The 2021 #PrixArsElectronica in Austria has released the winner on June 14. The live broadcast of the ceremony was aired online due to the Covid. Hisn-chien Huang has also become one of the jury members of this year’s Computer Animation category. The members of the jury were also introduced during the broadcast.
Huang had received the Honorary Mention Award with his work “Bodyless” last year. As for this year, he was invited to join the jury. He said that being a jury allowed him to see many excellent productions from all over the world and discover many VR creators and talents. It was indeed an incredibly unique experience. In the end, the jury has selected the winner for the Golden Nicas of the Computer Animation category, “When the Sea Sends Forth a Forest” from China. The introduction of this production is in the link here:
Moreover, apart from his role as a jury member, Huang is also the curator of the “ #TaipeiGarden” this year, adding more interesting ideas to the theme. Stay tuned to see how this year’s “Taipei Garden” will bloom !
2021年奧地利電子藝術節 (Prix Ars Electronica) 於昨天台灣時間(6/14 )公布得獎作品,因疫情改為線上典禮直播,今年的Computer Animation項目,邀請黃心健擔任評審,典禮直播中也特地介紹評審團黃金陣容!
去年2020年黃心健曾以「 #失身記 」( #Bodyless ) 獲得同項目 Honorary Mention的榮譽獎,而今年轉換身份,即獲邀加入此屆的評審團,黃心健表示能夠擔任評審時,能看見來自全球更多優秀的作品,並且從中發現更多VR的創作人才,是個特別的經驗與收穫!最終,評審們從全世界870件作品中,選出2021年度Computer Animation項目的Golden Nicas得主,由來自中國的 When The Sea Sends Forth a Forest獲得! 作品介紹:
▍奧地利電子藝術節 連結🔗
#黃心健 #HsinChienHuang
Ars Electronica
#VR #台灣VR #TaiwanVR
taiwanvr 在 黃心健 Hsin-Chien Huang Facebook 的最佳貼文
📍6/13前,愛爾蘭的卡洛藝術節(Carlow Arts Festival)線上展出《沙中房間》(Chalkroom)360版本
#黃心健 #HsinChienHuang
#VR #TaiwanVR
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taiwanvr 在 黃心健 Hsin-Chien Huang Facebook 的精選貼文
This February, “Bodyless” was nominated for the 2021 “SMART” category by the FIPADOC International Documentary Festival held in Biarritz, France. Starting on June 12, the exhibition will be available online due to the pandemic.
FIPADOC focuses on innovative and original productions. It has held many technical forums to exchange ideas from the very beginning, gathering professionals, directors, audiences, and students to participate from around the world. The “SMART” category is meant to provide a platform for new media productions, allowing audiences to have the opportunity to experience different stories via interactive technology, other than the typical experience from film screens or TVs.
今年二月時,法國比亞里茨(Biarritz)國際紀錄片節( FIPADOC International Documentary Festival) 公布《失身記》(Bodyless)入圍2021年FIPADOC的「SMART」競賽單元,而展覽因爲疫情改由線上展出,將在6/12開展囉!
Fipadoc - International Documentary Festival 聚焦在創新的原創作品,開辦以來曾舉辦過不少技術交流論壇,齊聚全球專業人士、導演、觀眾與學生參與。而SMART單元 是 FIPADOC 提供給以新媒體創作的空間平台,展出的作品讓觀眾有機會接觸以科技技術體驗故事的互動方式,帶給觀眾不同於電影布幕或電視的經驗!
▍線上展覽Ticket購買來這邊 👉🏼
#黃心健 #HsinChienHuang
#Bodyless #失身記
#VR #TaiwanVR
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