對於我們許多人來說,當天的震驚,是一個不容抹滅的記憶。在那之後世界一連串的發展,讓許多的事物被賦予特定的色彩。包括國土安全和恐怖主義等等新的詞彙進入主流。中文翻譯成「聖戰」的伊斯蘭吉哈德 (jihad),成了這一串論述背後的壞人。但任何有回教徒朋友的人應該都知道,穆斯林大部分是非常溫和以及愛好和平的。為什麼有這樣大的反差?而在6到10世紀輝煌的伊斯蘭文化,以及後來發揚光大,橫跨近800年的鄂徒曼帝國,在第一次世界大戰之後又是如何發展?這一些問題都是我在選擇這本書的時候想要得到的答案。
這一連串因著堅定意志,和天時地利,與巧合之下,伊斯蘭的世界逐漸擴張在整個阿拉伯地區。到第6世紀開始,更是誕生了輝煌的文化,特別是他們著重翻譯和貿易,更是讓文化交流鼎盛。像是「一千零一夜」故事描述的繁華,還有現在數學基礎的阿拉伯數字和代數 (algebra),以及現代 AI 人工智慧必須由的「演算法」(algorithm) 都是從阿拉伯數學家 al- Khwārizmī 名字衍生的。在當時伊斯蘭文化強調的是對各種宗教信仰的兼容並蓄,社會的平等 (特別是對於窮人,另外伊斯蘭初期,婦女的地位也不低),和整體社會的和平發展。後來因著政治和接班人不明確的因素,什葉派和遜尼派的敵對,讓很多初期的善意開始變質。歷經鄂圖曼帝國百年的傳承後,包括阿富汗,土耳其,和伊朗,都有類似宗教改革的推動。但當時已經是面對20世紀的強大西方世界,因著石油的利益,讓這些改革受到嚴重的干擾。而1948年以色列建國產生的巴勒斯坦問題,更是挑起伊斯蘭世界最敏感的一根神經。
雖然這本書許多可蘭經內容,眾多烏瑪和哈里發的翻譯名字,不是那麼容易閱讀。但不要太在乎這些細節,還是可以掌握到一定的輪廓。冤冤相報的循環,到底要怎樣才能結束?我想引用我最欣賞的作 者,同時也是猶太拉比的Jonathan Sacks,在紐約 911 事件10周年紀念所發表的談話來總結:
“Whenever Me takes precedence over We, and pleasure today over viability tomorrow, a society is in trouble. If so, then the enemy is not radical Islam, it is us and our by now unsustainable self-indulgence. The West has expended much energy and courage fighting wars in Afghanistan and Iraq abroad and defeating terror at home. It has spent far less, if any, in renewing its own morality and the institutions — families, communities, ethical codes, standards in public life — where it is created and sustained. But if I am right, this is the West’s greatest weakness in the eyes of its enemies as well as its friends. The only way to save the world is to begin with ourselves. Our burden after 9/11 is to renew the moral disciplines of freedom. Some say it can’t be done. They are wrong: it can and must. Surely we owe the dead no less."
📗“Destiny Disrupted” 中文版 「中斷的天命」
📙“Not in God’s s Name” 中文版「毋以神為名」
我2018的top 10 之一,也是我知道惟一一本Jonathan Sacks的中文書。原來宗教戰爭,常常是一種有忌妒衍生出來的兄弟鬩牆? “當宗教將人變為兇手,上帝痛心垂淚”
全文與延伸閱讀的連結在部落格中 👇👇👇
#伊斯蘭帝國的吉哈德 #興亡的世界史
iraq中文 在 公民聯盟 Facebook 的最佳解答
蘇戴娜(Diane Sovereign)就任美國在台協會文化新聞組組長。蘇戴娜於2002年加入美國國務院,並先後擔任美國駐亞洲、歐洲和美洲的外交官。她曾擔任位於布魯塞爾的美國駐北大西洋公約組織使團政治官、美國駐伊拉克摩蘇爾文化新聞組組長、美國駐中國北京舊大使館領事官和政治官、美國駐中國北京新大使館副發言人、美國駐武漢總領事館總領事、美國駐渥太華大使館文化官、美國駐布宜諾斯艾利斯大使館發言人。在進入政府部門之前,她曾在洛杉磯和舊金山的國內法律師事務所擔任7年的公司法律師。
✨Diane Sovereign Assumes Duties as AIT’s Public Affairs Officer✨
Diane Sovereign is currently head of Public Affairs at the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT). She joined the United States Department of State in 2002, and has served as a diplomat in Asia, Europe and the Americas. Prior positions include: USNATO in Brussels as a Political Officer; in Mosul, Iraq as the Public Affairs Officer; at the “old” Embassy in Beijing, China as a Consular and Political Officer; at the “new” Embassy in Beijing as the Deputy Spokesperson; at the U.S. Consulate in Wuhan, China as the Consul General; at Embassy Ottawa as the Cultural Affairs Officer, and at Embassy Buenos Aires as the Press Attaché. Prior to government service, she spent 7 years as a corporate lawyer in the Los Angeles and San Francisco offices of a national law firm, practicing labor and employment law.
Born in Japan, she was educated in California, receiving her B.A. in International Relations from Pomona College and her J.D. from UC Hastings College of the Law. In 2019, Diane obtained a Master’s Degree in National Security from the U.S. National War College, Eisenhower School. Diane speaks Chinese, Spanish, and French. She and her daughter arrived in Taipei from Washington D.C. in the summer of 2020.
iraq中文 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最佳解答
蘇戴娜(Diane Sovereign)就任美國在台協會文化新聞組組長。蘇戴娜於2002年加入美國國務院,並先後擔任美國駐亞洲、歐洲和美洲的外交官。她曾擔任位於布魯塞爾的美國駐北大西洋公約組織使團政治官、美國駐伊拉克摩蘇爾文化新聞組組長、美國駐中國北京舊大使館領事官和政治官、美國駐中國北京新大使館副發言人、美國駐武漢總領事館總領事、美國駐渥太華大使館文化官、美國駐布宜諾斯艾利斯大使館發言人。在進入政府部門之前,她曾在洛杉磯和舊金山的國內法律師事務所擔任7年的公司法律師。
✨Diane Sovereign Assumes Duties as AIT’s Public Affairs Officer✨
Diane Sovereign is currently head of Public Affairs at the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT). She joined the United States Department of State in 2002, and has served as a diplomat in Asia, Europe and the Americas. Prior positions include: USNATO in Brussels as a Political Officer; in Mosul, Iraq as the Public Affairs Officer; at the “old” Embassy in Beijing, China as a Consular and Political Officer; at the “new” Embassy in Beijing as the Deputy Spokesperson; at the U.S. Consulate in Wuhan, China as the Consul General; at Embassy Ottawa as the Cultural Affairs Officer, and at Embassy Buenos Aires as the Press Attaché. Prior to government service, she spent 7 years as a corporate lawyer in the Los Angeles and San Francisco offices of a national law firm, practicing labor and employment law.
Born in Japan, she was educated in California, receiving her B.A. in International Relations from Pomona College and her J.D. from UC Hastings College of the Law. In 2019, Diane obtained a Master’s Degree in National Security from the U.S. National War College, Eisenhower School. Diane speaks Chinese, Spanish, and French. She and her daughter arrived in Taipei from Washington D.C. in the summer of 2020.
iraq中文 在 Iraq: Harsh Living - YouTube 的推薦與評價
There are more than 350 settlements for internally displaced people in Iraq.The living conditions in most of them are dire. ... <看更多>