Where can I find the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code for free download on the ISO 3166/MA ... You can find all (most?) of the two and three letter codes in ... ... <看更多>
Where can I find the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code for free download on the ISO 3166/MA ... You can find all (most?) of the two and three letter codes in ... ... <看更多>
#1. List: 3-letter country abbreviation
List: 3-letter country abbreviation ISO-3166-1 ALPHA-3 ; CHL · Chile ; CHN · China ; CXR · Christmas Island ; CCK · Cocos Islands ...
#2. ISO Alpha-2, Alpha-3, and Numeric Country Codes. - Nations ...
The country code is in use for example for the two-letter suffixes such as .us (United States), .fr (France) or .de (Germany) in top-level domains (for ...
#3. List of country codes by alpha-2, alpha-3 code (ISO 3166) - IBAN
Country Alpha‑2 code Alpha‑3 code Numeric Afghanistan AF AFG 004 Albania AL ALB 008 Algeria DZ DZA 012
Israel. Full name. the State of Israel. Alpha-3 code. ISR. Numeric code. 376. Remarks. Independent ... Standards Institution of Israel (SII), 1988-12-19; ...
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 – two-letter country codes which are the most widely used of the three, and used most prominently for the Internet's country code ...
#6. Country Codes (2 and 3 letters) - Elsevier
Country, 3 letter code, 2 letter code. Afghanistan, AFG, AF. Albania, ALB, AL. Algeria, DZA, DZ. American Samoa, ASM, AS. Andorra, AND, AD.
#7. ISO Country Codes for Selected Countries - Citing Medicine
Country Two‑letter Abbreviation Country Two‑letter Abbreviation Afghanistan AF Laos LA Albania AL Latvia LV Algeria DZ Lebanon LB
#8. International Countrycodes (ISO, OIC, Fips, ...)
Country ISO 3166‑1; alpha2 ISO 3166‑1; alpha3 ISO 3166‑1; numeric IOC Fips 10 Afghanistan AF AFG 004 AFG AF Åland Islands AX ALA 248 Albania AL ALB 008 ALB AL
#9. CodSP3 - NCS Country Codes - NATO
#10. Country Codes - World Integrated Trade Solution (WITS)
Country Name ISO3 Code Afghanistan AFG 004 Albania ALB 008 Algeria DZA 012
#11. Glossary:Country codes - Statistics Explained
Member States of the European Union (EU) and other countries have been assigned a two-letter country code, always written in capital letters ...
#12. What is the country abbreviation for Israel? - SidmartinBio
Israel. Fifa Country Code, Locations, Fifa Country Code. How many letters are there in the Bible? Abbreviation. 3 ...
#13. Country Abbreviations
While the 2-letter system is widely accepted internationally, you also see the 3-letter country abbreviation codes, like CAN for Canada, used by computers and ...
#14. Direct 2.0 | Reference Materials | ISO Country Codes (SOAP)
#15. Three letter country code on iOS - Stack Overflow
I know you are able to get the two letter country code on iOS, for all countries. But is there a way to get the three letter country code?
#16. Standard country or area codes for statistical use - UNSD ...
Country or Area M49 code ISO‑alpha3 code Afghanistan 004 AFG Åland Islands 248 ALA Albania 008 ALB
#17. Italy country code 2 letter - Prefeitura Municipal de ...
All rights ISO Country Code,Alpha-3 and Numeric Codes. 12 characters account number. With the declaration provided for in PCT Article 64 (5) .
#18. Countries or areas and their codes - USDA ARS
3, Country or area name, ISO ALPHA-3 code ... 241, * ISO ALPHA-3 codes (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 codes) are three-letter country codes from the ISO 3166-1 ...
#19. Il country code
Y. The UN also uses 3-letter codes, and numerical codes to identify ... R. The two-letter country abbreviation for Israel is IL, the three-letter code is ...
#20. The Uncertainty of Abbreviated Country Codes | - Allyn ...
... abbreviated country codes are often used and are sometimes mandatory. They exist in a 2 letter code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) and a 3 letter ...
#21. National Code of Countries and Nationalities
Alpha-3: A three-letter code that stands for the official name of a country ... code of countries and nationalities in accordance with the Country Code ISO ...
#22. Country Codes - Sortable list - Israel Science and Technology ...
Country 2‑letter 3‑letter Capital Afghanistan af AFG Kabul Albania al ALB Tirana Algeria dz DZA Algiers
#23. List of Country Codes and RIRs - RIPE
#24. Use consistent country codes - GOV.UK
You should use 2-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes. ... In addition to the country code for each country, the ISO 3166 standard also has:.
#25. Recommendation 3 ISO COUNTRY CODE - UNECE
Recommendsthat the two-letter alphabetic code referred to in the International Standard ISO 3166 as “ISO AL-. PHA-2 Country Code”, should be used for ...
#26. Olympic Country Codes - ThoughtCo
Three -Letter Olympic Country Abbreviations · Afghanistan - AFG · Albania - ALB · Algeria - ALG · American Samoa* - ASA · Andorra - AND · Angola - ANG ...
#27. ISO Codes - WTO Guide to documentation
Country /territory ISO codes are unique three character alphabetical descriptors that have been assigned to every country in the world.
#28. Country Codes List - ISO Alpha-2, Alpha-3, and Numeric ...
Country Alpha 2 Alpha 3 UN Code Afghanistan AF AFG 4 Aland Islands AX ALA 248 Albania AL ALB 8
#29. Current and Historical Countries and Areas of Interest
Code Countries and Areas of Interest Num‑3 Alpha‑2 Alpha‑3 Start 41004 Afghanistan 004 AF AFG 1970 23248 Åland Islands 248 AX ALA 2004 24008 Albania 008 AL ALB 1970
#30. Country Codes - Based on ISO 3166 - GS1US Logo
Country Name (English) Two‑Digit Code Three‑Digit Code Numeric Code AFGHANISTAN AF AFG 004 ÅLAND ISLANDS AX ALA 248 ALBANIA AL ALB 008
#31. Be country code - Maçonnerie Sarl Doval et Fils
be country code The 3 types of country codes listed are defined in ISO 3166-1 ... you also see the 3-letter country abbreviation codes, like CAN for Canada, ...
#32. ISO Standard Country Codes - Knowledge Center - Zuora
Standard Country Name ISO alpha‑2 code ISO alpha‑3 code Afghanistan AF AFG Aland Islands AX ALA Albania AL ALB
#33. AT&T Country Codes
Country Code List. Country. ISO Country Codes. Country Code. Afghanistan. AF / AFG. 93. Albania. AL / ALB ... Page 3. AT&T Country Codes. Germany. DE / DEU.
#34. Country Abbreviations (NOC's) - All Competitions
At ALLCOMPETITIONS we use the same three-letter abbreviation country codes as the International Olympic Committee (IOC). After the admission as full members ...
#35. Package 'countrycode' - CRAN
License GPL-3 ... 3 codelist. Country Code Translation Data Frame (Cross-Sectional). Description ... p4c: Polity IV character country code.
#36. List of Countries with Flags and Country Codes - World Atlas
It bases its list of country names and abbreviations on the list of names published by the United Nations. The UN also uses 3-letter codes, and numerical ...
#37. Country Acronyms - travel.gov
#38. OAR, BLR, AUT, SUI: All the Olympics Country Abbreviations
Here's every country abbreviation for the 2018 Winter Olympics in ... many Olympics viewers have been the three-letter country abbreviations ...
#39. GRE Country Codes - ETS
Country. Code. Afghanistan. AFG. Aland Islands. ALA. Albania ... 3. Country. Code. Suriname. SUR. Svalbard & Jan. Mayen Islands. SJM. Swaziland. SWZ. Sweden.
#40. What is the country abbreviation for Israel? - Richard Vigilante ...
What is the three-letter abbreviation for Israel? IRN Iran (Islamic Republic of) IRQ Iraq. ISL Iceland. ISR Israel. What country code is PB?
#41. Abbreviation codes for the Olympic countries - Olympian ...
AFG Afghanistan LIE Liechtenstein ALB Albania LTU Lithuania ALG Algeria LUX Luxembourg ASA American Samoa MAC Macau
#42. List of all countries with their 2 digit codes (ISO 3166-1) - Dataset
Country list: ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 English country names and code elements as two letter country codes. Also known as +2 country code and iso 3166.
#43. Saudi arabia abbreviation 3 letter
International 3 Letter Country Abbreviations » US Airport Code Hats » Airline Food » Airline Complaint #2 » Airline Complaint #3 » AREA 51 » Visit Route 66 ...
#44. Philippine Country Code Initial PH & PHL
The Philippine Consulate General in Sydney announces that the Philippines has standardized its two-letter code to “PH” and three-letter code to “PHL”, ...
#45. Countries misplaced in Maps using 3 letter country codes
Solved: Hi there, Peru & Bolivia keep coming up in Europe when using the Map visual. I'm using 3-letter country codes (PER & BOL) and the columns are.
#46. portugal country code 2 letter
(ISO 3166-1: 1997). Unique “3-letter” country codes published in ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 codes' list to be used within the NATO Codification System ( ...
#47. PCT Applicant's Guide – International Phase – Annex K - WIPO
Subdivisions – Part 1: Country Codes”, which is available on the Online Browsing ... Page 3. (12 September 2019). Country Names and Two-Letter Codes.
#48. ISO Country Codes
COUNTRY. CODE. SHORT NAME. DESCRIPTION. AD. Andorra. Principality of Andorra. AE. United Arab Emirates. United Arab Emirates. AF. Afghanistan.
#49. List of ISO World Country Codes
Country; Area ISO; ALPHA‑2 ISO; ALPHA‑3 ISO Numeric; UN M49 Numerical International... Afghanistan AF AFG 4 93 Aland Islands AX ALA 248 358 Albania AL ALB 8 355
#50. Foreign Country Code Listing for Modernized e-File (MeF) - IRS
Review a listing of foreign country codes for those who participate in IRS Modernized e-File (MeF).
#51. Codes for the Representation of Names of Languages
English Name of Language ISO 639‑2 ISO 639‑1 Abkhazian abk ab Achinese ace Acoli ach
#52. com.ibm.icu.impl.LocaleIDs.getISO3Country java code ...
Returns a three-letter abbreviation for this locale's country/region. ... Otherwise, returns * an uppercase ISO 3166 3-letter country code.
#53. Country Abbreviations 2021 - World Population Review
All countries in the world are represented by a 2-letter and 3-letter country code based on the International Naming Convention.
#54. Is there a 3 letter country code? - MVOrganizing
ISO 3166-1 numeric 540, ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 NCL, ICAO airport code prefix(es) NW. E.212 mobile country code(s) 546, NATO Three-letter code ...
#55. The right country codes are ISO alpha-3 | Andrew Whitby
Why you should always encode countries as 3 letter ISO codes.
#56. Country Subdivision Code - NWCG Data Standards
Note: For the United States (Country Code = US), the 2-letter Country ... (ISO) two-character to three-character country subdivision codes in ISO-3166-2.
#57. Three-letter Olympic Country Abbreviations - Activities for ESL ...
Three -letter Olympic Country Abbreviations. Read the abbreviations and guess the country. (* indicates a territory and not an independent country).
#58. Co-sell country and region codes | Microsoft Docs
If the contact covers all Countries/Regions, use the three letter code "OOO". If a contact covers more than one Country/Region, ...
#59. 3-Digit Country Codes - Topend Sports
3 -Digit Country Codes. Each country that has been represented at the Olympic Games has its own three-letter abbreviation or code.
#60. Country Codes - Worldometer
Country (or dependency) Calling Code 3‑letter ISO 2‑letter ISO 3‑digit ISO numeric Afghanistan 93 AF AFG 004 Albania 355 AL ALB 008 Algeria 213 DZ DZA 012
#61. Three letter country code Query - Oracle
Three letter country code Query. Fusion Applications (MOSC) Human Capital Management (HCM) (MOSC). 1 Replies. Last updated on April 13, ...
#62. Country Abbreviations for NICS E-Check Searches - FBI
Refer to the below country codes when conducting searches using the FBI. National Instant Criminal Background Check System's E-Check system. COUNTRY. CODE.
#63. Which country code is are?
Country Code ARE Country code according to ISO-3166 Alpha-3 ARE is the three-letter country abbreviation for United Arab Emirates.
#64. Country Codes
The World Trade Press Guide to. Country Codes. ISO 3166-1 Country Code Tables by Country, Two-Letter Code, Three-Letter Code, and Numeric Code.
#65. Country codes - Ministry of the interior of the Czech Republic
KÓD / CODE STÁT COUNTRY AFG Afghánistán Afghanistan ALA Alandys Åland Island ALB Albánie Albania
#66. Abbreviations for Continents, Countries, and Ethnic Groups
In cases where a person was born in one country and conducted the work that made them famous in another, the continent and ethnic/cultural group or country ...
#67. Country codes - Docs - Checkout.com
Country Dialing code ISO2 ISO3 Afghanistan 93 AF AFG Aland 358 18 AX ALA Albania 355 AL ALB
#68. Country codes/names | FAO | Food and Agriculture ...
Short name Official name ISO3 ISO2 UNI UNDP FAOSTAT Albania the Republic of Albania ALB AL 8 ALB 3 Algeria the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria DZA DZ 12 DZA 4 Andorra the Principality of Andorra AND AD 20 AND 6
#69. FIDE Country Codes - Chessgames.com
CHESSGAMES COUNTRY CODES. This following list is a compilation of all 3-letter country-codes currently in use, followed by a shorter list of old codes for ...
#70. Country codes in ISO 3166
Each country or territory has three codes: ○ a two letter code. ○ a three letter code. ○ a three digit code.
#71. What is the Abbreviation for Country? Common English
Country abbreviation. Find the common abbreviations for countries and other English words at Writing Explained. ... 3 Outside Examples of Country; 4 Summary.
#72. 找Country code list相關社群貼文資訊
提供Country code list相關文章,想要了解更多Country abbreviation 3 letter、Per country、Country code list相關法律資訊或書籍,就來法律貼文懶人包.
#73. iso 3166 country codes - HL7 Confluence
(Note: These should be used for both the 2 and 3 character formats) ... ISO 3166 maintenance agency does not assign official country code ...
#74. DTA Manual, Appendix N: Country & US Postal Codes
DTA Manual, Appendix N: Country Codes. 03/08/21. 3. This document is maintained on ... DTS uses the following country codes, see Table N-1.
#75. SPRS User Guide - SPRS Country Code Table - FMX
Countries Country Codes Country Codes Country Codes Afghanistan AFG ALB DZA American Samoa See State Code Table AND AGO Anguilla AIA ATA ATG
#76. Country code list - World countries
Continent ISO 2 ISO 3 CIA Telephone Internet Vehicle AS AF AFG af 93 af AFG EU AX ALA fi 358 18 ax AX EU AL ALB al 355 al AL
#77. 2-Character Alphabetical Country Codes - Digraphs of All ...
Country Codes, Digraphs, countries, ISO 3166, Internet domain names, Afganistan Albania Algeria; Andorra Angola; flag Antigua and ... LIST BY COUNTRY CODE.
#78. Country ISO3 Char Ports - Informatica - Documentation.
The ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 standard provides a three-letter address code for every country. ... The Address Validator transformation uses country code data, ...
#79. Country Codes - ISO 3166 - Certifico Srl
The codes for subdivisions are represented as the alpha-2 code for the country, followed by up to three characters. For example ID-RI is the ...
#80. Country Codes - iBiblio
Country Name ISO; 2‑alpha ISO; 3‑alpha IANA; Internet UN; Vehicle IOC; Olympic UN/I... AFGHANISTAN AF AFG af AFG AFG 004 ÅLAND ISLANDS AX ALA ax 248 ALBANIA AL ALB al AL ALB 008
#81. SUMMARY OF NATO, Ics and PfP Countries – Three Letter ...
Country. Former NATO two letter code. New NATO(ISO) three letter code. NATO (Members). BELGIUM. BE. BEL. CANADA. CA. CAN. CZECH REPUBLIC. CZ. CZE. DENMARK.
#82. ILS Definition - Investopedia
ILS is the international three-letter abbreviation for the Israeli new shekel. The new shekel replaced the hyper-inflated original shekel at a ratio of 1000 to ...
#83. Appendix B: Country and State Codes
Appendix B1: Alphabetic Code List by Country/State. B-3. Appendix B2: Alphabetic List by Code. B-11 ... country code. USPS state code. Afghanistan.
#84. Codes of countries and their subdivisions - eki.ee
Due to technical reasons some of the country codes within the KNAB original database were given using the three-letter codes of ISO 3166-1.
#85. Why is Morocco abbreviated MAR at the World Cup?
Occasionally, there are differences between a country's three-letter FIFA code and its IOC code (such as Bahrain, which is known as BHR by FIFA ...
#86. List of Country Codes in the AFRINIC Region - The Number ...
#87. Format a list of countries - Google Play Books Partner Center ...
For individual countries, provide the two-letter ISO code. ... prefix the code for the excluded country with a minus sign (-) and list the country after the ...
#88. Country code my
The letters showing the country code were moved to the front of the date code. ... Some smaller countries have three-digit international telephone codes, ...
#89. Country ISO codes and assignment engines - SAP Help Portal
Country name 2‑char ISO code 3‑char ISO code 3‑digit ISO code European Postcode prefix Afghanistan AF AFG 004 Åland Islands AX ALA 248 AX Albania AL ALB 008
#90. Draws Archive, Country Abbreviations - Wimbledon
... Virgin Islands (U.S.), Wallis And Futuna Islands, Western Sahara, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Other. Postcode *. Birth Day *. 1, 2, 3, 4 ...
#91. Country Codes for Michigan Tax Returns
Countries are identified by two-letter codes – Country Codes – and are required on some State of Michigan and City of Detroit.
#92. GHO | Metadata | Country - Codelist - WHO | World Health ...
Dimension: Country Code: COUNTRY. AFG: Afghanistan. World Bank income group GNI reference year: 2017. World Bank income group release date: 2018.
#93. Seeking full list of ISO ALPHA-2 and ISO ALPHA-3 country ...
Where can I find the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code for free download on the ISO 3166/MA ... You can find all (most?) of the two and three letter codes in ...
#94. OAR, BLR, AUT, SUI: Here's What All the Olympics Country ...
But some of the most baffling expressions for many Olympics viewers have been the three-letter country abbreviations used by the ...
#95. Country Codes, Phone Codes, Dialing Codes, Telephone ...
COUNTRY COUNTRY CODE ISO CODES POPULATION AREA KM2 GDP $USD Afghanistan 93 AF / AFG 29,121,286 647,500 20.65 Billion Albania 355 AL / ALB 2,986,952 28,748 12.8 Billion Algeria 213 DZ / DZA 34,586,184 2,381,740 215.7 Billion
#96. A New EU Country Code on the Horizon for Northern Ireland
From January 2021, the EU Commission may introduce a new Northern Ireland country code to identify Northern Irish companies for tax ...
#97. ISO Codes - Country Index
Country Index is the one hot links for IP professionals worldwide. ... Country Codes. Print this page. Country Code · Country Name. AG, Antigua and Barbuda.
#98. country codes - npm search
Mappings for 2 letter (Alpha 2) country codes to 3 letter currency code. ... Get the country name in Spanish for any ISO 3166 country code, and vice versa.
#99. Kenya country code - ONCAD
Nairobi. when geocoding addresses, you rather use the 3-digit countrycodes instead of the full ... This 2-letter country name abbreviation table is for me.
israel abbreviation three letter 在 Three letter country code on iOS - Stack Overflow 的推薦與評價
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