2. 一百萬(YEN?)問題就係:點解2004年,我唔教書(裸辭的!),走去做銀行。呢個問題畀人問過無數次。朋友會問,女會問,見工又會問。我當然答過好多次,但好似冇好老實咁答過。我記得見工第一次問,係在荷蘭銀行(唔係西門吹雪,荷蘭銀行好多UNIT)(http://bit.ly/2ZhfqE8),全英文(唔通荷文?)嘅面試,後來好平常(全蝗語都成日有,雖然我懷疑佢聽唔聽得明我講乜),但當年已唔多慣。但總冇可能話畀荷蘭佬聽:It’s because of 安雅。No No No, Not the Irish Singer, I mean Anya Wu! Do you know Young and Dangerous VI ?Oh Young and Dangerous III was filmed in Amsterdam you know ? Featuring Ajax, your bank sponsored them.
(曼德拉效應冷知識:古惑仔六勝者為王英文並冇 Young and Dangerous,中文戲名甚至冇古惑仔三隻字,成個系列reboot前唯一一套)
3. 呢個係一個相當大嘅決定。仲係一個其實好多人都唔知點解,甚至我都唔係好知點解嘅決定。其他大事,例如買樓呀結婚呀,甚至係點解當時買點解買屯門點解娶呢個老婆(係咯,點解唔買貝沙灣?點解唔娶李佳芯?你話呢),都易解。
4. 但點解教教下書走咗去做銀行,就有點費解
5. 而由 2萬蚊變到萬綺雯,就更加加大咗個難度。其實唔難?你試下take 四成丕咳,自己主動喎,唔係人地減你。提下你,減咗四成人工,唔係要加返四成,係要加返七成,更唔好計中途通脹。再提埋你,我在九龍教書,唔使過海,學校又畀出去食飯(對,老師都唔畀!在教室看監犯),咁學校啲飯又平(仲可以拎學生嘅嚟食,總有幾件幽靈長期唔出現,或者十日病咗九日,或者訂咗飯唔食)。實在唔使幾多錢。去到返中環做Central Wanker,人工少四成開支升唔少,生活當然大圍痛苦,大埔都痛苦。而呢啲都係事前可預計嘅。
6. 咁做乜仲要走?同好多人以為唔同,其實我教書教得相當開心,幸運地班學生比較易搞(有人搞埋上床添,但唔係我),係呀,孔子都唔教Band 5學生。有人教,但唔係我。你見啲學生而家仲搵我食飯,仲睇我啲文,我結婚都搵學生證婚,就知同學生相當好啦(都話有人更好,上埋床,但唔係我)
7. 家長?嗰個年代啲家長冇咁撚煩的,況且本人都話學霸,拎會考高考證書出嚟啲家長必然收聲,伊時過伊斯高。同事?都幾好架。就係衰在太好。我企圖搞同事咯。追求不遂啫,之後講。
8. 遠因,其實可能係話個老校變態。咁但係,佢變態出晒名架啦,我未返工已經知,而家都仲有網上Secrets講,真係可以講係遺臭問年呀。公平講句,佢又唔係學期尾先變態。The devil you know.都話老校好睇我,封我做 數學科副主任添(http://bit.ly/2ZiHhmP),仲一度想我做附加數學科主任,開心過銀河洗碗勳章。
9. 近因,可能講返2004年7月1日,我同我亦師亦友嘅「教務主任」(其實大我幾年啫)齊齊在學校整成績表(亦係此人介紹我去太古城地利亞 (http://bit.ly/2GCIfCX) ,促成我人生第一次跳草裙舞成功,世界從此不一樣)。係喎,紅日,但,我生日喎。我生日就在學校整成績表。好似係嗰日,定係再早啲,佢話我知佢唔撈。年少嘅我,就十分戇居,唔知做乜講咗句:咁我都唔撈了。
10. 佢送畀我一個恥笑,我就用埋學校部printer(唔通走去慈雲山廣場?)印埋我封resignation 2004.之後就發生咗電梯辭職(http://bit.ly/2ZiHhmP)。但,我會為個麻甩佬辭職,聽落都唔似真相啦。
11. 然後,女嘛。嗯,尤伯連納話你知,真的,千萬千萬唔好搞同事,一次都唔好。我知道已經太遲。對,後來我都仲有再犯。但,真係千萬唔好搞同事。搵食行遠啲,唔好嗰度食嗰度屙。如果我以前冇搞同事,我好相信而家我根本就唔會响呢度同你地講我生肺癌嘅嘢(?)。
12. 又同大家估嘅唔同,當年嘅我仲係有啲良知,至少表面上係。絶對冇咩metoo乜鬼 ,不過係寫下情信(嘩屌)整下蛋糕(嘩屌屌)彈下琴唱下歌咁(嘩屌屌屌)之嘛。當然就追求不遂,高估自己吸引力。但有乜特別?溝女嘅嘢,一係入一係唔入架啦。但凡你溝唔到女,溝唔到仔,見工唔成,畀人鬧畀人笑,都係高估自己嘅吸引力,閒過立秋啦。
13. 再講得簡單啲,只係我唔撚化,廿六歲人仲懷春少女咁玩單戀,人地根本半秒都冇考慮過,只係面斥不雅,一場同事費事做到咁盡。都係我嘅錯。
14. 固然,搞同事係唔好的,因為搞到日夜對住面阻阻咁。你笑我無聊都好,當年我的確唔想再見到佢(唔係恨,係無地自容,柒咗),應該係我走嘅主因之一。但,都仲係唔make sense。個盲點係,我要逃避佢嘅,我去第間學校教咪得咯。做乜書都唔教?
15. 首先,都有少少係命運嘅安排。電梯辭職後,就係放暑假(所以先有封王嘅附加數學科主任會議)。本人一早拎咗假外遊(你以為教書唔使拎假?後來仲要補課添,我都仲有返去補,辭咗職唔撚使做?辭咗職有冇出糧丫?)。咁所以根本冇搵工。畢竟嗰個年代,我去兩個星期旅行即係消失兩個星期,人地打嚟叫我見工咁點?而且亦都時間緊迫,諗住去完旅行返嚟搵。所以我一份工都冇搵過。
16. 對,蕉行份工,係佢地搵我的。但我乜春新鮮羅白皮人地會無啦啦搵個高校教師(即使只係萬二蚊)?故事係,其實好似聖誕定復活時,我都有寄過下信搵工。真唔記得點解,可能係冇安全感之類,乜都有寄 — 但學校就好少中途請人,所以寄金融工多。
17. 小津安二郎話齋,佢係賣豆腐的,所以佢只做豆腐。我呢?三年大學年半Master(http://bit.ly/2sWcPn8),睇小津安二郎就唔少(http://bit.ly/2FRQfBk),但拎得出嚟嘅專門技能近乎冇,叫做考過下CFA(http://bit.ly/2PP0dqQ)。所以咪又係見銀行。
18. 而當年我仲有去蕉行見過工,見過後來嘅老細標哥,算係帶我入金融業嘅人(畢竟佢可以拎我份CV去包橙皮),當時當然係衰咗。
19. 就係2004年7月,颱風康柏斯襲港(Google的,但我記得打風),8號風球我上飛機 ,坐長榮經台北經曼谷再飛維也納。東歐之旅。唔止,我去到布拉格去到布達佩斯去到華沙仲要寫明信片。畀邊個?你話呢。寄去邊?寄返學校。咁當然係所撚有人都睇到啦。
「喂,埃汾下話?支那咩春 Bank 標娘呀」(都退咗休,唔怕開埋姓)
20. 事後知道(其實應該一早估到,但當年我仲係初哥),好簡單,就係當次佢請咗嗰條友,走咗。咁老細都係懶嘅(拿,真係記住呢句),即使唔係自己錢都唔會想登多次ad,因為仲要同啲濕鳩HR接觸,就算只係簡單一句「用返上次個ad」,都意味住再要見過啲人,而好可能係混吉嘅人。
21. 你係老細會點?我係老細而家都係咁:咁不如,搵返上次見過嘅人啦,慳水慳力,搵個second choice 嚟執二攤。搵個唔係十分非常之咁西,又唔貴,又可以即時上任嘅
22. 而嗰個唔係十分非常之咁西,又平,又冇工開嘅人,就係我。
24. 大家平安夜快樂,但真係,唔好搞同事。Never too late,就算你今晚搞都臨崖勒馬。
25. 當然既然講得安雅會談,我唔教書,其實主因唔係搞同事。咪話咯,我又唔係metoo,唔會畀全行封殺。我想換環境,轉第間學校咪得。我間中學當年好多老師走,我嗰年好似走咗十件—而佢地得中一至三咋喎,即係三十幾件走咗十件!所以我轉校,對家實理解,反正本校嘅作風,在行內都好出名。咁我做乜要減人工做銀行?下篇解。下篇安雅就出場
同時也有25部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9萬的網紅Shiney,也在其Youtube影片中提到,A Total War Saga: TROY ซื้อเกมได้ที่ https://store.epicgames.com/legendauser/a-total-war-saga-troy A Total War Saga: TROY is the first in the award-...
12 13 ajax 在 Ryder林公子有四下巴 x 捲毛媽's 育兒正能量 Facebook 的最佳貼文
今天才在跟群組聊,深深覺得 育兒長大的是小孩,進化的是媽媽。公子最近語言快要進入爆發期,似乎又進入到了下一個階段,令人崩潰的 #不要不要期 ,每天光是應付摩羯座的不要不要還有崩潰大哭我都要瘦了。
雖然劇團建議三歲以上親子共賞,但我們最近也是處於不要不要期+爆躁期,還是希望藉著吸睛的小恐龍,帶著公子一起去學習 #認識自己的情緒 ,結束之後還可以順便在兒童樂園放風內搭摩天輪,周末這樣安排行程真是太完美了阿! <3
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12 13 ajax 在 Shiney Youtube 的最讚貼文
A Total War Saga: TROY
ซื้อเกมได้ที่ https://store.epicgames.com/legendauser/a-total-war-saga-troy
A Total War Saga: TROY is the first in the award-winning strategy series to focus on the Bronze-Age Mediterranean and the legendary twenty-year conflict between the kingdoms of Troy and Mycenaean Greece, known as the Trojan War.
Total War Saga: Troy is a strategy computer game developed by the Creative Assembly Sofia and published by Sega. It is part of the Total War Saga sub-series and will be released on August 13, 2020 on the Epic Games Store, then on Steam in Summer 2021. As part of the 12 month exclusivity promotional deal with Epic Games, Total War Saga: Troy will be free of charge for the first 24h of it's release.
The game is set during the Trojan War in the Bronze Age, taking place the furthest back in time the series has ever covered.
The Greek gods featured in Troy can influence the game in similar ways to their Homeric counterparts, with their influence spanning entire factions, rather than directly intervening on the battlefield. Gaining favour with the different gods requires players to invest time or sacrifice resources, but also provides various benefits as the game progresses.
Although there is little documentation of Bronze Age naval warfare, naval combat has been included in the form of island battles, inspired by that featured in Total War: Warhammer II – Curse of the Vampire Coast. The Greek god Poseidon will play a major role in these battles.
Hero versus hero combat has been implemented in Troy, wherein two fighting heroes will be given room by nearby units, creating a circular battle area and preventing other units from intervening. Some heroes have an active battle ability called Divine Challenge, which taunts opposing characters into one-on-one combat. Eight heroes are included in the game, such as the Greek champion- Achilles, and the Prince of Troy- Hector.
A Trojan horse mechanic plays a major role within the campaign, appearing in the campaign at specific moments, and providing significant bonuses to players should it be acted upon quickly enough.
Troy introduces a new multiple resource economy that reflects the advancing pre-monetary barter economy of the Bronze Age setting. The five different resources are food, wood, stone, bronze, and gold, which can be found within different regions to varying degrees of scarcity. Food and wood are used to recruit early game units and construct simple buildings, whereas more formidable structures will require stone, and higher tier units will require bronze. Gold is vital for trade due to its universal rarity.
The diplomacy system in Troy builds on that featured in Total War: Three Kingdoms, allowing you to appease allies, your enemies in their place, allowing the player to change the entire course of the Trojan war. Other new diplomatic features which are unique to Troy will also be introduced.

12 13 ajax 在 Shiney Youtube 的精選貼文
A Total War Saga: TROY
ซื้อเกมได้ที่ https://store.epicgames.com/legendauser/a-total-war-saga-troy
A Total War Saga: TROY is the first in the award-winning strategy series to focus on the Bronze-Age Mediterranean and the legendary twenty-year conflict between the kingdoms of Troy and Mycenaean Greece, known as the Trojan War.
Total War Saga: Troy is a strategy computer game developed by the Creative Assembly Sofia and published by Sega. It is part of the Total War Saga sub-series and will be released on August 13, 2020 on the Epic Games Store, then on Steam in Summer 2021. As part of the 12 month exclusivity promotional deal with Epic Games, Total War Saga: Troy will be free of charge for the first 24h of it's release.
The game is set during the Trojan War in the Bronze Age, taking place the furthest back in time the series has ever covered.
The Greek gods featured in Troy can influence the game in similar ways to their Homeric counterparts, with their influence spanning entire factions, rather than directly intervening on the battlefield. Gaining favour with the different gods requires players to invest time or sacrifice resources, but also provides various benefits as the game progresses.
Although there is little documentation of Bronze Age naval warfare, naval combat has been included in the form of island battles, inspired by that featured in Total War: Warhammer II – Curse of the Vampire Coast. The Greek god Poseidon will play a major role in these battles.
Hero versus hero combat has been implemented in Troy, wherein two fighting heroes will be given room by nearby units, creating a circular battle area and preventing other units from intervening. Some heroes have an active battle ability called Divine Challenge, which taunts opposing characters into one-on-one combat. Eight heroes are included in the game, such as the Greek champion- Achilles, and the Prince of Troy- Hector.
A Trojan horse mechanic plays a major role within the campaign, appearing in the campaign at specific moments, and providing significant bonuses to players should it be acted upon quickly enough.
Troy introduces a new multiple resource economy that reflects the advancing pre-monetary barter economy of the Bronze Age setting. The five different resources are food, wood, stone, bronze, and gold, which can be found within different regions to varying degrees of scarcity. Food and wood are used to recruit early game units and construct simple buildings, whereas more formidable structures will require stone, and higher tier units will require bronze. Gold is vital for trade due to its universal rarity.
The diplomacy system in Troy builds on that featured in Total War: Three Kingdoms, allowing you to appease allies, your enemies in their place, allowing the player to change the entire course of the Trojan war. Other new diplomatic features which are unique to Troy will also be introduced.

12 13 ajax 在 Shiney Youtube 的最佳解答
A Total War Saga: TROY
ซื้อเกมได้ที่ https://store.epicgames.com/legendauser/a-total-war-saga-troy
A Total War Saga: TROY is the first in the award-winning strategy series to focus on the Bronze-Age Mediterranean and the legendary twenty-year conflict between the kingdoms of Troy and Mycenaean Greece, known as the Trojan War.
Total War Saga: Troy is a strategy computer game developed by the Creative Assembly Sofia and published by Sega. It is part of the Total War Saga sub-series and will be released on August 13, 2020 on the Epic Games Store, then on Steam in Summer 2021. As part of the 12 month exclusivity promotional deal with Epic Games, Total War Saga: Troy will be free of charge for the first 24h of it's release.
The game is set during the Trojan War in the Bronze Age, taking place the furthest back in time the series has ever covered.
The Greek gods featured in Troy can influence the game in similar ways to their Homeric counterparts, with their influence spanning entire factions, rather than directly intervening on the battlefield. Gaining favour with the different gods requires players to invest time or sacrifice resources, but also provides various benefits as the game progresses.
Although there is little documentation of Bronze Age naval warfare, naval combat has been included in the form of island battles, inspired by that featured in Total War: Warhammer II – Curse of the Vampire Coast. The Greek god Poseidon will play a major role in these battles.
Hero versus hero combat has been implemented in Troy, wherein two fighting heroes will be given room by nearby units, creating a circular battle area and preventing other units from intervening. Some heroes have an active battle ability called Divine Challenge, which taunts opposing characters into one-on-one combat. Eight heroes are included in the game, such as the Greek champion- Achilles, and the Prince of Troy- Hector.
A Trojan horse mechanic plays a major role within the campaign, appearing in the campaign at specific moments, and providing significant bonuses to players should it be acted upon quickly enough.
Troy introduces a new multiple resource economy that reflects the advancing pre-monetary barter economy of the Bronze Age setting. The five different resources are food, wood, stone, bronze, and gold, which can be found within different regions to varying degrees of scarcity. Food and wood are used to recruit early game units and construct simple buildings, whereas more formidable structures will require stone, and higher tier units will require bronze. Gold is vital for trade due to its universal rarity.
The diplomacy system in Troy builds on that featured in Total War: Three Kingdoms, allowing you to appease allies, your enemies in their place, allowing the player to change the entire course of the Trojan war. Other new diplomatic features which are unique to Troy will also be introduced.
