啲乞客官就最鐘意叫你埋嚟就裁判㗎啦,聽佢哋做Discussion啦,或者望住佢哋冥想。有啲直頭冥想到靈魂出竅,十問九唔應:『 Hello?係咪落單?😥』X1000 或者是咪我隱L咗形,點解無人理9我既!? 👻
之不過,當你話要走,轉頭返嚟幫佢落單啦,客官們啲靈魂就會立即番晒嚟,好很緊張話:『得得得好快!』但又繼續discussion唔7理你。再串77啲嘅客官仲會話返你:『好心急咩你!』『好趕時間呀!』『催催催催咩姐!😡』 試過講我想應咗其他Ready嘅客人先,有嬲嗨妒忌客官豬大叫:『 我唔係客咩!吓!🤬』
做咩者你!是咪太大風叫我嚟做牆擋風呀?定係覺得阿姐好靚想我企係度畀你望成晚呀!叫人嚟又唔出聲又唔想人走!你個on9怕羞低B里呀🤗~阿姐醒張卡片畀你啦!Ready就打嚟落單啦低B里!You are very welcome.😉🤲
A beggar customer always trick you to standby and watch them discuss or meditate. Part of their soul will leave their body and they will completely ignore everything you say.『 Hello? Are you guys ready to order?😥』X1000 ->NO ANSWER. Or am I Invisible? Why does no one hear me? 👻
But when you say you will be right back to take their order, their soul will come back to their body immediately and nervously say:『Okay okay ! Almost! 』But then they will continuously discuss the menu and ignore you AGAIN. Some jerk customers will even say:『 Why are you in such a hurry! 』『 Stop rushing me! 😡』 One time, I told them that I want to take care of other customers who are ready. Then they yelled at me:『 I am a customer too!!!🤬』
So, are you asking me to be here as a wall to block some of the AC wind for you, or do you think I am such a beautiful girl and you would like me to be standing here all night for you to look at? Asking ppl to come to you, then not saying a word and stopping ppl from leaving. Aren't you a fxxking stupid shy nerd?🤗 Why don't I give you our business card? So you STUPID SHY little F can call us when you're ready to order. You're very welcome.😉🤲
📮Comics posted every night at 11pm, if I don't become a lazy ass. 🤭