Hi there ~ 👋🏿
I’m Kapten Black. This is my 6th season being Team Leader for the team KLCC. I'm still new to this big family and still learning to be the best TL for you all. 🙏🏿
In my journey with this program, I realize;
Some people wants to loose weight,
Some wants to be fit,
Some others just want to have fun,
While the rest are looking for support and strength to just continue living the day. 🏋🏿♂
Different reasons but same mission. Somehow their aim adalah untuk hidup sihat. Untuk diri sendiri dan keluarga. Dan apabila tercapai, xperlu untuk membanding-banding dengan others yang masih struggle kerana setiap orang fight this battle differently. Come and be with me to encourage others, be a good example, be a leader and walk together with me. 🤙🏿
So how about you? Please select and maintain your aim. Wherever you are, please come and join our big family in #JomKurus. Registration for #JK13 is now open guys. Jom Kurus #KLCCfortress! 😘
#JK13 #KLCCarmy #TeamKaptenBlack #PricelessStart #JKsekolah #FitSuperb #SwimMalaysia #PureTeamWorkout