The origins of ‘fool’
Wednesday is April 1, when people in many countries worldwide celebrate the custom ( ) of “April Fool’s Day.” On this day, they play pranks ( ) on each other, the pranksters gleefully ( ) calling those hapless ( ) enough to fall for ( ) the joke an “April Fool.”
Nobody really knows for certain ( ) when, where or why the custom started. We have more certainty over the origins of the word “fool” itself, although some details remain unclear.
The word, which refers to ( ) a silly, stupid, or ignorant ( ) person, is thought to originate ( ) in the early 13th century, deriving ( ) from Old French fol, meaning a madman or insane person. The French word, in turn, comes from the Latin follis, meaning a leather bag or a bellows ( ) and, by extension later on, an empty-headed ( ) person.
Fool also referred to a rogue ( ) or a sinful ( ), wicked ( ) or lecherous ( ) person — around 1300, a “fool woman” meant a prostitute ( ), for example — and also a court ( ) jester ( ), a person whose purpose was to entertain ( ) the king and court, whether because they were pretending to be buffoonish ( ) or whether they actually were like that.
One theory is that the idea of the court jester “fool” derives from folles — the plural form of follis (bellows) — referring to the puffed cheeks of a buffoon.
It is unclear which sense came first, that of the idiot or the jester.
下週三是四月一日,許多國家的人在這天都有過「愚人節」的慣例,互相捉弄,惡作劇的人樂不可支地把那些不幸被騙倒的人稱作「April Fool」(四月的愚人)。
「fool」亦指惡棍或有罪、惡毒或淫蕩的人──例如在西元一三○○年左右,「fool woman」指的是妓女,亦指弄臣,也就是在宮廷中負責娛樂國王和朝臣的人,無論這些弄臣是故意裝瘋賣傻,還是本來就如小丑般滑稽。
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照過來!照過來!每年的台北國際電腦展(COMPUTEX TAIPEI)是全球資訊業界關心的焦點,吸引許多國外買家與國際媒體參與。為了讓國內新創團隊有機會藉著這難得的國際性舞台與世界接軌,國發會於世貿三館以「預見未來 Meet the Future」為主題設置新創企業主題館,讓團隊們展示創新技術與趨勢產品,展露鋒芒。
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第一次跟Fabian的旅行是去法國巴黎,當時他負責訂房間及付款,整趟旅程超級浪漫我們也越加甜蜜,結果一回到家這男人就把整趟旅程的費用明細寄給我,因為兩人要對分這筆金額!我聽到整個瞬間冷到,還覺得這男的也太計較了吧 :P
經過那次旅行後,我跟Fabian溝通好,交通與住宿基本上都兩人平分,而平常吃喝玩樂的費用可能這次他出,下次我出這樣~所以我們從沒有因為金錢而吵架喔 :D
Deutsch lernen:
Die Männer müssen nicht in Deutschland für die Frauen bezahlen.
1.der Mann=男生 複數die Männer
2.die Frau=女生 複數die Frauen
3.müssen=必須 müssen nicht=don't have to
4.für + Akkusativ
Recently in German class we were discussing about how man and woman meet and how do they pay for their meals(pay separately or one person pays it all).
The first trip of Fabian and I was in Paris. He booked the accommodations and paid it already. During the trip it's really romantic and I felt we were closer. Once we got home, Fabian sent me an email stating how much was the cost of the accommodation and asked me to pay the half of it. I was a little shocked and felt that he was not too nice :P
Taiwan: When I was young, lots of guys thought they should pay for girls so they paid almost everything for girls (even if they got the money from their parents). Of course I always said I would pay for myself. But still, I somehow got used to the idea that guys might pay more for girls or sometimes all pay for girls.
Germany or other western countries: Couples normally pay separately. Especially when both have jobs and are financially independent. They won't fight about money too often or think who pay more or pay less.
After the trip to Paris, we discussed about it and now we never have any problems relating to paying :)
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One theory is that the idea of the court jester “fool” derives from folles — the plural form of follis (bellows) — referring to the puffed cheeks of a ... ... <看更多>
idea複數 在 it is that複數-推薦/討論/評價在PTT、Dcard、IG整理一次看 的推薦與評價
One theory is that the idea of the court jester “fool” derives from folles — the plural form of follis (bellows) — referring to the puffed cheeks of a ... ... <看更多>
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意念流( idea flow ):是行為和信念藉由社會性學習和社會壓力,在社群網絡之中的 ... 生活圈的重疊(注意一個人的生活圈是複數、多個的),也因此新的概念或意念。 ... <看更多>