Some sell their souls
Some trade for their lives
Staggering under the light
Who will take the flight
Some chase for meaning
Some run from lies
Some can’t even find a reason why
Till the day they die
Someone is chasing behind me
Like a shadow like a copy
Something wrong about this city
Like a nightmare like a cage
Someone is watching over me
Like a spider like a crow
Something evil is happening here
Like a black hole like a curse
Someone please show me where I should go
Just don’t go left and don’t go right
I can’t find the way to leave
Like a nightmare like a cage
I can’t find the way to leave
Like a nightmare like a cage
Like a cage
Music Composed & Arranged by | GDJYB
Lyrics Written by | Soft@GDJYB
All Guitars & Synthesizers by | Soni@GDJYB
Bass by | Wing@GDJYB
Drums by | Heihei@GDJYB
All Vocals by Soft@GDJYB
Recording & Mixing Engineer | Jay Tse
Mastering Engineer | Anthony Yeung@AYM Studio
Illustration by | Soft@GDJYB
Animated by | Wing@GDJYB, Jas
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