上週六(6/6),高雄市長韓國瑜遭到將近 94 萬高雄市民投票罷免後,韓國瑜所屬的中國國民黨在自家網站上分別貼出中英文的聲明稿,但是阿草發現,英文版和中文版的內容怎麼差異那麼大呀!
英文版的聲明引述中國國民黨主席江啟臣的話,表示國民黨 #反共、致力於建立一個民主、自由、繁榮、團結(或可譯為統一)的國家,並稱國民黨員一向將台灣人的福祉放在第一位。
(Chairman Johnny Chiang of the KMT states firmly that the Party – opposed to communism and aimed at building a democratic, free, prosperous and united country – and its members have always put Taiwan first for the benefit of the people. )
不過前述那段僅在英文版聲明稿裡出現的文字,卻被《路透社》等國際媒體節錄,《路透社》還因此解讀為國民黨在罷免案之後,決定與中國保持距離。(標題:Taiwan opposition seeks distance from China after poll defeat,連結:https://waa.tw/TOTOln)
#沃草又沃又草 #中國國民黨又中國又國民
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每月 199 元,留下守護台灣的力量!
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「opposition party中文」的推薦目錄:
opposition party中文 在 龍應台 - Lung Yingtai Facebook 的最讚貼文
《柏林脈動》(The Berlin Pulse) 今天出刊了。這是德國一年一度的外交及國際關係專刊。作者群包括學者、智庫專家、政府官員。
這一期談歐洲問題的作者有波蘭外長、Moldova 總理、德國國防部長等等等。
中國的全國人大外事委員會副主任委員傅瑩、日本眾議會議員Minora Kiuchi、巴黎的中國問題專家Francois Godement、曾任澳洲駐華大使,現任外交及貿易秘書長的Frances Adamson,以及台灣的龍應台。
答案:贊成 76%
反對 19%
跟德國一樣,台灣對中國大陸和香港的貿易順差,在2018年是831億美元。百分之四十一的對外貿易針對中國,中國大陸市場對台灣的重要不言而喻。然而,隨著近年來台灣海峽兩岸的關係緊張,反對黨(國民黨) 憂慮市場的優勢無法持續,而執政黨(民進黨) 則選擇強化選民對北京的不信任來抵制中國的影響力。執政黨最近提出的國安新法可能將任何被認定為為中國宣傳者入罪。
和歐洲一樣,台灣人對中國的感受也是複雜的。 當中國代表的是活躍的經濟機會時,很多台灣人就容易所謂「親中」,當中國代表的是壓迫和可能的入侵時,很多台灣人就是所謂的「反中」。問題是,中國兩者兼備。後果就是,台灣內部的分歧遠遠超過了僅只是政治和經濟的層面。
23 Million People on a Canoe
—Why Europe should care about Taiwan’s future
Lung Yingtai
On the day when the opposition party announced its presidential candidate for the 2020 election, I was sitting at a lunch table in Taipei listening to my intellectual friends uttering their concerns about the future of Taiwan. The pessimists phrased their pessimism in the form of questions such as “How many years do you think Taiwan has left?” The optimists expressed their optimism with dark humour, “Thank God they will be too busy with Hong Kong and the US for a while.”
Like Germany, Taiwan operates a trade surplus with mainland China and Hong Kong, amounting to $83.1 billion in 2018. With 41% of Taiwan’s exports going to China, Taipei’s economy depends on trade with the mainland. However, given the increasing tension across the Taiwan Strait, the opposition Kuomintang (KMT) in particular has been worrying whether Taiwan will be able to sustain these figures. The ruling Democratic Progressive Party, on the other hand, is capitalizing on voters’ intense distrust of Beijing, stepping up measures to “contain” China’s influence. Taipei recently drafted a national security law that would make it a punishable offense to spread “political propaganda” for China.
As in Europe, Taiwanese feel highly ambivalent about mainland China: When China signifies economic opportunities, most Taiwanese are 23 Million People on a Canoe Why Europe should care about Taiwan’s future “pro-China”; when China represents oppression and potential invasion, most Taiwanese are “anti-China”. The problem is that China resembles both. The result is a deep division among Taiwanese extending far beyond the political and economic spheres.
Given the circumstances under which Taiwan emerged and evolved, its evolution into an authentic democracy represents an extraordinary achievement. It was without a revolution that the KMT, which had ruled Taiwan for more than 40 years, put an end to martial law and, whether convinced or compelled to act, opened the country’s political system to sharing power. Without bloodshed, dissidents who had once sat in jails became legislators and political leaders. Since the lifting of martial law 1987, power has changed hands fairly and orderly, following the results of each election.
Taiwan has been a quiet democracy for more than thirty years, nearly as long as the four decades during which it has been isolated by the international community. The US does not formally recognize Taiwan but, as with Germany, acts as the country’s security guarantor. While Washington has indicated that arms sales to Taiwan will become more of a routine, China has devised a routine of its own by holding long-range combat drills and ordering its fighter jets to cross the maritime line.
However, the threat to Taiwanese democracy is twofold. The obvious one comes from China, and to a large extent lies beyond Taipei’s control. The less obvious threat is home-made, as the looming China threat tempts domestic politicians to mobilize the population’s collective fear to foment a tribal nationalism. Their success would pose a real danger to Taiwan’s democratic institutions.
Those who applaud Taiwanese democracy for the sole purpose of criticizing China make me nervous. Generations of Taiwanese fought and ultimately achieved a democracy – it is simply too precious for other people’s agendas, internal or external.
Germany has a unique history: its people have experienced first-hand how easily democratic institutions may fall apart when not meticulously guarded. Having received democracy as a gift following World War II and struggled to regain their freedom from Communist rule, Germans are in a unique position to understand both the predicament as well as the aspirations of the Taiwanese. Moral courage often comes from past sufferings. As a leading EU member state, Germany has a responsibility to maximize its own efforts as well as to influence others’ efforts for world peace.
But why should the world care about the future of Taiwan? First of all, save the Taiwan model, the world might have to accept the claim that democracy and Confucianism are incompatible, and that a communist China presents the only logical and inevitable path to modernity. Secondly, Taiwan deserves respect on its own merits. True, if China were an aircraft carrier, Taiwan would be a lone canoe. But standing on this canoe are 23 million people aspiring for a life with liberty and dignity. If it were an EU member, Taiwan would be the 7th largest of the Union’s 28 member-states (27 after Brexit), smaller than Poland but larger than the Netherlands or Belgium, with a developed economy ranking 22nd in the world by purchasing power parity. Do we really want to return to a world in which it is imaginable that countries such as Poland or the Netherlands should be deprived of their autonomy to determine their own way of life and political system?
The Berlin Pulse 2019
opposition party中文 在 DJ金寶 Facebook 的最佳貼文
🔥當「蔡英文或政府」,被挑釁式的霸凌(不包括理性的批評),你心中是否 #油然升起一股仇恨、#嗜血的快感?
最典型的就是 #通過海外捐款給臺灣候選人韓國瑜,從香港以海外名義捐款就有2000多萬人民幣。
⚫The name, date and place of birth on the passport belonged to someone else but the photo was his. His orders were to shift his attention from a covert operation to undermine Hong Kong’s democracy movement and focus instead on meddling in Taiwan’s 2020 elections. The ultimate aim was to topple President Tsai Ing-wen.
⚫The so-called “nine-in-one” elections in Taiwan in 2018 (during which officials from county magistrates to local mayors were elected) presented Beijing with an opportunity to challenge the rule of President Tsai Ing-wen. Wang helped direct a major operation which was ultimately aimed at throwing Tsai out of office in favour of a pro-Beijing candidate.
2018 台灣的九合一大選,給北京當局機會去挑戰蔡英文的治理。王的任務是主導行動,最終將蔡英文拉下,換上一個親北京的候選人
⚫“Our work on Taiwan was the most important work of ours – the infiltration into media, temples and grassroots organisations,” says Wang.
⚫He helped Chinese intelligence agencies build a “cyber army”, largely of university students, to shift political debate and candidates’ fortunes.
⚫“In Taiwan we had many places - restaurants, and IT companies - which we either acquired or funded,” Wang says. “If we wanted to attack someone, we could instantly collapse their Facebook” from Hong Kong, using false IP addresses to put out anti-democracy messages.
他們從香港使用假的 IP、並且在網路留下反民主的訊息
⚫Wang says CIIL also invested in Taiwanese media companies and built covert alliances with TV stations, allowing the control and censorship of news. He names food manufacturer and media owner the Want Want group as a key ally.
⚫“We also controlled media, like buying their ads to propagate the trend, and let them report in favour of those candidates we were supporting,
As well as directing positive media attention towards favoured politicians, including presidential candidate Han Kuo-yu,
⚫Wang claims he helped finance grassroots political support for the opposition. “With the Kuomintang [the Chinese Nationalist Party] candidates we … gave them full support. Then we also made donations to the temples and organised those believers to tour mainland China and Hong Kong, and influence them with [the CCP-aligned] United Front propaganda.
我們對 #在野黨,金援其地方政治勢力;
「對於 #國民黨的候選人,我們給他們完全的支持。我們也捐贈宗廟系統、組織,讓信眾去中國、香港旅遊。」
⚫As a result, we had a huge win ... and it was a glorious record,” Wang says.
「結果,我們取得了巨大的勝利(2018 台灣大選),那是一個輝煌的紀錄。」
⚫‘My heart is extremely sad’
For Wang it was a hollow victory. His son had been born in November 2017. Wang wanted to travel to Australia to visit him but his success in the 2018 Taiwan elections meant he was given a new task: interfering in the 2020 presidential election with the aim of unseating Tsai. This was when he received the envelope bearing fake identity papers.
“I was requested to change my name and whole identity to go to Taiwan and be a spy there,” he says.
我的內心非常悲傷。對我來說,這是一個空虛的勝利,我的兒子在 2017 年出生,我很想去澳洲看兒子,但是 2018 在台灣的「勝利」,也帶給我新的任務:介入 2020 總統大選、目的是拉下蔡英文。我收到了一個信封,裡面有假身份的相關文件。
「由於妻子在澳洲讀書,2018年12月來到澳洲看望孩子和妻子,在澳洲生活的幾個月,#我深深感受到這個國家的民主自由,這讓我更加對中共從事破壞世界民主與和平的相關行徑 #深感恥辱,所以我決定放棄新任務,徹底與中共決裂,我不願意繼續從事破壞民主自由的工作。」
【原始新聞來源】(英文、澳洲媒體 The Age)
🇦🇺🇹🇼🇨🇳The moment a Chinese spy decided to defect to Australia
🇦🇺🇹🇼🇨🇳Defecting Chinese spy offers information trove to Australian government
🇺🇸🇹🇼🇨🇳Would-Be Chinese Defector Details Covert Campaigns in Hong Kong and Taiwan
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