根據倫敦研究機構ODI 6月份的報告顯示,中國「遠洋」漁船數量是世界上最多的,共有約17,000艘船,其中約1,000艘在其他國家註冊,中國漁船所有權高度分散於各個公司和國家,使得國際組織更難以有效約束。由於氣候變遷,海洋生物數量逐漸變少,擁有世界上最多漁船的中國,更應該負起責任,禁止過度捕撈引發的海洋危機,而不是與鄰為壑貪婪的擴張。
一起來看以下《華盛頓郵報》的文章:《260艘中國漁船在厄瓜多國家海洋公園旁濫捕》: https://reurl.cc/pykKMl
中文翻譯請見: https://reurl.cc/OqyR5D
#好鄰居壞鄰居 #聽其言觀其行 #說一套做一套 #己所不欲勿施於人 #以鄰為壑
【Dangerous Neighbor】
A free and open Indo-Pacific means good governance, economic activities that accord with international standards, and freedom from threats and coercion. Achieving this vision requires countries to work together in a constructive way.
Check out this article from Washington Post, “260 Chinese boats fish near Galapagos; Ecuador on alert”: https://reurl.cc/pykKMl
free and open indo-pacific中文 在 護台胖犬 劉仕傑 Facebook 的最佳解答
蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen 總統2019年5月9日於《外交政策》(Foreign Policy)期刊投書之中文翻譯。
劉仕傑 (青年外交官 劉仕傑 )
Taiwan's Self-made democracy still needs U.S. partnership
On April 10, 1979, the Taiwan Relations Act was signed into law after being passed by the U.S. Congress the month before, in response to President Jimmy Carter’s decision in January 1979 to establish official relations with the People’s Republic of China and sever diplomatic ties with the Republic of China (Taiwan). At the time, Taiwan was not yet a democracy, with a population of 17 million and a GDP per capita of $1,958―a flickering candle in the storm of the Cold War.
The Taiwan Relations Act mandates the U.S. commitment to peace, security, and stability in the Western Pacific. More important, it defines how the United States engages with Taiwan and ensures that our country has adequate defense capabilities to be free from coercion.
Against the backdrop of the Cold War, no one could have imagined that Taiwan would emerge as a beacon of democracy in Asia.
By embracing democratic values, the people of Taiwan took their fate into their own hands. The resilient Taiwanese defied all odds and kept making progress.
With steadfast support from our partner in democracy, the United States, the people of Taiwan transformed an authoritarian regime into a vibrant democracy and held their first direct presidential election by popular vote in 1996. Democratization was further consolidated four years later with a peaceful transfer of power from one political party to another. Then, in 2016, Taiwan broke through the glass ceiling by electing its first female president and a record number of women into the legislature.
Taiwan has also transformed itself from an aid recipient into a high-tech powerhouse featuring outstanding human capital, a rules-based market, and a sound legal framework that upholds property rights. Taiwan now ranks as one of the top 10 freest economies in the world and has become an important partner for many U.S. companies in the region and around the world.
Since I took office three years ago, Taiwan and the United States have stepped up our joint efforts to promote our mutual interests, such as religious freedom, media literacy, and fighting corruption, safeguarding our shared values in the Indo-Pacific region.
One lesson of the 20th century is that the forward march of democracy is not a given.
For the past 40 years, many members of Congress and successive U.S. administrations have honored the Taiwan Relations Act, making our partnership irreplaceable and shielding our region from increasingly aggressive anti-democratic forces. We stand together because we believe that the darkness and fear imposed by authoritarian regimes cannot withstand the light of democracy.
The U.S. government has stood firm and responded to challenges to our partnership with determination and perseverance.
The U.S. Congress has consistently demonstrated bipartisan support for stronger ties with Taiwan through legislation like the Taiwan Travel Act, proof that the creativity and commitment that created the Taiwan Relations Act are still alive in Congress today.
Our shared commitment to democracy and freedom is something that people living under authoritarian regimes can never understand. Faced with the growing challenges to the rules-based order established after World War II, our partnership is more important than ever.
Taiwan has survived and thrived under the most challenging circumstances of the 20th century. The people of Taiwan have not given in to the fearmongering of authoritarian regimes and never will. At this critical juncture, we celebrate and reaffirm our partnership with the United States and look forward to the next chapter in our success story.
As president of this beacon of democracy, I am committed to fighting the good fight. I will continue to work with our friends in the years ahead to create a better world for future generations and a more open and free Indo-Pacific and beyond.
Tsai Ing-wen is the President of Taiwan.
free and open indo-pacific中文 在 護台胖犬 劉仕傑 Facebook 的最讚貼文
【 關鍵評論 l 美國的外交彩蛋 】
謝謝The News Lens 關鍵評論網邀稿,我在關鍵評論的第一篇稿子從美國的印太戰略談辣台妹的出訪。
2019年3月18日,美國駐巴布亞紐幾內亞大使館的臉書刊出兩張看似無奇的照片,照片中幾位穿著南島風夏威夷衫的男子們站在風景宜人的小山丘上。照片說明很簡單:「國安會資深主任Matt Pottinger在索羅門群島與我們相互的友邦及夥伴為了一個自由且開放的印太一起努力」(National Security Council Senior Director, Matt Pottinger in the Solomon Islands working with our mutual allies and partners for a free and open Indo-Pacific.)
但第二顆彩蛋,卻沒有任何一家台灣的媒體注意到。陪著Matt Pottinger訪問索羅門群島的,除了台灣的外交政務次長外,還有一位美國白宮新國安成員,他叫做Alexander Gray。美國國安會最近新成立了一個負責大洋洲及印太安全的主任職位,上任的正是這位Gray老兄。
印太戰略是川普政府的核心外交政策,瞄準的正是中國這個對手。長期以來,大洋洲並非美國的優先外交重心,但隨著印太戰略的出爐,川普的國安團隊開始調整並增加在大洋洲的重心。在Alexander Gray新職位之前,美國國安會從未有專責負責太平洋國家業務的職位(Matt Pottinger負責的是亞洲),大洋洲業務向來就是其他單位兼轄。為了確實執行印太安全戰略,白宮國安會重新調整組織架構,並首創負責大洋洲及印太安全的主任(Director for Oceania and Indo-Pacific Security)。
川普國安團隊對大洋洲國家的提高重視,恰恰給了台灣力保太平洋六友邦(請注意,不要再說「南太六友邦」了,因為帛琉位於北緯七到九度,屬於北太平洋)一個最佳的合作舞台,看戲的觀眾(也就是中國)想必看得不是滋味。除了重整國安會組織架構並新設專責大洋洲業務的主任一職之外,其實國務卿龐畢歐(Mike Pompeo)在今年2月19日就已經釋放出不尋常的訊息。龐畢歐在密克羅尼西亞總統高峰會(Micronesia Presidents’ Summit)的書面演說中(請注意,是書面演說,龐畢歐本人並沒有飛去帛琉出席這個峰會,許多台灣媒體引用這段時寫「龐畢歐出席峰會」是不準確的寫法),罕見高調大篇幅提及台灣,稱台灣是個可信賴的夥伴。(有興趣的朋友可以參考我之前的分析)https://opinion.cw.com.tw/blog/profile/438/article/7782
咦?可信賴的夥伴(a reliable partner)一詞怎麼聽起來很耳熟?沒錯,美國在台協會台北辦事處(AIT/T)處長酈英傑(Brent Christensen)在3月19日走進了中華民國外交部,跟時常撿到槍的外交部長吳釗燮共同召開記者會,宣布台美成立「印太民主治理諮商」(Indo-Pacific Democratic Governance Consultation)機制,酈英傑處長在記者會上用中文清清楚楚地說「臺灣是美國在推動自由且開放的印太地區方面最好的夥伴」。
青年外交官 劉仕傑
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partners to make that vision a reality. Our vision for the region is centered on five core elements: ✓ Free and Open : We will advance a ... ... <看更多>