川普前幾天說, 以後的移民要在移民美國時, 就要會說英文. 經濟學人這篇文章講的挺好: 其實移民移居美國後, 早晚都會說英文的.
在我身上其實也應證了這說法. 旅居美國十幾年, 雖然平常有跟此地的台灣同胞保持互動, 但因為身處在美語環境, 也為了生存下去, 所以我漸漸地習慣說英文, 聽英文歌, 看美國電視, 看原文書. 我也很清楚地意識到, 自己的母語(中文)能力在退化中. 所以我前幾年開始接英翻中的case, 而兩年前也開始藉著寫中文個股分析與開部落格來彌補這問題. 很多時候不是我故意在秀英文, 而是我真的不知道該用甚麼中文字來表達意思了, 或是我覺得用英文能夠更傳神地表達我的想法.
"Rather than refusing to learn English, today’s immigrants actually abandon their first language much more readily than previous generations. German, the language spoken by the president’s ancestors, is a case in point. Germans arrived in America in big waves in the middle of the 19th century. Generations later, they were still speaking German at home; a small number were even monolingual in German despite being born in America. Only with America’s entry into the first world war did German-speakers drop their suddenly unpopular language.
Today the typical pattern is that the arriving generation speaks little English, or learns it imperfectly; the first children born in America are bilingual, but English-dominant, and their children hardly speak the heritage language. This is as true of Hispanics as it is of speakers of smaller languages—and all without a lecture from the White House."
DONALD TRUMP’s young administration is adept at one particular manoeuvre. Whenever the president is having a terrible time in the press, for some embarrassing statement, interview or imbroglio, the White House announces a far-reaching policy designed to stoke up his nationalist base while infuriating his opponents. In February it was the proposed ban on visitors from seven mainly Muslim countries. Last month it was the announcement on Twitter that he would not let transgender soldiers serve in the military.
In each case, the new policy tends to hurt people who can be portrayed as threatening outsiders to ordinary Americans who work hard and pay their taxes. Yesterday’s announcement to back a months-old plan to overhaul America’s immigration rules falls in the same category. If implemented, it would reward applicants with sought-after job skills who already speak English, at the expense of low-skilled workers without language skills.
This may seem perfectly sensible: after all, skilled immigrants are a good thing. But as an ongoing shortage of farm workers in California shows, unskilled immigrants are just as crucial. Equally, it is a good thing if immigrants speak English. But they need not speak it before arrival: as it is impossible to participate fully in American life without speaking English, the incentive to learn it quickly is overwhelming.
The administration’s emphasis on English skills therefore harks back to an old myth that the linguistic make-up of America, which has been an English-dominant country for a long time, is changing: that the status of English is somehow threatened, especially by Spanish, but more generally by the notion that English is no longer needed in the economy.
The myth goes something like this: today’s immigrants want to come to America to isolate themselves into communities that do not speak English. American policy tacitly encourages this by not being tough enough in requiring English. In the past, immigrants happily learned English quickly; “my grandpa came here from the old country but he refused to speak his old language; he insisted on getting by in his broken English until he was fluent.” But today’s immigrants no longer do so, as multiculturalism has replaced the melting pot.
All of this is wrong. America began as a thin band of English colonies clinging to the eastern coast, vastly outnumbered by speakers of other languages. The foreign-born percentage of the population peaked not last year—the administration likes to talk of “unprecedented” numbers—but in 1890, when the share of foreign-born residents was at an all-time high of 14.8%. This proportion has risen again after declining in the mid-20th century (it stood at 12.9% in the 2010 census). America today has multilingual big cities with their voting instructions in Korean, Chinese and Russian.
Historically, this is the norm rather than the exception: the years from 1925 to 1965, when immigration was almost completely cut off, were unusual. But those born from the 1940s to the 1960s became used to the low numbers of foreign-born residents, regarding this state as normal. That in turn supported a belief that America has always naturally belonged completely to English.
For most of its history, America was precisely the “polyglot boardinghouse” Teddy Roosevelt once worried it would become. That history has turned out very well not just for America, but for English—the most successful language in the history of the world. Along with American power, English has spread around the globe. At home, wave after wave after wave of immigrants to America have not only learned English but forgotten the languages their parents brought with them.
Rather than refusing to learn English, today’s immigrants actually abandon their first language much more readily than previous generations. German, the language spoken by the president’s ancestors, is a case in point. Germans arrived in America in big waves in the middle of the 19th century. Generations later, they were still speaking German at home; a small number were even monolingual in German despite being born in America. Only with America’s entry into the first world war did German-speakers drop their suddenly unpopular language.
Today the typical pattern is that the arriving generation speaks little English, or learns it imperfectly; the first children born in America are bilingual, but English-dominant, and their children hardly speak the heritage language. This is as true of Hispanics as it is of speakers of smaller languages—and all without a lecture from the White House.
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注射自己精子的婦科醫生 | HBO最恐怖的記錄片
注射自己精子的婦科醫生 | HBO最恐怖的記錄片 (ft. Professor PowPow)
HBO最恐怖的記錄片 (ft. Professor PowPow)
【恐怖】HBO最的記錄片 (ft. Professor PowPow)
【恐怖】HBO變態婦科醫生記錄片 (ft. @Professor PowPow )
【記錄片】變態姦污病人婦科醫生 (ft. @Professor PowPow )
【恐怖】變態婦科醫生記錄片 (ft. @Professor PowPow )
會讓你懷孕的變態婦科醫生 (ft. @Professor PowPow )
會令你懷孕的變態婦科醫生 (ft. @Professor PowPow )
HBO會性侵你的變態醫生 (ft. @Professor PowPow )
HBO記錄性侵你的變態醫生 (ft. @Professor PowPow )
HBO記錄片性侵你的變態醫生 (ft. @Professor PowPow )
Professor powpow:
一位執業超過40年的婦科醫生被揭發用自己的精子令數千名他的女病人受孕. 導致無數家庭的破裂.
各位觀眾大家好! 我是Professor powpow.
2020年6月美國HBO頻道播出一部名Baby God的紀錄片. 講述在美國內華達州一個知名婦科醫生Quincy Fortier由1940年至80 年代期間將自己的精子放進無數想生育的婦女體內. 令多人長大後慢慢發現原來自己並非親生父母所生, 而是這位婦科醫生的親生子女.
紀錄片由其中一名女兒Wendi Babst的角度慢慢揭發其他子女這麼多年是: 如何生活, 用什麼方式發現自己的身世, 並且家庭狀況最終破碎到什麼程度.
但由於最近professor pow pow我太多東西要做, 尋找血脈這些事就交由暗網仔去調查.
“養育之恩是無法報答” 因為父母放於己出的心機可以多於自己生命. 作為男人養了一個小孩20年才發現不是你的, 簡直是惡夢. 雖說Wendy Babst媽媽22歲時被joo射了惡魔的精yik.
但如果1940年代有Nordvpn至少Wendy媽電腦和網絡不會被黑客射入病毒. Quincy fortier醫生散播子孫令美國多個30至80歲的人變成同父異母的兄弟姐妹. 就如想入侵你iphone的種子散播在全球無數個機場, 咖啡室, 商場的WiFi, 所以只有散開到超過62個國家, 5200個強大服務器的Nordvpn雙層加密才確保你的電話不會突然間 “有左!”
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[Hannah Olson]
baby god導演Hannah Olson早已製作尋根節目Finding your roots, 並同時得知而開始對Quincy Fortier的故事感興趣.
這...是她揭發這個恐怖故事的時間線...也是由她觀點, 她眼睛| 拍出來的.
第二次世界大戰後, 1945年婦科醫生Quincy Fortier開始在內華達州一個名Pioche的小鎮開始當一個普通的家庭醫生.
1961年更以 ‘奇蹟醫生’ 的美yu開始在拉斯維加斯一所女子醫院當院長.
當時付近地區的女子相信, 如果跟老公或男朋友無法懷孕, 簡單地來看一看Dr Fortier就能成功有下一代. 誰知道他的做法是把該丈夫的精子woon上自己的.
題外話: 在5-60年代醫生常常會把自己的精子跟捐精者的精子kuw在一起來chung加命中luet. 因為好多那些單身女士只是想有bb, 不管親生爸爸是醫生或是捐精者.
1984年故事轉到加入警duey的Wendy Babst身上. Wendy從小到大也被告知自己跟父親那一邊的家人樣子完全不像. 同時wendy也對自己血統, jook poh等東西感興趣並驚嚇地發現原來yoing yuk自己一生的軍人爸爸跟自己一點血yuen關係也沒有. 調查後發現有其他都是母親曾是Fortier病人, 並對自己身世有疑waik的人. 通常這些有懷疑的人是: 跟自己爸爸樣子完全不像, 即使全家不讀書-這個人讀書成績也特別好,
並在網絡po cup化後找到多個同樣跟Fortier有關係的人, 並在網上討論自己家庭背景和故事.
紀錄片拍到包括有: Brad Gulko, 一位1966年出生的基因科學家, 與他的父親極為似樣. 或1949年出生的Mike otis, 發現真相後不敢告訴自己90多歲的生母. 因為當時他媽媽被搞到懷孕時她根本是不想有bb的. 她只是去了做一個列行的陰道檢查, Fortier卻將自己的精子放入她的陰道中. 令她迷忙地, 奇蹟地wai yun. 她其實是想繼續讀書的, 前途還是一片光明的.
得知各種真相後Wendy最討厭是自己的鼻子. 因為跟自己的爸爸實在太像了.
1991年Quincy fortier被ban fat ‘年度最佳醫生.’
1996一位名Mary Craddock的女人在1974至76年見過Quincy Fortier, 並正式控告Fortier爲她兩名子女的親生父親. DNA化驗沒那麼容易的年代, 是經過50年這樣uw心的行為fortier才正式被法律上起訴. 但最後還是庭外和解.
之後luk luk jook jook有人走出控告Fortier.
不幸地, fortier拖延時間...
到2006年, 他93歲死的那一年, 他一天都沒坐過牢.
訪問Fortier自己親生兒子Quincy Fortier JR, 兒子透露爸爸常有奇怪和自大的想法. 被質問他這些行為時, 他只是解釋自己是在幫助別人, 並沒有錯! 父母離婚後Fortier 4名親生兒女和前妻就一起般開住.
當中他的繼女Connie Fortier說了整個事件最恐怖的故事. 她不止從小被Fortier性chum, 但也同樣wai了fortier的bb. 之後她被送走, 她跟她的bb自生自滅.
“My father molested everyone. The happiest he ever made me was lying in his coffin dead. That’s when I knew I was safe.”
Quincy Fortier JR (兒子)
*dying at age 93, molestation charges
最後由導演Hannah Olson 所做的research得知記錄上至少有20多名醫生是做過同樣的事情. 由其是在DNA testing沒那麼po cup的時代發生. 有人曾經説過jeen男花心是因為男人的天職是來世界bo種, 讓自己的機因能wuy chuen下去.
那如果用職權, 信任, 女人的身體, 家庭的結構來自私地bo種在世間永遠存在還以爲自己是創造奇蹟的神, baby god 的男人應該是怎樣ching fu呢?
只能說, 他生理上是男人, 精神上人也不是.
The end

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