你知道嗎,2014和2015年的「我們的海洋」(Our Oceans)會議讓國際社會承諾保護近六百萬公里的海洋面積,這個面積相當於歐洲面積的1.5倍!美國在台協客座科學研究員黃培宜博士和環保科技官白瑞德(Fred Brust)日前出席了 台灣大學海洋研究所的海洋科學學術圓桌會議,讓AIT有機會瞭解台灣科學家在海洋生物多樣性、海洋酸化、和珊瑚礁保育等議題方面的重要研究。黃博士和白瑞德則與在座的科學家分享了美國在保護海洋方面的努力,包括由美國國務卿約翰‧凱瑞發起的「我們的海洋」全球會議。歡迎到以下網頁,瞭解美國和國際社會如何保護我們的海洋:www.state.gov/ourocean #OurOceans
Did you know that the 2014 and 2015 Our Oceans conferences resulted in international commitments to protect almost six million square kilometers of ocean? That’s an area one and a half times the size of Europe! Here is AIT Science Fellow Dr. Pai-yei Huang and Environment, Science, Technology, and Health Officer Fred Brust at an academic roundtable on ocean science at National Taiwan University’s Institute of Oceanography. The roundtable provided AIT with an opportunity to learn about Taiwan scientists’ important research on topics such as marine biodiversity, ocean acidification, and protecting coral reefs. Dr. Huang and Fred shared information about U.S. efforts to protect oceans, including the global “Our Oceans” conferences launched by Secretary of State John Kerry. Learn more about U.S. and international efforts to protect our oceans here: www.state.gov/ourocean. #OurOceans