🍂Roasted Prime Rib 烤牛排🥩🥩(自己去Costco買肉回來醃製烘烤)(當然不是我處理⋯我乾女兒的爸爸要負責)
🍂Creamed corn 奶油玉米🌽🌽
🍂Cream spinach 奶油波菜🥬🥬
🍂Grilled asparagus or steam veggie 烤蘆筍或清蒸蔬菜🥦🥦
🍂Mashed potatoes with gravy 馬鈴薯泥🥔🥔
🍂Pecan pie and ice cream 熱烘烘核桃派佐冰淇淋🍦🍦
紅酒 🍷🍷
跟牛奶(for keiki)🥛🥛
✔️三個配菜(可以都蔬菜 或是一個馬鈴薯類的碳水化合物)
可以考慮買 The Honey Baked Ham Company
買小的small half ham就很夠了
然後真的很想要有一隻雞 🍗🍗可以放一隻Costco或是超市的烤雞⋯製造一下桌上有雞的氛圍就好
🍯如果在LA/OC/ inland empire
牛排跟龍蝦海鮮可以跟 Seafood Papa 訂,直接送到家,不用去Costco人擠人!😊😊
🍯如果去Honey baked買Ham的人
配菜也可以直接在Honey baked 買喔(建議一定要上網或是之前先去店裡預訂,最好週一週二就把東西領回家,週三才去領會很可怕,週四感恩節當天才去買真的就是碰運氣!我真的在領預訂餐點時,看過臨時才去買的人為了火腿跟火雞大打出手)
🍯配菜在Trader Joe's 跟 Costco也有賣(請看我之前的TJ and Costco文)
除了💎💎鑽圈外,還有全鑽Lady Coco吊飾在旁邊
有興趣的朋友可以直接找South Coast的Koko
🌱🌱來Podcast找我玩: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/princessarah8s-podcast/id1536522611
同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過71萬的網紅VOGUE Taiwan,也在其Youtube影片中提到,水果這樣切才對!►► https://smarturl.it/9qkoc5 有些人喜歡像吃蘋果這樣吃番茄,這沒有錯! 但是還有許多其他方式可以準備或烹飪番茄。 例如,你知道你可以把番茄製成調味料嗎?還是把它們製成糊狀?你甚至可以把它們放入脫水器中,然後把它變成番茄皮革(說真的,試試看!)。 和Ami...
half and half cream中文 在 VOGUE Taiwan Youtube 的最佳貼文
水果這樣切才對!►► https://smarturl.it/9qkoc5
有些人喜歡像吃蘋果這樣吃番茄,這沒有錯! 但是還有許多其他方式可以準備或烹飪番茄。 例如,你知道你可以把番茄製成調味料嗎?還是把它們製成糊狀?你甚至可以把它們放入脫水器中,然後把它變成番茄皮革(說真的,試試看!)。 和Amiel Stanek一起以幾乎所有可能的方式烹飪和吃番茄。
#番茄 #水果 #療癒廚房
00:00 Intro
00:50 Raw Whole 生番茄
01:16 Sliced and Salted 切片並加鹽的番茄
01:51 Pan Seared 煎番茄
02:25 Fried 炸番茄
03:10 Blanched 燙番茄
03:47 Sushi 番茄壽司
04:34 Tartare 塔塔番茄
05:11 Raw Sauce 生番茄醬
05:45 Passata 義大利番茄醬汁
06:23 Cooked Sauce 煮過的番茄醬汁
06:56 Paste 番茄膏
07:33 Leather 番茄皮革
08:08 Powder 番茄粉
08:50 Smoked 煙燻番茄
09:21 Torched 噴槍烤番茄
09:51 Laser 雷射番茄
10:50 Juice 番茄汁
11:15 Water 番茄水
11:53 Soda 番茄汽水
12:30 Campfire (2 - Ways) 營火烤番茄
12:44 Foil Wrapped 鋁箔紙包番茄
13:03 Charred 烤焦番茄
13:23 Campfire Sauce 營火番茄醬汁
13:57 On A Stick 樹枝烤番茄
15:20 Ice Pop 番茄冰棒
16:03 Granita 番茄冰沙
16:47 Ice Cream 番茄冰淇淋
17:40 Baked 烤番茄
18:13 Roasted 燒烤番茄
18:43 Broiled 用上火烤番茄
19:19 Confit 油封番茄
19:54 Grilled (3 Ways) 烤肉爐番茄
20:11 Whole Grilled 烤全番茄
20:29 Half Grilled 烤半番茄
20:29 Skewered 串烤番茄
21:12 Gazpacho 西班牙冷湯
21:41 Blender 攪拌機煮番茄
22:15 Microwave 微波爐番茄
22:49 Iron 熨斗番茄
23:19 Sous Vide 舒肥番茄
23:57 Slow Cooker 慢燉鍋番茄
24:26 Canned 番茄罐頭
25:04 Brûlée 焦糖番茄
25:42 Tarte Tatin 焦糖反烤番茄塔
26:32 Pickled 醃漬番茄
27:05 Fermented 發酵過的番茄
28:02 Caviar 番茄魚子醬
28:52 Aspic 番茄水晶凍
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half and half cream中文 在 Andy Dark Youtube 的最佳解答
【同遊異輯 COLLAGE #2 | 3款高級牛扒醬汁】
⭐跟埋John Rocha 學做兩款配菜!
⭐Check out John's video and learn how to make two side dishes!
▶▶▶ https://youtu.be/QAzpPo22X10
我與John Rocha的合作項目 「同遊異輯 COLLAGE」也算終於開始啦。第一集就有我們分別製作出兩款配菜和三種醬汁去配襯牛扒。
亦在此感謝Marble Prime送上片中的安格斯黑牛扒給我們試食!
-- 紅酒醬汁 Red Wine Sauce–
材料 Ingredients:
乾蔥 Chinese onion | 2 pcs
蒜蓉 White wine | 2 cloves
紅酒 Red wine | 100 ml
牛高湯 Beef stock | 100 ml
牛油 Butter | 10 g
麵粉 Flour | 10 g
做法 Method:
1. 開火,在鍋中放入油、乾蔥碎和蒜蓉炒香。加入紅酒,煮數分鐘把一半的水分收汁。
2. 之後倒入牛高湯,再收汁。
3. 把牛油和麵粉混合成麵糰。放入醬汁裡攪拌。調味。煮數分鐘汁稠身。完成!
1. Turn on the heat, pour some oil into the pot and saute the chopped shallots and garlic. Add the red wine into the pot. Cook for a few minutes and reduce the liquid in half.
2. Add the beef stock and reduce it in half again.
3. Mix the butter and flour to make beurre manie. Add it into the sauce. Season it. Keep stirring it and cook until the sauce starts to thicken. Done!
-- 蕎頭忌廉醬汁 Chinese Onion Cream Sauce–
材料 Ingredients:
蕎頭 Chinese onion | 3 pcs
白酒 White wine | 100 ml
牛高湯 Beef stock | 100 ml
牛油 Butter | 10 g
麵粉 Flour | 10 g
淡忌廉 | 100 ml
做法 Method:
1. 開火,在鍋中放入蕎頭碎和白酒,煮數分鐘把一半的水分收汁。
2. 之後倒入牛高湯,再收汁。
3. 把牛油和麵粉混合成麵糰。調味。放入醬汁裡攪拌。煮數分鐘汁稠身。
4. 關火,倒入淡忌廉。攪至均勻並完成。
1. Turn on the heat, get the chopped Chinese onion and white wine into the pot. Cook for a few minutes and reduce the liquid in half.
2. Add the beef stock and reduce it in half again.
3. Mix the butter and flour to make beurre manie. Add it into the sauce. Season well. Keep stirring it and cook until the sauce starts to thicken.
4. Turn off the stove. Pour in the cream and mix well. Done!
-- 賓尼士醬 Bearnaise Sauce–
材料 Ingredients:
乾蔥 Chinese onion | 2 pcs
龍蒿 Tarragon | 1 stalk
白酒 White wine | 100 ml
檸檬 Lemon | 1 pc
雞蛋 Egg | 1 pc
澄清牛油 Clarified Butter | 150 g
做法 Method:
1. 開火,在鍋中放入乾蔥碎、龍蒿碎和白酒,煮數分鐘把水分收至約1湯匙份量。倒出隔渣,把精華放涼備用。
2. 之後在熱水上放上一隻碗,放入蛋黃和精華。開始拂打。之後,一邊加入溶化的澄清牛油,一邊繼續拂打,至達到像蛋黃醬的濃稠度便可。
3. 再放入調味和龍蒿碎,拌勻便成!
1. Turn on the heat, get the chopped shallot, tarragon and white wine into the pot. Cook for a few minutes and reduce to a tablespoon of liquid. Strain it, and reserve the liquid.
2. Place a bowl over a bain-marie, put the yolk and the liquid into the bowl. Start whisking it, while slowly adding the clarified butter. Keep doing it until the consistency becomes something similar to the texture of a mayonnaise.
3. Season it and add some more chopped tarragon. Mix well. Done!
ᴀɴᴅʏ ᴅᴀʀᴋ
▶ ????????: Andy Dark | @chefandydark
▶ ?????????: @Andy_Dark
▶ ???????: https://www.youtube.com/AndyDark/
▶ ?????: contact@andydark.hk
ᴊᴏʜɴ ʀᴏᴄʜᴀ
▶ ????????: John Rocha鹹蝦燦 | @johnrochacooking
▶ ?????????: @johnrochacooking
▶ ???????: http://www.youtube.com/JohnRochaCooking
▶ ?????: eurasianfoodjourney@gmail.com
half and half cream中文 在 Andy Dark Youtube 的精選貼文
【Super Fluffy Souffle Omelette】
〚CHI VIDEO 中文版〛 舒芙蕾歐姆蛋/ 梳乎厘奄列 ▶▶▶ https://youtu.be/gZj0kpolXiI
After the craze for Dalgona Coffee, these two weeks are all about super fluffy souffle omelette! There are many videos on how to make it perfectly, but let me share a few more insider tips with all of you!
⭐ Things you need to know about whipping egg white! ⭐
1. Fat is the biggest enemy of foaming egg white.
2. Egg whites at room temperature can create bigger volume of foam.
3. Salt weakens the stability of the structure of foam. Don't put salt with the whites.
4. Adding sugar too early retards the foaming.
5. Slightly lower the pH of egg white can fasten foaming. Add half a teaspoon of lemon juice or a pinch of cream of tartare would help.
6. Sugar slows down air bubbles from bursting.
Eggs | 4 pcs
Butter | 2 tsp
Salt | 1/4 tsp
Sugar | 1 tbsp
1. First, seperate the egg yolks and the egg whites. Add the salt to the yolks and beat them for a minute until it becomes pale-yellow colour.
2. Whip the egg whites with the sugar until soft-peak stage. Then mix with the yolks thoroughly.
3. Turn on the stove, place the butter in and coat the surface of the pan. Place the egg mixture into the pan and cover with a lid. Cook it over low heat for 4 - 7 minutes.
4. After 4 -7 minutes, take off the lid. Tilt the pan, roll the souffle omelette down and fold in half! Done!
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