坐月常識Q&A - 飲食篇
A:喝米水是中醫的傳統智慧,以紅米、白米、薏米調配而成的米水能健脾胃,有助身體復原,而炒米水健脾胃之餘也能暖胃袪寒。產婦產後即可飲用炒米水,先不用添加紅棗、陳皮或其他藥材,以免太熱氣。如身體有偏熱症狀如有痔瘡、口瘡、盜汗、喉嚨痛等則宜飲屬性平和的米水 。哺乳媽媽尤其需要水分才會有足夠的母乳,所以每天宜多喝暖水及米水。
✔️CheckCheckCin 米水推介:炒米水
✔️CheckCheckCin 米水推介:朝米水
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Confinement Month Q&A – F&B edition
Q:Are confinement meals meant to nourish the body?
A: An effective postnatal care is not just about nourishing the body. Chinese Medicine theories believe that women need to customize confinement plans based on their body conditions.
Before nourishing the body, it is important to strengthen the spleen and stomach first. A good spleen and stomach can only absorb the nutrients from the confinement meals and help moms boost milk production and recuperate faster.
Consuming nourishing ingredients without understanding their needs would only add on to the burden of the spleen and stomach. An over-nourished person would not only gain weight more easily but also cause heat to accumulate in the body, accompanying symptoms include constipation and dry mouth and tongue.
Q:What should we eat during confinement?
A: It is best to eat more meals. Five to six meals a day would be ideal. Eat light foods that are rich in nutrients, but do opt for ingredients that are mild in nature.
The best ways to prepare each meal are steaming, cooking, stewing, and simmering, as the spleen and stomach can better absorb the nutrients from the ingredients.
Avoid raw and cold foods as well as those that are cool in nature. According to the individual’s body constitution, add ingredients that can nourish qi and blood, such as dried citrus peel, glehnia root, polygonatum odoratum, codonopsis root, and pseudostellaria heterophylla root. Having soups that can strengthen the spleen and stomach is also good for mothers during confinement.
Q:Why should mothers during confinement drink fried rice tea/fried rice water?
A: The practice of drinking rice water comes from the wisdom of Chinese Medicine. Rice water made from red rice, white rice, and coix seed can strengthen the spleen and stomach and help the body recuperate faster.
Likewise, fried rice water can also strengthen the spleen and stomach. It can even warm the stomach and dispel cold from the body. Women who have just given birth can drink fried rice water immediately.
For those with heat-related symptoms such as hemorrhoid, canker sores, night sweats, and sore throat, it is best to drink rice water that is mild in nature. Mothers who breastfeed need to regularly hydrate the body to ensure constant milk production. Hence, it is best to drink more warm water and rice water daily.
Q:Does drinking soup cause edema during confinement?
A: Symptoms such as swelling on the ankles after delivering are due to excessive blood loss during childbirth. When the qi in the body is damaged and the spleen and stomach weaken, dampness can more easily stagnate in the body.
Other related symptoms include yellowish complexion and the swelling of the face, eyes, and limbs. You can drink herbal teas that contain poria, dried orange peel, and hyacinth bean coat to get rid of water retention. Red bean rice water could also relieve the symptoms.
Q:Besides giving ginger vinegar to friends and family members, can new mothers consume them?
A: Ginger vinegar can dispel wind and cold from the body and at the same time, invigorate the blood and clear blood stasis in the body. Likewise, Chinese Medicine believes that a woman’s body experience deficiency and blood stasis after childbirth.
Hence, new mothers who have gone through natural birth can start taking ginger vinegar after twelve days, whereas those opted for C-section can consume it after 20 to 30 days (or after the lochia discharge has ceased).
Ginger vinegar is suitable for new mothers with a cold body constitution, so individuals with a heaty body should avoid consuming it excessively. It is fine to take a sip of the vinegar but avoid eating the ginger.
✔ CheckCheckCin Recommendation: Fried Rice Water
Ingredients: Fried White Rice
Effects: Warm stomach and dispel cold. Warm limbs.
✔ CheckCheckCin Recommendation: Dawn Rice Water
Ingredients: Red Rice, Coix Seed, White Rice
Effects: Reduces water retention. Relieves abdominal bloating. Improves yellowish complexion.
Note: Not suitable for pregnant women.
✔ CheckCheckCin Recommendation: Edema
Ingredients: Chinese yam , hyacinth bean coat, poria, dried citrus peel
Effects: Strengthens the spleen and dispels dampness. Relieves bloatedness, lower-body bloating and eyelid swelling.
Welcome to order through our website: www.checkcheckcin.com
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1. 精神萎靡、氣短懶言、面色清白、頭昏神倦、舌質淡、黃耆配合白朮、茯苓、炙甘草等量煎煮服用,能增強體質,立即改善;或平時可取用黃耆一兩,紅棗十個去核加水三至五碗熬煮十五分鐘,取湯去渣當茶飲用。
2. 升提功效、治胃下垂黃耆加升麻,能增強韌帶張力,使之收縮上升。腎下垂可用黃耆一兩加黨參、巴戟天、山葯、升麻等各三錢服用;子宮下垂多為產育過多、體虛、子宮韌帶鬆弛而下垂,黃耆一兩加黨參、當歸、紫胡、升麻各二錢或直接服補中益氣湯都很有療效。痔瘡脫肛可以使用黃耆加黨參等量來治療。
3. 久瀉不止者,黃耆配合白朮、山葯、茯苓等比量磨成粉服用。小兒慢性消化不良,黃耆加黨參、茯苓、白朮、神 䅿 等量研末成粉長期服用。
4. 婦女月經過多或子宮出血,需急用補身止血、黃耆一兩配合當歸、阿膠、黨參、川續斷各三錢。婦女體虛白帶過多引起者,可使用黃耆一兩、山葯、白朮、芡實各三錢補氣止帶。
5. 黃耆能降低血醣、治糖尿病,黃耆五錢加金石斛、天花粉、黨參各三錢能生津止渴。
四、托毒生肌:黃耆用於因體質虛弱、瘡瘍腫毒不化、褥瘡瘡口不收,黃耆能強壯內托,使膿液排出,可與黃耆一兩、當歸二錢、川芎一錢,促使生肌收口。 黃耆補益功效明顯,葯性溫和,補而不燥熱,久服常對身體有益無害。但在使用上也應特別注意,若是用於補養虛弱體質應將黃耆搥扁切片後,再用蜜水炒乾,即所謂「炙黃耆」。生用固表,若是用於抵禦感冒、治療皮膚傷口不癒,則採生用。
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