[181511] 48311. 足球小將翼:大空へはばたけ"Captain Tsubasa" The New Soccer Star (1983)★★★
[181512] 48312. 足球小將翼:燃えろサッカー小僧"Captain Tsubasa" A Career Begins (1983)★★★
[181513] 48313. 足球小將翼:明日に向って、キック・オフ"Captain Tsubasa" Kick-Off for the Future (1983)★★
[181514] 48314. 足球小將翼:ボールは友だち"Captain Tsubasa" The Football Is My Best Friend (1983)★★
[181515] 48315. 足球小將翼:ライバルはどこだ"Captain Tsubasa" Where Is the Rival? (1983)★★
[181516] 48316. 足球小將翼:ゴールをかためろ"Captain Tsubasa" Blocked Off (1983)★★★
[181517] 48317. 足球小將翼:運命のロングシュート"Captain Tsubasa" The Show Must Go On (1983)★★★
[181518] 48318. 足球小將翼:さわやかコンビ誕生"Captain Tsubasa" A Perfect Duo (1983)★★
[181519] 48319. 足球小將翼:ラストチャンスにかけろ"Captain Tsubasa" The Last Chance (1983)★★★
[181520] 48320. 足球小將翼:夢はブラジルへ"Captain Tsubasa" A Long Way to Brazil (1983)★★
[181521] 48321. 足球小將翼:はぐれ狼小次郎あらわる"Captain Tsubasa" The Provocation (1983)★★
[181522] 48322. 足球小將翼:めざせ!日本一"Captain Tsubasa" No Easy Way (1983)★★
[181523] 48323. 足球小將翼:泥まみれの熱戦"Captain Tsubasa" Fast Game in the Mud (1984)★★✚
[181524] 48324. 足球小將翼:フィールドの貴公子"Captain Tsubasa" Tsubasa Is Sieged (1984)★★
[181525] 48325. 足球小將翼:傷だらけのキーパー"Captain Tsubasa" An Unfair Enemy (1984)★★★
[181526] 48326. 足球小將翼:夢はひとつ燃えろイレブン"Captain Tsubasa" The Verification Test (1984)★★
[181527] 48327. 足球小將翼:開幕!全国大会"Captain Tsubasa" The Youth National Championship (1984)★★
[181528] 48328. 足球小將翼:宿命の対決!翼VS小次郎"Captain Tsubasa" Fatal Confrontation (1984)★★★
[181529] 48329. 足球小將翼:恐怖の弾丸シュート"Captain Tsubasa" The Mighty Shot (1984)★★★
[181530] 48330. 足球小將翼:サッカーは俺の夢だ!"Captain Tsubasa" Soccer Is My Dream (1984)★★★
[181531] 48331. 足球小將翼:泣くな!翼"Captain Tsubasa" No Victory in Semi Final (1984)★★
[181532] 48332. 足球小將翼:双子のストライカー"Captain Tsubasa" The Brothers Tachibana (1984)★★★
[181533] 48333. 足球小將翼:石崎の大チョンボ"Captain Tsubasa" Ryo Shoots an Own Goal (1984)★★★
[181534] 48334. 足球小將翼:空中大決戦"Captain Tsubasa" The Fight for the Final (1984)★★
[181535] 48335. 足球小將翼:俺が大会一のキーパーだ!"Captain Tsubasa" The Best Keeper of the Tournament (1984)★★★
[181536] 48336. 足球小將翼:ガラスのエース"Captain Tsubasa" The End of a Career (1984)★★
[181537] 48337. 足球小將翼:ベスト4!激突"Captain Tsubasa" Encounters in Semi-Final (1984)★★
[181538] 48338. 足球小將翼:北国の熱きイレブン"Captain Tsubasa" The Brave Fighters from the North (1984)★★∿
[181539] 48339. 足球小將翼:血みどろの対決"Captain Tsubasa" Hard Confrontations (1984)★★
[181540] 48340. 足球小將翼:傷だらけの貴公子"Captain Tsubasa" A Wounded Prince (1984)★★
[181541] 48341. 足球小將翼:華麗なる対決"Captain Tsubasa" A Brilliant Fight (1984)★★
[181542] 48342. 足球小將翼:翼をワナにかけろ"Captain Tsubasa" Tsubasa in the Trap (1984)★★
[181543] 48343. 足球小將翼:とべない翼"Captain Tsubasa" I Can't Play (1984)★★★
[181544] 48344. 足球小將翼:よみがえれ翼"Captain Tsubasa" Tsubasa's Resurrection (1984)★★★
[181545] 48345. 足球小將翼:淳死なないで"Captain Tsubasa" Misogi, Don't Die (1984)★★★
[181546] 48346. 足球小將翼:ボクの心臓まだ動いている"Captain Tsubasa" My Heart Still Beats (1984)★★★
[181547] 48347. 足球小將翼:奇跡の超ロングシュート"Captain Tsubasa" Mega-Shot (1984)★★
[181548] 48348. 足球小將翼:眠れる猛虎・小次郎"Captain Tsubasa" A Wise Decision (1984)★★
[181549] 48349. 足球小將翼:復活!天才キーパー若林"Captain Tsubasa" The Finale (1984)★★
[181550] 48350. 足球小將翼:出た!先制のツインシュート"Captain Tsubasa" The Shoting Secret (1984)★★✚
[181551] 48351. 足球小將翼:激突!若林対小次郎"Captain Tsubasa" The Duel (1984)★★★
[181552] 48352. 足球小將翼:猛虎よ牙をむけ!"Captain Tsubasa" Roar, Lion (1984)★★★
[181553] 48353. 足球小將翼:危うし!ゴールデンコンビ"Captain Tsubasa" Nankatsu in Crisis (1984)★★★
[181554] 48354. 足球小將翼:炎のダイビングヘッド"Captain Tsubasa" The Equalizer (1984)★★✚
[181555] 48355. 足球小將翼:ピンチ!エースなき戦い"Captain Tsubasa" The Game Without Aces (1984)★★
[181556] 48356. 足球小將翼:やった!石崎得意の顔面ブロック"Captain Tsubasa" Against Better Knowledge (1984)★★★
[181557] 48357. 足球小將翼:小次郎のVサイン"Captain Tsubasa" Kojiro's Sign of Winning (1984)★★
[181558] 48358. 足球小將翼:奇跡を呼ぶトリプルシュート"Captain Tsubasa" Unsuccessful Overhead Kick (1984)★★
[181559] 48359. 足球小將翼:灼熱の延長戦"Captain Tsubasa" The Fight Continues (1984)★★
[181560] 48360. 足球小將翼:ああ幻のゴール!?"Captain Tsubasa" The Extra Time (1984)★★
[181561] 48361. 足球小將翼:オレたちは負けない!"Captain Tsubasa" What's the Result of the Extra Time (1984)★★
[181562] 48362. 足球小將翼:死闘!再延長戦"Captain Tsubasa" One New Strategy (1984)★★✚
[181563] 48363. 足球小將翼:復活!ゴールデンコンビ"Captain Tsubasa" Two Are Better Than One (1984)★★
[181564] 48364. 足球小將翼:最後の決戦!翼対小次郎"Captain Tsubasa" The Duel of the Strikers (1984)★★★
[181565] 48365. 足球小將翼:栄光そしてサヨナラ"Captain Tsubasa" Tears Despite Success (1984)★★
[181566] 48366. 足球小將翼:それぞれの旅立ち"Captain Tsubasa" Great Departures (1984)★★
[181567] 48367. 足球小將翼:オレたち中学三年生"Captain Tsubasa" The New Rival (1984)★★
[181568] 48368. 足球小將翼:V3への熱きスタート"Captain Tsubasa" The Shooting of the Hawk (1984)★★
[181569] 48369. 足球小將翼:新たなるライバル"Captain Tsubasa" Nankatsu vs. Otomo (1984)★★★
[181570] 48370. 足球小將翼:翼よ!フィールドの鷹になれ"Captain Tsubasa" Tsubasa vs. Nitta (1984)★★
[181571] 48371. 足球小將翼:ノートラップ隼シュート"Captain Tsubasa" A Hard Comparison (1984)★★★
[181572] 48372. 足球小將翼:挑戦者たちのララバイ"Captain Tsubasa" The Challenge (1984)★★★
[181573] 48373. 足球小將翼:打倒・翼!オレがヒーローだ"Captain Tsubasa" Decisions (1984)★★✚
[181574] 48374. 足球小將翼:甦ったエース・三杉淳"Captain Tsubasa" Race Against Time (1984)★★
[181575] 48375. 足球小將翼:夢の対決!三杉対小次郎"Captain Tsubasa" The Journey to Europe (1985)★★
[181576] 48376. 足球小將翼:ヨーロッパ発翼くんへ"Captain Tsubasa" The Duel (1985)★★★
[181577] 48377. 足球小將翼:フィールドに散った貴公子"Captain Tsubasa" A King Resigns (1985)★★
[181578] 48378. 足球小將翼:若林からの手紙"Captain Tsubasa" The Letter (1985)★★
[181579] 48379. 足球小將翼:牙をとぐ猛虎・小次郎"Captain Tsubasa" The National Championship (1985)★★
[181580] 48380. 足球小將翼:めざせV3!波乱の開幕"Captain Tsubasa" A Strong Enemy (1985)★★★
[181581] 48381. 足球小將翼:決めろ!ドライブシュート"Captain Tsubasa" The Shot from a Distance (1985)★★★
[181582] 48382. 足球小將翼:防げ!必殺のカミソリシュート"Captain Tsubasa" The Secret Goal (1985)★★★
[181583] 48383. 足球小將翼:ライバルたちの熱き足音"Captain Tsubasa" A Rival Does Not Give Up (1985)★★
[181584] 48384. 足球小將翼:出た!スカイラブ・ハリケーン"Captain Tsubasa" Air Acrobats (1985)★★
[181585] 48385. 足球小將翼:翼よ誰よりも高く飛べ"Captain Tsubasa" The Catapult Shot (1985)★★
[181586] 48386. 足球小將翼:立花兄弟・必殺のコンビプレー"Captain Tsubasa" The Acrobats (1985)★★★
[181587] 48387. 足球小將翼:決めろ!スライディングシュート"Captain Tsubasa" A New Trick (1985)★★★
[181588] 48388. 足球小將翼:激突!ベスト8"Captain Tsubasa" The Quarter Final (1985)★★★
[181589] 48389. 足球小將翼:北の荒鷲・松山光"Captain Tsubasa" An Uneventful Match (1985)★★★
[181590] 48390. 足球小將翼:ベールをぬいだ怪童次藤洋"Captain Tsubasa" Tsugito's Trick Box (1985)★★★
[181591] 48391. 足球小將翼:羽をもがれたフィールドの鷹"Captain Tsubasa" A Falcon with Lame Wings (1985)★★★∿
[181592] 48392. 足球小將翼:気迫の連続ドライブシュート"Captain Tsubasa" A Special Shot (1985)★★★
[181593] 48393. 足球小將翼:激突!ゴール前の死闘"Captain Tsubasa" The Fight Continues (1985)★★★╍
[181594] 48394. 足球小將翼:不滅のチームワーク"Captain Tsubasa" Teamwork (1985)★★★
[181595] 48395. 足球小將翼:燃えあがれ!ベスト4"Captain Tsubasa" Match Preparations (1985)★★
[181596] 48396. 足球小將翼:若島津・無念の初失点"Captain Tsubasa" Help Cry to the Substitutes' Bench (1985)★★
[181597] 48397. 足球小將翼:オリの中の猛虎・小次郎"Captain Tsubasa" The Present for the Captain (1985)★★★
[181598] 48398. 足球小將翼:怒りのタイガー軍団!!!"Captain Tsubasa" Top Performance (1985)★★
[181599] 48399. 足球小將翼:岬太郎のヨーロッパ便り"Captain Tsubasa" The Letter from Europe (1985)★★
[181600] 48400. 足球小將翼:夢のヨーロッパ遠征・選ばれるのは誰か!?"Captain Tsubasa" Who Will Be Chosen (1985)★★
[181601] 48401. 足球小將翼:フィールドに翔べ!鷲と鷹"Captain Tsubasa" Where Love Falls (1985)★★
[181602] 48402. 足球小將翼:北の荒鷲・無敵のロングシュート"Captain Tsubasa" The Attack Headlong (1985)★★
[181603] 48403. 足球小將翼:勝利への逆襲"Captain Tsubasa" Fairness Goes First (1985)★★
[181604] 48404. 足球小將翼:猛攻!四連続シュート"Captain Tsubasa" The Attack (1985)★★✚
[181605] 48405. 足球小將翼:傷だらけの翼よみがえれ不死鳥"Captain Tsubasa" A Captain as Hero (1985)★★★
[181606] 48406. 足球小將翼:さらば北の戦士"Captain Tsubasa" Bitter Tears (1985)★★
[181607] 48407. 足球小將翼:猛虎の挑戦状"Captain Tsubasa" Hyuga's Challenge (1985)★★
[181608] 48408. 足球小將翼:ヨーロッパの熱き誓いを思い出せ"Captain Tsubasa" Feverish Ravings (1985)★★
[181609] 48409. 足球小將翼:翼対イングランド重戦車軍団"Captain Tsubasa" Matchwinner Tsubasa (1985)★★
[181610] 48410. 足球小將翼:あらたなる試練"Captain Tsubasa" Surprise in Field (1985)★★
[181611] 48411. 足球小將翼:燃えるフィールド翼対ピエール!!"Captain Tsubasa" Tsubasa vs. Pierre, a Fair Fight (1985)★★
[181612] 48412. 足球小將翼:倒せ!ヨーロッパ・ナンバーワン"Captain Tsubasa" The Might of the Kaiser (1985)★★
[181613] 48413. 足球小將翼:無敵の皇帝・シュナイダー"Captain Tsubasa" Unexpected Visit (1985)★★
[181614] 48414. 足球小將翼:栄光へのラストキック"Captain Tsubasa" An Impossible Recovery (1985)★★
[181615] 48415. 足球小將翼:宿命の対決、ふたたび"Captain Tsubasa" The Last Fight Begins (1985)★★
[181616] 48416. 足球小將翼:世紀のラスト・ファイト"Captain Tsubasa" The Great Final (1985)★★★
[181617] 48417. 足球小將翼:先制のスーパーショット!"Captain Tsubasa" Nankatsu Is Down (1985)★★★
[181618] 48418. 足球小將翼:逆襲のドライブシュート"Captain Tsubasa" Don't Give Up (1985)★★★
[181619] 48419. 足球小將翼:火をふくタイガーショト"Captain Tsubasa" The Tiger Fights Alone (1985)★★★
[181620] 48420. 足球小將翼:王者・南葛最大の危機"Captain Tsubasa" A Despair Fight (1985)★★★
[181621] 48421. 足球小將翼:跡のドライブシュート"Captain Tsubasa" Tsubasa Doesn't Give Up (1985)★★★╍
[181622] 48422. 足球小將翼:日向小次郎の反撃!"Captain Tsubasa" Tsubasa Is Hurt (1985)★★
[181623] 48423. 足球小將翼:舞い上がれ!不死鳥"Captain Tsubasa" Thrill (1985)★★
[181624] 48424. 足球小將翼:燃えろ!炎のチームワーク"Captain Tsubasa" Keep on Fighting (1985)★★
[181625] 48425. 足球小將翼:夢のダイビング・オーバーヘッド"Captain Tsubasa" Dream Goal (1985)★★
[181626] 48426. 足球小將翼:ラストゴールは俺が取る!"Captain Tsubasa" On Knife's Edge (1985)★★★
[181627] 48427. 足球小將翼:守り抜け!俺たちのゴール"Captain Tsubasa" With All Power (1986)★★★
[181628] 48428. 足球小將翼:走れ翼!勝利のゴールへ"Captain Tsubasa" It's Getting Exciting (1986)★★★
[181629] 48429. 足球小將翼:運命のタイム・アップ"Captain Tsubasa" The Unsuccessful Tiger Shot (1986)★★★✚
[181630] 48430. 足球小將翼:駆けぬけろ!V3はオレたちの夢"Captain Tsubasa" Still Tied (1986)★★
[181631] 48431. 足球小將翼:奇跡をよぶフィールドの鷹"Captain Tsubasa" To the Last Gasp (1986)★★★
[181632] 48432. 足球小將翼:復活オレたちのキャプテン"Captain Tsubasa" Just 10 Minutes Left (1986)★★★
[181633] 48433. 足球小將翼:翼の最終作戦!!"Captain Tsubasa" All or Nothing (1986)★★★
[181634] 48434. 足球小將翼:傷だらけのヒーロー"Captain Tsubasa" In Last Minute (1986)★★★✚
[181635] 48435. 足球小將翼:栄光そして新なる旅立ち"Captain Tsubasa" Shared Victory (1986)★★
[181636] 48436. 足球小將翼:最高の友俺と若林源三"Captain Tsubasa" Memories (1986)★★
[181637] 48437. 足球小將翼:永遠のパートナー俺と岬太郎"Captain Tsubasa" Hoping for Europe (1986)★★
[181638] 48438. 足球小將翼:はばたけ!輝ける戦士たち"Captain Tsubasa" The 17 Best (1986)★★
[181639] 48439. 足球小將翼:天空翱翔"Captain Tsubasa" Soar Toward the Great Sky! (2018)★★
[181640] 48440. 足球小將翼:飛了"Captain Tsubasa" Take Flight! (2018)★★
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅Ja is so fly,也在其Youtube影片中提到,สวัสดีค่ะทุกคน วันนี้จ๋าพาเพื่อนและสามีของเพื่อน ที่เป็นพนักงานต้อนรับบนเครื่องบินทั้งคู่มาสัมภาษณ์ มาดูกันว่า จากคนที่ไม่เคยคิดคบลูกเรือ หรือ คบชาวต่...
「long distance flight」的推薦目錄:
- 關於long distance flight 在 stu sis Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於long distance flight 在 Focus Taiwan Facebook 的精選貼文
- 關於long distance flight 在 Tiara Jacquelina Facebook 的最讚貼文
- 關於long distance flight 在 Ja is so fly Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於long distance flight 在 好奇婆婆PoPoCurious Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於long distance flight 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的最佳貼文
long distance flight 在 Focus Taiwan Facebook 的精選貼文
It was a rare long distance test flight for the UAV, which was developed by the military's top research unit, the National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology, and normally takes only short flights over the Taitung Air Base.
long distance flight 在 Tiara Jacquelina Facebook 的最讚貼文
Reading this post by @Shacind Ananthan
(@shacindananthan) made me cry tears of joy and pride, I felt compelled to share it with all of you...
"This is for all my fellow Malaysians who are still abroad; I hope this gives you a little insight on what went on during my journey from the UK all the way to the hotel I am quarantined in in KL. To my non-Malaysian friends, this is me unabashedly showing off the exemplary work by our government. This is my tribute to the countless men and women in duty who assisted us with so much care and respect.
It all started on the plane from Doha to KL, where I had transited from Manchester. With a mere 50 people on the plane, we were all fairly separated to sit in isolation from one another. After taking off, we were handed a Health Declaration form to fill up. In addition to the general information (name, age, etc), COVID specific questions were also asked. It even asked for our flight and seat number- I figured it was to track down those who came in contact with a suspected COVID-19 patient.
When I landed in KLIA, we were greeted warmly by 2 men in uniform at the end of the jet bridge. One was coordinating us to queue, strictly keeping in mind the 1m gap, and the other was guiding us to the skytrain on a Segway. As we approached the skytrain, another policewoman took over and brought us to the bus lounge, where we boarded a bus to the arrival hall. Each bus had a maximum of only 10 people, and the seats were marked with an ‘X’ to make sure we sat adjacent to each other. In the bus was another policewoman who made sure we went in one by one, and only allowed the next person to enter once the previous one had sat down. A recurring theme you would find is that at every ‘checkpoint’ there were at least 1-2 officers who did their job so diligently, that there was no hold up, making the process very smooth. It felt as if this was an extremely well thought out procedure that had been going on for years. All the i’s were dotted and t’s crossed.
Once we alighted the bus, we walked to the immigration counters and were screened by an infra-red thermometry system. After passing it, we were guided towards a team of health officials from KKM on the right. I was very impressed with the number of health officials and the amenities provided for them. There were around 10 officials in what looked like full hazmat suits, each provided with a chair and table. I was greeted by this lovely woman, who asked for my health declaration form and reaffirmed if I had any symptoms. The constant glee on her face and referring to me as “adik” made me feel like I was in safe hands. The first step to addressing a crisis is to calm the stakeholders. It is the little things like these that reassures one in an anxiety driven situation. She then gave me a home assessment form where I had to monitor and report my symptoms daily.
After clearing the immigration, we queued up to sanitize our hands, and then were given another form to register our particulars and emergency contacts. We sat down and filled up the forms while waiting for 3 more batches of people to arrive. After 20 minutes passed, a police officer gave us a short briefing on the do’s and don’ts while in quarantine. The question on everyone’s minds was “where are we being taken?”. I overheard conversations of people praying that it was a five-star hotel in KL. However dire the circumstances, the innate Malaysian tendency to always expect luxury never fades, does it? The policeman politely replied that he wasn’t sure where we were going to be quarantined, but assured us it was going to be a good place nevertheless.
Then we were escorted by another officer to the baggage claim area where our luggage had already been taken off the baggage carousel and organized for us to simply go and grab them. I figured that this was to reduce the contact between people in case we crowd around the conveyer belt. This also significantly reduced the time taken for us to get re-organized. Take note of the little details that the authorities paid attention to.
Later on, the same police officer led us to the arrival hall where 3 Smart Selangor buses had already been parked for us to board. Before entering the bus, a fireman proceeded to fumigate our luggage and backpacks one by one, while we sanitized our hands once more before being handed a bag full of snacks by another officer. In the bus was a lady who helped us load our luggage. It was very systematic, only allowing one person in the bus at a time to maintain social distancing.
We waited for around 30 minutes for all 3 batches of people to board the buses. My mind was still in a state of disbelief, I and kept wondering how much manpower and logistics it must have taken to make the process as smooth as possible and achieve this insane level of efficiency. Before leaving, the bus driver announced that we were being taken to Impiana KLCC Hotel. Mental gasps could be heard from the 15 people in the bus.
The journey to the hotel was just short of 50 minutes. We were all aghast looking at the sight before us when we reached the hotel. People were busy clicking pictures and taking videos of the scene that frankly seemed like it belonged to a distant dystopian future. Dozens of people in full hazmat suits were standing by a long table which looked like an assembly line, busy screening and registering us aliens. Before we got off the bus, a man in a PASKAU uniform briefed us on the next course of action. He told us to keep our passports ready for registration. We patiently helped each other with the luggage (still maintaining an appropriate distance) and queued up according to yellow tapes on the ground. I was standing in line between two sisters, so I offered the one behind me to take my spot but she politely declined. Soon enough, it was my turn.
The lady at the start of the table proceeded to check my temperature with a temperature gun and passed me another form, similar to the home assessment one. I then handed my passport to the next guy who immediately photo stated it with the photocopier behind him. While waiting for my passport, the following person asked for my phone number and my place of origin. After I received my passport, I was given the room key along with two masks and was quickly thrusted into the hotel. While it seemed quick and rushed, it was effective as the primary goal was to limit as much contact with others as possible.
As I walked in, I saw the girl who was in front of me struggling with her 4 huge bags, so me and another KKM personnel assisted her into the lift. We had a brief conversation and I got to know that she was a third-year student who had to leave the UK and pack her things for good overnight. Laughing at the fact that our rooms were next to each other, we bid goodbye and stormed into our rooms. In the room were two boxes of bottled water, plastic bags for the contaminated clothes, a huge bag filled with coffee, biscuits and snacks and so on. We are being served good nutritious food three times a day and housed in a four star (some five star) hotel all for free of charge. There is 24/7 surveillance and a medical team at our doorstep at all times. I bow down to this great nation with utmost humility, thank you for this Malaysia.
This lockdown/ quarantine has really cultivated the sense of community and the innate feeling of unity that we had lost. Though the time frame of when this epidemic will end is still unclear, it became clear to me that we will pull through, because that’s what Malaysians do best. This was further proven when all 74 of us quarantined at Impiana KLCC were added into a WhatsApp group by Lieutenant Zakee (who was in charge of our welfare in the hotel) for ease of communication. The group was instantly flooded with messages of hope, optimism and love and gratitude for the lieutenant, health workers and other officers who heroically put our welfare in front of their own lives.
Why am I writing this? This is a primary account of someone who experienced the plight of leaving a foreign country overnight with an uncertain future. This is to counter the fake narratives online that seek to defame our great nation. The entire ecosystem functioned like a well-oiled machine, NO stone was left unturned. It is not an overstatement when I say that Malaysia has been one of the most proactive countries with tackling the menace of COVID-19. Therefore, I urge the armchair economists at home, the constant naysayers- if you cannot acknowledge the good our government is doing, at least don’t stand in their way.
Thank you again, Malaysia, for keeping me safe. I have always been, am always, and will always be a proud citizen of this country that has given me so much.
Tanah tumpahnya darahku!
- Shacind Ananthan
long distance flight 在 Ja is so fly Youtube 的精選貼文
สวัสดีค่ะทุกคน วันนี้จ๋าพาเพื่อนและสามีของเพื่อน ที่เป็นพนักงานต้อนรับบนเครื่องบินทั้งคู่มาสัมภาษณ์ มาดูกันว่า จากคนที่ไม่เคยคิดคบลูกเรือ หรือ คบชาวต่างชาติมาก่อน มาจบที่เป็นสามี-ภรรยากัน ชีวิตพวกเค้าจะเป็นยังไงบ้าง?
00:28 แนะนำตัว / Self-Introduction
00:37 เจอกันครั้งแรกที่ไหน? / How they met
00:51 แต่ละเดือน หยุดตรงกันมั้ย ได้บินไฟลท์เดียวกันรึเปล่า / Do they have same days off or same flights each month?
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02:38 เคยไม่เจอกันนานสุดกี่วัน / The longest period they were apart
03:15 ดูแลสุขภาพยังไง / How they take care of their health
03:58 แพลนมีน้องเมื่อไหร่ / Plan for having kids
04:37 ตั้งครรภ์ต้องลาออกมั้ย / Does the wife have to resign if she's pregnant?
05:08 มีลูก ส่งผลต่อการทำงานอย่างไร / How having kids will affect their work life
05:43 ทะเลาะกันมั้ย เรื่องอะไรบ้าง / Arguments and what they are about
06:30 ทำยังไงเวลาอยู่ไกลกัน / How to deal with long distance
06:58 แผนอนาคตเกี่ยวกับอาชีพนี้ / Future plan for this job
07:32 สวัสดิการ / benefits
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long distance flight 在 好奇婆婆PoPoCurious Youtube 的最讚貼文
Nonstop flight from Los Angeles to Shanghai. On my flight to Shanghai上海, a lot of great meal choices to choose from, and the food was pretty awesome for airplane foods.
#ChinaEasternAirline #Businessclass
long distance flight 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的最佳貼文
A white curry and the ostrich croquette first are first ostrich dish
specialty stores, and Raidarzcafe MACHⅢ in Japan by which an
international chef of in-flight food of Kansai International Airport
came to play if it ..black GSX1400.. compares it. come a black
bullet and to play
Osaka Prefecture Sakai City Mihara Ward north Yo 469?6
Information on shop holiday
The next day on the first Tuesday every month becomes shop holiday.
It is a sea bass and Gaeseccs) is a model ..GSX1400 (.. name of the large-scale automatic operation two-wheeled vehicle (motorcycle) that the sea bass had manufactured before. The vehicle model is BC-GY71A.
It appears as the maximum naked model in SUZUKI in February, 2001. Installed engines are a plating cylinders, forged pistons, and four Y701 type Abrahiya DOHC4 valve series cylinders of a complete new design that adopted the Ushiki valve soon. Displacement..engine..generation of heat..corresponding to..seemingly..water-cooled..engine..look..electric..fan..oil cooler..equip.Moreover, not the carburetor but the fuel injection is adopted for suction for the first time in sea bass's Abrahiya engine. The displacement of 1401cc is the maximum numerical value (It is "1400" and an actual displacement is 1352cc in the name of ..model ZZR1400 only for the export of Kawasaki Heavy Industries.. model though it is attached) in the car equipped with four series cylinder engine made in Japan.
Moreover, the only six velocity transmission is adopted by the Big made in Japan naked, and the comfort in a sporty running and the long distance touring is united.
Sales in the country were continued though the Abrahiya final edition was put on the market by a similar bandit in Britain in 2006 and the trend was paid attention (Special color and irregular Yoshi's mufflers were treated to this specification car as special equipment). However, the special edition announced as a domestic-oriented specification in February, 2008 became the final model, and production was ended in November of the same year.
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The 10 Longest Flights in the World by Distance · 1. Qatar Airways: Auckland – Doha · 2. Qantas: Perth – London · 3. Emirates: Auckland – Dubai · 4. ... <看更多>
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33 Tips for Making a Long-haul Flight More Comfortable · 1. Book your tickets early. · 2. Sit in the back. · 3. Use those air miles to upgrade. · 4. ... <看更多>
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Route category lengths tend to define short-haul routes as being shorter than 600–800 nmi (1,100–1,500 km), long-haul as being longer than 2,200–2,600 nmi ( ... ... <看更多>