【 沒有但是,只有所以】
最近幾個月忙著新系統上線準備,需要常跟各路人馬線上開會。新系統要上線,本來就預期有一堆鳥事等著會發生。但每次問問題,系統顧問或者 Project leader 給的答案讓我忍不住歸巴豆火,尤其是明明可以輕鬆解決的流程,要我們花更多時間去重複填表單及人工媒合,這讓我這一向推崇 Work Smart 的懶人真的無法接受😫。
我心裡一直在等著那個傳說中的 But,好比說,「但是凱倫你可不可以不要再抱怨了?」;
但是,沒有但是,出乎我意料的,大老闆給我一個 So:
「這筆小獎金會是 XX % of your gross salary」
雖然我非常驚喜,但還是三八欠揍的開玩笑說 Do you mean yearly gross salary?嚇得大老闆趕快澄清是 monthly gross salary。
在荷蘭累積幾年工作經驗後,其實 LinkedIn 時不時會丟來一些誘惑機會,我也不是不心動,但台灣與荷蘭工作多年後,我也理解到,工作不是只有薪水還有職涯成長,能遇到一個讓我大聲說話,又看懂我專業與表現的老闆,真是難得的緣分。
Btw, 大家不要聽到 Bonus 覺得很爽,在荷蘭這些獎金被扣完 50 %以上的特別稅率,真的進入口袋的淨額實在不多,所以還是跟老闆要求加薪比較實在(喂!😆😆😆),不過我還是很感謝大老闆的心意。
這個鬼病毒真的有時候讓人感覺看不到盡頭,但也許就像工作總會遇到鳥事鳥人一樣,at some point, 我們就是得學著跟他們共存,不然因為鳥事鳥人而忽略了其他美好事物,就可惜了。
gross salary 在 Scholarship for Vietnamese students Facebook 的最讚貼文
[Tổng hợp] 4 học bổng du học ở Pháp
Gần về những ngày nghỉ hè không biết cả nhà đã có kế hoạch tìm kiếm học bổng gì chưa nhỉ? Bạn nào đang tìm kiếm cơ hội đi học ở Pháp thì đọc bài viết tổng hợp dưới đây nha, mong rằng Schofans sẽ có nhiều lựa chọn hơn khi cân nhắc chuẩn bị hồ sơ du học. Deadline một số học bổng cũng sắp cận kề nên chúc cả nhà nhanh chóng tìm được lựa chọn phù hợp và kịp thời apply nhé 😀
1. INSEAD Andreas Lehmann MBA'83J Scholarship (for Dec 2021 class)
- Bậc học: thạc sỹ
- Ngành học: MBA
- Học bổng: 20,000 Euros
- Link: https://sites.insead.edu/schlmgmt/dsp_schl_info.cfm?schlcode=tbc
- Deadline: 06.07 hoặc 17.08.2020
2. IDEX Université Grenoble Alpes Master Scholarships
- Bậc học: thạc sỹ
- Dành cho chương trình của các trường: Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Grenoble (ENSAG), Grenoble INP, Sciences Po Grenoble, Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA).
- Học bổng: 8000 euros/năm
- Link: https://edu.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/le-projet-idex/appels-a-projets-idex/call-for-applications-master-scholarships-session-2020-2021-734449.htm?fbclid=IwAR3swXF_49fYOjr0lEJLsSeTUylam2EBoFTN8MOesd_JaqvWPebj47Defqg
- Deadline: tùy từng chương trình, đến tháng 7.2021
3. Study a Masters in Europe Scholarships
- Bậc học: thạc sỹ
- Học bổng: lên đến €5000 cover học phí
- Link: https://www.educations.com/scholarships/study-a-masters-in-europe-15211
- Deadline: 17.08 hàng năm
4. CEMEF – MINES ParisTech PHD Position
- Bậc học: tiến sỹ
- Ngành học: Mechanics and Materials
- Học bổng: GROSS ANNUAL SALARY khoảng 26k€
- Link: https://www.cemef.mines-paristech.fr/en/open-phd-position-improvement-of-a-mean-field-model-dedicated-to-the-recrystallization-simulation/
- Deadline: 30.09.2020
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gross salary 在 Focus Taiwan Facebook 的最佳貼文
The UK-based group Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) this week released a report and video that it says shows gross human rights violations and serious illegal fishing offences aboard the Taiwanese fishing vessel Fuh Sheng 11, the first boat in the world to be detained for violating new international standards of decent work in the fishing industry. The group said when the boat was detained in South Africa earlier this year, Taiwan's Fisheries Agency had the opportunity to take action, but instead conducted a botched inspection, announced there were no human rights issues and allowed the boat to go free. EJF said crew members later told its investigators of beatings from the captain, 22-hour working days and serious injuries to migrants working in dangerous conditions. They also reported that the vessel had illegally finned sharks, including endangered hammerheads, according to EJF.
Taiwan's Fisheries Agency (FA) this week issued a statement saying the boat has returned to harbor in Kaohsiung city and is now being investigated to see whether it indeed abused workers, owed them wages, failed to provide proper insurance, and deducted their salary. The FA said the boat owner has already been fined NT$300,000 for not following regulations in hiring workers. It will also be investigated to see if it had indeed carried out illegal fishing, including catching endangered sharks, and shark finning, the FA said.
If the allegations prove to be true, the case could be further reminder of a longstanding problem – that Taiwan has laws, but enforcement is sometimes lax. This issue is especially sensitive as Taiwan is eager to prevent the European Union from issuing a red card on its fishing industry for illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing (IUU).
Watch the EJF's video to see what the migrants who worked on the boat said.
(Video courtesy of EJF.)
Posted on Sept. 15, 2018