False Theology Produces a Dead Assembly
““And to the angel of the assembly in Sardis write: “He who has the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars says these things: “I know your works, that you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead. Wake up, and keep the things that remain, which you were about to throw away, for I have found no works of yours perfected before my God. Remember therefore how you have received and heard. Keep it, and repent. If therefore you won’t watch, I will come as a thief, and you won’t know what hour I will come upon you. Nevertheless you have a few names in Sardis that did not defile their garments. They will walk with me in white, for they are worthy. He who overcomes will be arrayed in white garments, and I will in no way blot his name out of the book of life, and I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the assemblies.” (Revelation 3:1-6 WEB)
Jesus is the one who knows all things through the Holy Spirit who can be everywhere at the same time.
Jesus also holds the seven stars (each star represents a local church) in His hands—He knows exactly who is a true believer and who isn’t.
He is keenly aware of everything that goes on in the local churches all over the world.
The Sardis assembly had a reputation among men for being alive—perhaps they started with very dynamic worship and eloquent preachers.
However, somewhere along the way, the enemy managed to pervert their theology such that their teachings were no longer true and as a result, no one was getting saved.
Perhaps they stopped preaching about Jesus and transitioned to a message about morality and good works.
Maybe they taught that salvation is a progressive journey through obedience to the Law and one day becoming ‘holy enough’ to attain it.
Whatever it is, it wasn’t the Gospel—that we are saved by faith alone, in Jesus alone.
The word translated as “church” comes from the Greek word ekklesia which means an assembly of people.
In this case, the assembly in Sardis were a bunch of spiritually-dead people who came together for lively, exciting gatherings that did not result in salvation.
Only born-again believers are clothed in the white garments of righteousness.
Few were actually saved in the Sardis assembly.
Most were still spiritually-dead, probably thinking that morality and good works were the path to salvation.
Heretical cults like Gnosticism around that time believed that there was no such thing as sin, and only ignorance of knowledge. False teachers that taught this were just putting stumbling blocks in the way to hinder ignorant ones from salvation.
“For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world: your faith. Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?” (1 John 5:4-5 WEB)
Dear brethren, many false religions have snuck in with the superficial appearance of Christianity, but are actually deceptions of the devil.
They have outward illusions of holiness and religiosity, but those who teach these are still dead in their sins.
“And no wonder, for even Satan masquerades as an angel of light. It is no great thing therefore if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works.” (2 Corinthians 11:14-15 WEB)
At the end of the day, we are saved by faith in Jesus our Lord—the Son of God who became a Man to die as the perfect atoning sacrifice for all our sins.
He died, was buried and rose again on the third day and is now seated at the Father’s right hand, far above all principalities and powers.
Do you believe this and have you made Jesus your Lord?
If the answer is yes, your name is written in the Book of Life and will never be blotted out from it—you are eternally saved, lovingly protected in God’s mighty hands.
I hope you were blessed by the short message above. Have you read my book “Sandcastles Don’t Last Forever”? In it, you’ll receive revelations such as:
- What is the Book of Life and how predestination actually works (it doesn’t transgress our free will).
- What are eternal rewards and how do you maximize them for the best quality of life in eternity.
- The assuring and encouraging truth for believers about judgment before Jesus’ throne.
- Who is the coming Antichrist (letting Bible interpret the Bible) and how he will use the Mark of the Beast system to disqualify many from salvation during the Great Tribulation.
I believe the revelations within are very timely for the tail end of the end times that we are living in, and you will enjoy reading it over this Christmas season as we fix our eyes on Jesus again.
Get the ebook here ===> https://www.miltongoh.net/store/p12/sandcastles-dont-last-forever-milton-goh-book.html
Get the paperback copy on Amazon ===> https://www.amazon.com/Sandcastles-Dont-Last-Forever-Biblical/dp/172671327X
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#244 - The Feast of Firstfruits Fulfilled in Jesus’ Resurrection
#245 - Jesus Opened the Sealed Book
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聖誕節的源流探討 ◎撰文/傳道進修班教理神學組 ◎期數:303期 ◎2002.12號
日夜更迭如梭,歲月逝去如流,世人所期盼一年一度的聖誕節,又將在眾人凝眸渴望下幡然降臨;在基督教的社會裏,對這日的來臨,更是人人引頸企望,無不懷著狂熱的情緒,歡愉的神態,來慶祝這一日。關於耶穌基督降生的事實,新約聖經有詳細記載,我們對這則關乎萬民的喜信當然深信不疑:大約二千年前,主耶穌基督道成肉身降生在猶大地的伯利恆,有關這項大喜的信息,聖經的記載與歷史的報導都給我們鐵一般的明證(參:太二章;路二章)。可是聖經只告訴我們救主耶穌降生的史蹟,對於主耶穌降生的日子,卻無留下隻字片語。由於聖經和歷史都沒有記載,所以我們對祂降生的日子亦難加以考證。現今世人所謂的「聖誕節」,其來源亦是眾說紛云,莫衷一是,救主的降生究竟是在何月何日?是經由西方「大公教會」(Catholic Church)所遺傳下來的12月25日?或是東方大公教會所堅持的1月6日?真讓人有丈二金剛摸不著頭緒的困惑。事實上,以羅馬天主教為首,後來各新教繼續跟進的12月25日,已成為大多數基督徒的聖誕節傳統, 在舉世熱熱騰騰地慶祝聖誕節的當兒,身為萬國更正教「真耶穌教會」的信徒,竟然力排眾議,以不卑不亢的精神,奮勇地衛道,在聖靈帶領下歸回聖經真義,勇敢地對人云亦云的「聖誕節」說「不」。
英文的「Christmas」這個字是在基督(Christ)的後面加上彌撒(Mass)而成的,公元1568年首次出現在基督教文獻中,並且繼續沿用至今,其意為Mass of Christ(基督的彌撒)。德文的聖誕節是用(Weihnachten),這個字源於異教的節慶名稱,它指著冬天日照漸漸轉長的諸夜,也就是從12月24日到1月6日這段時日。
聖誕節原不是基督教的節日,更不是耶穌降生的日子,不但在新約聖經中找不到半點蛛絲馬跡,就是初代教父的教會中亦完全找不到有慶祝耶穌降生的影兒。從文獻資料得知(註一),最先人們在五月間記念主耶穌的降世,把鳥語花香的五月充作救主降生的季節,應是當世基督徒的一片美意,但這種無稽的隨興臆測,不久之後就雲消霧散,蹤影無處覓了。到了第四世紀初葉,在東方的「大公教會」(Catholic Church)竟以1月6日為耶穌的生日,而在西方的大公教會也不甘示弱地推論出12月25日作為主耶穌的聖誕日。如此紛紜的聖誕節起源,究竟是怎麼緣起的呢?我們要來探討「聖誕節」的源流,並將分兩大方向來研討;一為主耶穌降生的年日;一為慶祝聖誕節的源流。
基督教會歷史中,第二世紀的革利免(Clement of Alexandria,?-215)是當世新興神學「基督教諾斯底主義」(Christiam Gnosticism)的中心人物(註二),他是基督教全國第二大重鎮亞力山太的長老,也是當世聲名斐然、彥俊麇集「聖道學校」的主持人,他被喻為教會與學術之間的臍帶人物,在他的著作中(註三),曾經提到各種不同有關主耶穌基督降生的推算結果,但他還不知道12月25日是聖誕節這回事,這項史料告訴我們,把12月25日訂定為主耶穌降生的日子,應該是在公元215年之後的事了。
這個用人智推理而出的「聖誕日」,在當時西方教會內以訛傳訛地傳播開來,到了公元第四世紀,在奧古斯丁的時候,把12月25日充作主耶穌降生的日子,已成為西方教會內的傳統(tradition),奧氏在他的著作《De Trinitate,BKⅣ,Ch.5》(註五)寫道:「He was born according to tradition upon December the 25th。」(按照傳統祂降生於12月25日),這位後世神學界所景仰的拉丁教父竟然昧於事理地傾心維護這項憑空而起的人為「傳統」,並且為了鞏固這項既成事實的傳統,他嘗試運用「理性」推理的結果,再套回聖經中,並且在聖經的經文上掄揮起他慣用的「靈意解經法」大刀,作肆無忌憚的宰割詮釋;他引用「聖殿是46年建成的」(約二20)這段經文來作「靈意解」,這「殿」被喻為是「耶穌的身體」,他把聖殿被建的年日與主耶穌身體的形成這兩件事連結起來,現在他取出聖殿被建的年日中的數字「46」,配以神用「六天」創造萬物過程中的「6」,接著是把這兩個數字倍數地結合起來:46乘以6(46€*6=276),其結果是276天。3月25日是神創造天地的始點,是新生的「春分」。亦是馬利亞受孕的日子,經過276天的妊期就是耶穌降生的日子,算一算,正是12月25日。如此的「靈意解」,真讓一般不明究理的大眾嘖嘖稱奇、嘆為觀止,但那些堅守正意的真信徒目睹這般的「靈意解」不禁黯然神傷、指髮扼腕,只能祈求恩主導正。
12月25日雖然經由人為的推測被定為耶穌降生的日子,但這個「聖誕日」並沒有馬上被當成節日來慶祝,非洲人游留 (Julius Africanus,c.160-c.240) 在他於221所著的《Chronography》(註六);以及教父希坡律陀(Hippolytus,170-235)在他的《但以理釋義》(Daniel Kommentar)(註七)中已經以12月25日為「聖誕日」,但在教會中尚未被接納為宗教節慶。但在世俗風潮的鼓動下,「慶祝聖誕」的呼聲不時地叩響當世基督教界的門板。在應許的聖靈離開之後的「大公教會」中,雖然不斷地出現有心歸回聖道的「衛道士」,但慶祝「聖誕節」的潮流竟蠶食鯨吞了早期的基督教:
多神崇拜的羅馬人,在自然崇拜與神話傳統的融合下,把12月25日定為太陽神日,並以宗教禮儀來慶祝這「常勝太陽日」(Dies nvicti soli),這一日是黑暗漸逝,光明得勝之日;白晝漸長,暗夜漸短,光明正義的日神勝過了幽暗陰霾的黑暗勢力。
從外邦歸入基督教的信徒,他們棄絕了往日偶像崇拜的習俗,接受主耶穌為他們 生命的救主,從前深植內心的敬神情愫仍然盎然煥發,覺悟昨非而今是的當兒,在移情作用的情懷裏,把「常勝太陽神」的封號順道地冠於主耶穌的身上。 第四世紀初,基督徒為逃避逼迫所躲藏的瑩窟(catacomb),至今尚可發現他們在瑩窟牆上所畫的耶穌像,竟然手馭古羅馬的二輪戰車(chariat),頭頂著光明太陽的光輪 (nimbus),主耶穌的地位代替了往日眾神之尊的太陽神,主耶穌也被打扮成太陽神的模樣,在這種瀰漫著外邦宗教情愫的氛圍之下,把太陽神阿波羅(Apolo)的生日轉化成主耶穌的生日,似乎是應乎潮流的順理之事。
眼看著離聖道漸行漸遠的「大公教會」,在基督徒中亦有些教父奮起衛道,在「慶祝聖誕節」的微波冉冉盪漾之時,極力反對這股惡流的教父們亦如清流涓涓溢出,如亞利山太的革利免 (Clement of Alexandria,c.150-c.215),俄利根 (Origenes of Alexandria,c.185-c.254),亞諾比烏斯 (Arnobius,?-
c.330),伊皮發尼烏斯 (Epiphanius,c.315-c.403)(註八)。他們一致認為:基督教慶祝主耶穌的誕生是仿傚外邦世界為他們的神明、為他們的國王慶生,此等惡俗應該防犯杜絕。
雖然第二世紀到第四世紀,在基督教會裏反對「慶祝聖誕節」的「曠野式」吶喊處處可聞,但這些零星的曠野呼聲終究沒抵得住在當世「主流的大公教會」蔭庇下排空而至的世俗洪濤。尤其在對亞流主義不承認主耶穌係道成肉身的抗辯中,成為主流正統的「洛各思基督論」派 (Logos Christology)竟高舉「慶祝聖誕節」的旗幟,用以展示他們所信奉神「道成肉身」的教義。從此之後,在西方教會中,12月25日被正式定為耶穌降生的日子,並且迅速地在各處教會中普遍展開 「慶祝聖誕節」的活動。
生平以基督徒自居,但在死前才受洗的君士坦丁大帝(Constantine the Great,274/288-337)覺得偌大的羅馬帝國要完全統一,必須依賴基督教,因此他極盡心力地推廣基督教,從此之後,基督教幾乎傳遍羅馬帝國的每一個角落,成為名符其實的「國教」。主耶穌被喻為真太陽,這位屬靈的「公義太陽」(瑪四),竟被他們搬請去替代羅馬神話中的阿波羅「太陽神」,原本敬拜太陽神的「太陽一日,Sun-Day」在主後321年被君士坦丁大帝頒定為「主日」(Lords Day)(註九),在這一日,嚴禁城市居民工作。既然祭祀阿波羅專用的太陽日竟能轉變成敬拜主耶穌的「主日」,那麼順理成章地,太陽神阿波羅的生日12月25日就毫無疑問地轉化成新任「太陽神」耶穌的生日。於西元354年羅馬的教皇里貝瑞烏斯 (Pope Liberius,352-366在位),公然頒佈教令:12月25日為「聖誕節」並加以「慶祝」(註十)。從此之後,12月25日成為西方基督教會正式的宗教節慶 ,每年一度的「聖誕節」慶祝活動也明正言順地正式開鑼。
自從當世「大公教會」的龍頭羅馬主教頒令慶祝12月25日為「聖誕節」之後,這項慶祝活動亦漸漸向東方的教會擴散蔓衍,根據那先素的貴格利 (Gregory of Nazianzus,329-389)報導,于AD379年,君士坦丁堡 (Constantinopel)地區通過慶祝聖誕節的教令;尼撒的貴格利 (Gregory of Nyssa,c.330-c.395)報導,於382年加帕多加(Cappadozian)教區亦通過同等教令,屈梭多模(John C
hrysostomus,c.347-c.407)亦報導於AD388年,昔日保羅受差的始點教會安提阿 (Antioch)亦頒布守聖誕節教會。
東羅馬帝國的皇帝游斯丁二世 (Justin Ⅱ,565-578)在位之時,明文詔諭全國慶祝12月25日為「聖誕節」,從此慶祝聖誕節成為教會與政府共同關懷的大事。
當世界上大部份的基督徒在12月25日慶祝「聖誕節」的當兒,在亞美尼亞 (Armenier)的基督徒及東正教 (Eastern Orthodox)的教會至今仍然堅守他們1月6日的「聖誕節」,這個日子是由當時與西方「大公教會」抗衡的東方教會所頒定的,它源於亞力山太(Alexandria)異教節慶中「冬至日」的「水節」,猶如西方教會擷取羅馬神話中太陽神的生日為聖誕節,東方教會則攀附東方異教節慶中的「水節」,在這日慶祝耶穌降生,並舉行水的祝福與洗禮(註11)。甚至他們認為主耶穌就是在這一天接受施洗約翰的洗禮,藉著這次的洗禮,耶穌神聖的生命從此誕生,因此,對東方教會而言,1月6日是耶穌肉身的生日,亦是屬靈生命的生日,大肆慶祝,理所當然。
在福音書裏有關基督之降生,只記在《馬太福音》一章18至25節;二章1至2節;《路加福音》2章1至20節;及舊約聖經裏的《以賽亞書》九章6節;七章14節有預 言之外,並無有關日期的經文。因為主耶穌是:在肉身顯現的神(提前三16;約一14),在太初造萬物之先已存在(箴八22、30;彌五2),是無生之始無命之終(來七3;啟二十二13),乃超越物質世界的真神(約八23)。因此聖經裏只記著:當紀念為要完成十字架之救恩而死的主以外,卻沒有吩咐紀念祂的降生。
12月25日之聖誕節,顯然是羅馬教皇Liberius於A.D354年所定者;然而亞美尼亞 (Armenier)及東正教 (Eastern Orthodox)即以1月6日為聖誕節,兩者之日期皆屬冬天,而巴勒斯坦的冬天,也正是雨季,在這寒冷多雨的季節,夜晚絕無在野地裏放牧羊群的可能。但就在耶穌降生的那一夜,在伯利恆之野地裏有牧羊人夜裏按更次看守羊群(路二8-14 )。可見12月25日或1月6日並非是主降生的日子,而是有人主張:既然基督的救贖,是由主耶穌的死來完成,就當追本溯源;因祂的降生乃是救贖的開始。而採自異教的節日,世俗之人,有慶生日之禮,且世俗事神明,凡神明皆有生日,皆有慶典,教會對於事奉救主,而效法世俗事神明之所為,豈非從魔鬼之道而來。若果真要慶祝主的降生,如是由人任意定一 日為聖誕,豈非大大之褻瀆!
(註一)Williston Walker,《History of the Christian Church》,謝受靈、
(註二)Williston Walker,ib. P.126。
(註三)Clement of Alexandua,《The Stromata,or Miscellanies》,in:T
he Ante-Nicene Fathers,VolumeⅡ,ed James Donaldson,Eerdmans,Michig
(註四)《Weihnachten》,in:RGG3,Die Religion in Geschichte Und Gego
(註五)Augustinus of Hippo,《De Trini tate BookⅣ,Chap.5》,in:The
Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church,ed. Philip Sc
haff,VelⅢ,Grand Rapids,Michigan,1993,P.74。
(註六)Julius Africanus,《Chronography》,in:The Ante-Nicene Father
s,ed. James Donaldson,Volume Ⅵ,Grand Rapids,Michigan 1993,P.130-
(註七)Hippolutus,《The Extant Works and Fragments of Hippolytus》,
in:The Ante-Nicene Fathers,ed. James Donaldson,VolumeⅤ,Grand Rapi
(註九)Williston Walker,ib. P.183-272。
(註十)依據L. Duchesne 的研究結果,聖誕節的慶祝始於AD.335,但依據H. U
(註十一)Williston Walter,ib. P.271-272。
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gnosticism 在 gnosticism | Definition, Texts, Movements, & Influence 的相關結果
The designation gnosticism is a term of modern scholarship. It was first used by the English poet and philosopher of religion Henry More ... ... <看更多>
gnosticism 在 Gnosticism | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy 的相關結果
Gnosticism (after gnôsis, the Greek word for “knowledge” or “insight”) is the name given to a loosely organized religious and philosophical movement that ... ... <看更多>
gnosticism 在 Gnosticism - Wikipedia 的相關結果
Gnosticism is a collection of religious ideas and systems which originated in the late 1st century AD among Jewish and early Christian sects. ... <看更多>