Wow 🤩 Program Bukan Soal Kurus virtual pertama bersama lebih 1,000 peserta ended today. What an amazing amazing 8 weeks.
100+ videos n zoom tips
100+ workouts
200+millions steps
10000+km virtual run
And yes plenty of KGs n inches lost 🔥
🌸 I am so proud of each and everyone of you. Amazing to see perkembangan keyakinan, kekuatan dan empowerment anda sangat penuh inspirasi buat saya.
🌸 Sharing pada hari in our final ZOOM session begitu meaningful dengan pelbagai amazing stories yang positif, hebat dan sememangnya BUKAN SOAL KURUS.
🌸 Your journey tidak berakhir di sini. Today is the beginning of a new chapter. I am proud to call of you my family and wish you all the best along your perjuangan “kurus”.
🌸 Huge shoutout to everyone who made this inaugural BSK challenge a reality. All the amazing peserta, all the amazing coaches, @kementeriankesihatanmalaysia @myhealthkkm for entrusting us to execute this and my amazing co-partner @getfitwithgaya - you know how amazing you are 🌸
🌸 Also shoutout to my wife @rio_elani and kiddos @rio.mikaela n Rafa for letting me work 24/7 during these 8weeks. It is over ... for now 😂
✅ Kepada yang ingin “kurus” bersama kami, next season BIGGER n STRONGER still akan bermula Jan 9th 2021 -
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you 🙏🏼
#bukansoalkurus #kementeriankesihatanmalaysia #ifiter #jomkurus1malaysia #cabaranjomkurus #jk1m @myhealthkkm