NGT48 membuat Project yang dapat diikuti oleh para penggemar NGT48 dari seluruh penjuru dunia. Project berupa kalian merekam video saat menyanyikan secara lipsync lagu NGT48 - Sekai no Hito e.
Video lalu di upload di Instagram dengan menggunakan Hashtag #LipsyncNGT48 dan tag akun
Tidak ada batas deadline, semoga kalian beruntung dan dapat masuk ke kompilasi video dari Project Sekai no Hito E ini!
Keterangan lebih lanjut :
In celebration of the release of NGT48’s new single “People of the world”,
we are looking for participants to join our “Lip-sync with the world!!” video project.【Please re-post】
The music video for the new NGT48 single “People of the World” was shot in Vladivostok, Russia. The team of Sony music labels, Ariola Japan and their colleagues would like to reaffirm the importance of "connection between people” through the process of making this music video, and it is this sentiment that we would like to share not only with Japanese people, but with "all the people of the world". BUT.... our lip-sync video project is still incomplete! And we need everyone, including you, to help complete it by posting a lip-sync video to your Instagram feed.
This project not only needs the support of NGT48 and their fans, but also the support of everyone that thinks this project might be fun, or challenging, or simply those who like NGT48’s new single.
We will make the NGT48 lip-sync videos with your Instagram videos, and upload them here and to NGT48’s official Youtube in the near future.
Please shoot a video of yourself lip-syncing the lyrics to “People of the World”(lyrics in accompanying photo) and post your video on your Instagram feed using the hashtag “#lipsyncngt48” to join in. Help us complete the “People of the world” lip-sync music videos!
Those who have posted a fun and unique video will be selected and have their video used in the next editions of the “People of the world” lip-sync music videos.
We look forward to watching your awesome lip-sync video!!
新曲「世界の人へ」、ミュージックビデオの制作過程のなか、“人と人のつながり”による喜びや大切さを実感した、 ソニー・ミュージックレーベルズ|アリオラジャパンのスタッフと、その仲間たちが、日本はもちろん、文字通り、 “世界の人へ”届けたい想いを「世界の人へ」リップシンク動画に込めさせていただきました。
NGT48ファンの皆さんをはじめ、 たまたま、この企画を目にした皆さんが楽しそう、面白い、バカバカしいと思いながら・・ご賛同いただけましたら、とても嬉しいです。
#NGT48 #世界の人へ #peopleoftheworld #リップシンク #lipsync