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#魔法部 和中華民國對外貿易發展協會 - TAITRA
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#融融歷險記 男主角 Ben 同台進行經驗分享 😉
衝一波 #經貿外交 及 #文化交流 🐳🐢🐙
⚠️ 重~點~來~了 ⚠️
要來送給 #15位 幸運的粉絲 😍
包括 👉🏻 聖克里斯多福及尼維斯皮雕、海地 REBO咖啡豆、海地辣木茶包、貝里斯辣椒醬、吐瓦魯貝殼項鍊、聖露西亞 Baron 醬料、聖露西亞特色娃娃、馬紹爾群島 Kili Shoulder Bag、馬紹爾群島扶桑花飾品、聖文森國 Grenadines 海鹽罐、聖文森國手工香蕉葉畫、諾魯椰殼鑰匙環、諾魯椰殼手環。
從現在起至 #11月11日 23:59前 (台北時間)
就有機會被小編抽中呦~ 😘
🔺 按下外交部粉專的「讚」(已是粉絲的就不用)
🔺 公開分享這則貼文
🔺 在本貼文下方標註3位朋友,並回答以下問題:
1️⃣ #吐瓦魯 🇹🇻 使用的主要通行貨幣為?
(A)新台幣 (B)澳洲幣 (C)吐魯番幣 (D)比特幣
2️⃣ 在 #諾魯 🇳🇷 的台灣農技團主要飼養的經濟動物為?
(A)台灣黑熊 (B)蛋雞 (C)柴犬 (D)梅花鹿
3️⃣ #帛琉 🇵🇼 為母系社會,但傳說女性擅入男人會館 (Bai) 會變成什麼?
(A)男人 (B)石頭 (C)戰狼 (D)超級賽亞人
4️⃣ 原住民族委員會與 #馬紹爾群島 🇲🇭 去年簽署的雙邊合作協定為何?
(A)東道主禮儀交流協定 (B)南島民族文化事務協定 (C)西太平洋振興計畫協定 (D)北風北大逆轉協定
5️⃣ 下列何者是 #貝里斯 🇧🇿 著名的觀光景點?
(A)大堡礁 (B)大黑洞 (C)大峽谷 (D)大藍洞
6️⃣ #海地 🇭🇹 位處加勒比海地區,但官方語言為何?
(A)法語 (B)海線客語 (C)西班牙語 (D)海地物語
7️⃣ #聖露西亞 🇱🇨 出了幾位諾貝爾奬得主?
(A)0位 (B)2位 (C)20位 (D)200位
8️⃣ 國人持本國護照入境 #聖文森國 🇻🇨 可享免簽證待遇的期限有多久?
(A)6小時 (B)6天 (C)6個月 (D)6年
9️⃣ #聖克里斯多福及尼維斯 🇰🇳 的主要經濟支柱為?
(A)觀光旅遊 (B)Johnny烤餅 (C)漢彌爾頓音樂劇票房 (D)國家寶藏
There is a light at the end of this tunnel that is the global pandemic, and one day we’ll be taking to the skies once more! With a view to that day, MOFA, TAITRA and Taiwan’s Travel Quality Assurance Association are hosting the Caribbean and Pacific Islands Tourism and Agricultural Products Marketing Campaign Event. We’re also holding a #PrizeDraw to to help you get to know Taiwan's diplomatic allies a little better!
The event will be held from 10:30-13:30 at the Grand Ballroom of the Grand Hyatt in Taipei on November 5. Representatives from five of Taiwan’s allies in the Caribbean and four Pacific allies, as well as 60 representatives from the travel industry will attend, with a special talk from YouTuber Ben’s Adventure, sharing his experiences traveling to Taiwan’s diplomatic allies.
Complete the three steps below before 23:59 on November 11 to be in with a chance to win a prize!
1. If you’re not already a fan, hit the “Like” button on our Page.
2. Share this post publicly.
3. Tag three friends in the comments section of this post and answer the following questions:
1️⃣ Which of the following is the main currency used in Tuvalu?
(A) NT dollars (B) Australian dollars (C) Turpan dollars (D) Bitcoin
2️⃣ Which of the following animals is Taiwan ICDF helping Nauru to raise?
(A) Formosan Black Bears (B) Chickens (C) Shiba Inu (D) Sika deer
3️⃣ Palau is a matriarchal society, but what do the legends say women will turn into if they sneak into the men’s house (Bai)?
(A) Men (B) Rocks (C) Wolf warriors (D) Super Saiyan
4️⃣ What bilateral agreement did Taiwan’s Council of Indigenous Peoples sign with the Marshall Islands last year?
(A) Exchange on etiquette and hosting guests (B) Austronesian cultural exchange (C) West Pacific economic stimulus agreement (D) Mahjong exchange agreement
5️⃣ Which of the following is a famous Belizean tourist attraction?
(A) The Great Barrier Reef (B) The Great Black Hole (C) The Grand Canyon (D) The Great Blue Hole
6️⃣ Haiti may be in the Caribbean, but which of the following is one of its two official languages?
(A) French (B) Coastal Hakka (C) Spanish (D) Mermaidese
7️⃣ How many Nobel laureates has Saint Lucia produced?
(A) 0 (B) 2 (C) 20 (D) 200
8️⃣ How long is visa-free treatment for Taiwanese nationals on entering Saint Vincent?
(A) 6 hours (B) 6 days (C) 6 months (D) 6 years
9️⃣ What is the main economic driver of St. Kitts and Nevis?
(A) Tourism (B) Johnny Cakes (C) Box office takings for "Hamilton: An American Musical" (D) National Treasures
Prizes: 15 lucky winners with the correct answers will receive one of the following special prizes from our allies:
A leather carving from #SaintKittsAndNevis, Rebo coffee or Moringa tea from #Haiti, hot sauce from #Belize, a shell necklace from #Tuvalu, Baron West Indian Hot Sauce or a doll from #SaintLucia, a Kili shoulder bag or a hibiscus accessory from the #MarshallIslands, Grenadine Wild Sea Salt or a banana leaf painting from #SaintVincentAndTheGrenadines, a coconut shell keyring or a coconut shell mobile phone ornament from #Nauru.
turpan 在 Phê Phim Facebook 的最佳貼文
Đại diện của Disney đã phản hồi, sau hàng loạt tranh cãi về Mulan khi những phút cuối cùng của bộ phim có dòng credit gửi lời cảm ơn tới 8 đơn vị đoàn thể tại Tân Cương, Trung Quốc, bao gồm cả sở cảnh sát và cục An ninh công cộng tại thành phố Turpan thuộc khu vực này.
Cụ thể, trong bức thư được chính trị gia người Anh Iain Duncan Smith đăng tải lên Twitter, Disney khẳng định đoạn credit gây tranh cãi là “một phần của thông lệ tiêu chuẩn trong ngành công nghiệp điện ảnh trên toàn thế giới”.
Đồng thời, ông Sean Bailey, Chủ tịch mảng sản xuất phim của Disney, cũng lý giải việc quay phim ở Tân Cương là nhằm tăng tính chân thực cho Mulan.
Thông tin chi tiết: https://phephim.vn/mulan-disney-phan-hoi-ve-lum-xum-ghi-hinh-tai-tan-cuong/
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turpan 在 八鄉朱凱廸 Chu Hoi Dick Facebook 的最讚貼文
【給迪士尼CEO的公開信:促披露與新疆政府達成的秘密協議】An Open Letter to Bob Chapek, CEO Walt Disney Company
I call upon Disney to disclose the details of its agreements with Xinjiang authorities, as well as all the subsidies, funding, assistances and instructions that it has received from the authorities.
As the movie is widely considered as an attempt to spread propaganda and whitewash China's cultural genocide, I also urge Disney to suspend the screening of such a controversial movie and clarify its stance on human rights violations regarding re-education camps in the region.
[An Open Letter to Bob Chapek, CEO Walt Disney Company]
Dear Mr. Chapek,
Since the release of its teaser trailer last year, Mulan has already been under heavy global criticism. A few days ago, it was reported that Disney offers "special thanks" in its credits to eight government entities in Xinjiang where re-education camps are reportedly located, including the Turpan Municipal Bureau of Public Security. According to the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, the Turpan Municipal Bureau of Public Security is responsible for running at least 14 re-education camps in the area "to extrajudicially detain minorities."
In October 2019, the U.S. Commerce Department already placed the department on its Entry List, for participating in "human rights violations and abuses in the implementation of China's campaign of repression, mass arbitrary detention, and high-technology surveillance against Uighurs, Kazakhs, and other members of Muslim minority groups in the XUAR."
While Disney has been completely remaining silent on the Uyghur issue, its cooperations with the officials responsible for brutal crackdowns on Uighur Muslim minority really sends an alarming signal to the world - what kind of values Disney advocates for, especially when the company's target market is the children worldwide.
Besides, the film also expresses thanks to three CCP's propaganda departments in Xinjiang, from the Publicity Department of CPC Turpan Municipal Committee, the Publicity Department of the CPC Turpan Gaochang District Municipal Committee, to Publicity Department of the CPC Shanshan County Committee. It casts more doubts on whether Mulan is the propaganda masterpiece that Disney works hand in hand with the CCP government to whitewash the cultural genocide and human violations on ethnic minorities in the region.
In fact, Mulan was filmed in 2018, the same year that China staged the hardest suppression on Uyghurs in the region. The film was also shot in locations where all these re-education camps have been documented. As media reports, there are at least seven re-education camps located all along the highway from the Turpan airport to Shanshan desert where the filming took place. Turpan was also the first documented case that political indoctrination was used against Uyghurs by the Chinese authority.
According to the 2019 Report on International Religious Freedom published by the U.S. Department of State, over a million of Uighurs, ethnic Kazakhs, Hui, members of other Muslim groups and some Uighur Christians were detained in internment camps in Xinjiang and subject to "forced disappearance, political indoctrination, torture, psychological and physical and psychological abuse, including forced sterilization and sexual abuse, forced labour, and prolonged detention without trial because of their religion and ethnicity."
As the incident has sparked global concerns, I call upon Disney to disclose the details of its agreements with Xinjiang authorities, as well as all the subsidies, funding, assistances and instructions that it has received from the authorities. As the movie is widely considered as an attempt to spread propaganda and whitewash China's cultural genocide, I also urge Disney to suspend the screening of such a controversial movie and clarify its stance on human rights violations regarding re-education camps in the region.
Joshua Wong
#存亡號召 #絕處逢生