Today was the first day of Mark Lui Design Works exhibition in HKTDC licensing show 2015. First of all big thanks to HKTDC for inviting us to be part of this international exhibition and giving all the great support to help us to make it so great!Special thanks to Mr Raymond Yip,Jenny KOO,Peggie Liu,Josephine,Karen,Ava and Ivan,professional,hard working and helpful buddies from HKTDC(btw,my first summer intern job was in TDC years ago).Special thanks to my eight partner brands who made impossible possible for producing our new collaboration products and sample in such a short time,Aaron Shum Jewelry for the jewelry,Philips for the vinyl player,Botkier for their first men's backpack,HSI for those stunning big furniture,Gibson for the guitars,Hint Mint for the 2 special mint,Fun Gear for those fun gadgets and last but not the least,Memorigin for our Time Machine. My great RTM partners and two most lovable hardworking young staff Derek and Ada. And thank you Jade and Jack and Jazz for forgiving my absence during these few weeks....miss you all so much!