【AppWorks Demo Day #15】
Date-- Thursday, Nov 9th, 2017
Venue-- 台大醫院國際會議中心 201 室 (台北市中正區徐州路 2 號)
12:30 - 13:00 Opening Remarks
13:00 - 14:30 Demo Batch I
14:30 - 15:00 *Break*
15:00 - 16:30 Demo Batch II
16:30 - 18:00 Open Floor
半年一次,AppWorks Demo Day 帶你看見數位經濟最前緣。
數位浪潮席捲全球,Apple、Google、Microsoft、Amazon、Facebook 等科技巨擘不僅躍居全球市值前五、營收更持續創下新高,證明新經濟的新力量。來自中國的騰訊則與老牌 IBM 並駕齊驅,躍居全球最有價值前十大品牌。攻克中國後,阿里巴巴與京東也大舉進行跨國投資,繼續拓展商業版圖。而與我們比鄰而居的東南亞,也在這場戰局中得到極大關注,印尼出現了 Go-Jek, Tokopedia 與 Traveloka 三大科技獨角獸,市值超過美金 37.5 億的蝦皮母公司、新加坡 Sea 則即將赴美 IPO。
本次 Demo Day 將有 28 支 AppWorks #15 團隊輪番登台,這群優秀大東南亞創業者來自台、港、新、馬與韓等地,開發的服務內容則涵蓋了 AI、FinTech、物聯網、電商、O2O 等垂直領域。無論您是想找投資機會、合作夥伴,或是想追上數位世界的脈動,這都是一場您不能錯過的盛宴。
AppWorks’ highly anticipated bi-annual Demo Day brings you to the cutting edge of the Greater Southeast Asia region’s rapidly growing Internet industry.
We’re now knee-deep in the digital era, where Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and Facebook are no longer Internet startups, but the top 5 largest companies in the world by market cap. It’s a fresh reality where China’s Tencent is now ranked alongside the perennial IBM in the globe’s top 10 most valuable brands. Meanwhile, frontiers such as Greater Southeast Asia continue gaining prominence as arising tech hubs, with deals and valuations on track to reach an all-time high. Indonesia’s trifecta Go-Jek, Tokopedia, and Traveloka have become market leaders in their own fields and emerged as the country’s shining unicorns, with Chinese e-commerce juggernauts Alibaba and JD.com both vying for a piece of the action and intensifying their stakes. And Singapore-based Internet company Sea is valued at over $3.75 billion, and has officially filed for its U.S. IPO, soon leading the pack as the region’s first high-profile exit.
The digital economy is not just about technical innovation anymore. It is THE most important industrial revolution that is happening now. We have witnessed how these small startups have turned into massive business conglomerates, and we should expect more billion-dollar startups to emerge. To foresee this global market trend, you should pay close attention to what startups are up to.
At the upcoming AppWorks Demo Day #15, 28 startups from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, and South Korea will be showcasing their groundbreaking new products and services in verticals such as AI, FinTech, e-commerce, O2O, and Internet of Things. Whether you’re looking for opportunities to invest, to collaborate, or hoping to witness firsthand the inescapable worldwide effects of the Internet revolution, this is an event you definitely don’t want to miss.
We extend a warm welcome to all of our friends in venture capital, angel investment, tech, and the Internet industries.
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