You Have God’s DNA in Your Inward Spirit-Man
“Seeing you have purified your souls in your obedience to the truth through the Spirit in sincere brotherly affection, love one another from the heart fervently: having been born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, through the word of God, which lives and remains forever. For, “All flesh is like grass, and all of man’s glory like the flower in the grass. The grass withers, and its flower falls; but the Lord’s word endures forever.” This is the word of Good News which was preached to you.” (1 Peter 1:22-25 WEB)
The word “seed” in the passage above in Greek is sporas which refers to seeds that are sown.
God’s word is this incorruptible seed that is sown into our hearts every time we receive it.
Each time it is mixed with faith, it grows roots and starts to mature, before bearing fruit.
However, today I just want to focus on receiving God’s word for salvation.
Every time God’s word is sown in an unbeliever, whether by a preacher, through reading a book, or some other way, this incorruptible seed is landing on their heart.
Take a look at Jesus’ parable of the sower and the seeds:
“He spoke to them many things in parables, saying, “Behold, a farmer went out to sow. As he sowed, some seeds fell by the roadside, and the birds came and devoured them. Others fell on rocky ground, where they didn’t have much soil, and immediately they sprang up, because they had no depth of earth. When the sun had risen, they were scorched. Because they had no root, they withered away. Others fell among thorns. The thorns grew up and choked them. Others fell on good soil, and yielded fruit: some one hundred times as much, some sixty, and some thirty. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”” (Matthew 13:3-9 WEB)
This parable represents different types of unbelievers and their different responses to the sowing of God’s word in their hearts.
1. Some hear and don’t believe
2. Some believe but shortly fall away because of fear of persecution and not being rooted in God’s word
3. Some believe and are distracted from their true calling because of worldliness
4. Some believe and become fruitful in all areas of their lives for God’s glory, producing an abundance of good works which heaps up eternal rewards for them to be revealed in the Millennium.
In the apostle John’s letter, he likens God’s word to a sperm:
“No one who is born of God [deliberately, knowingly, and habitually] practices sin, because God’s seed [His principle of life, the essence of His righteous character] remains [permanently] in him [who is born again—who is reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, and set apart for His purpose]; and he [who is born again] cannot habitually [live a life characterized by] sin, because he is born of God and longs to please Him. By this the children of God and the children of the devil are clearly identified: anyone who does not practice righteousness [who does not seek God’s will in thought, action, and purpose] is not of God, nor is the one who does not [unselfishly] love his [believing] brother.” (1 JOHN 3:9-10 AMP)
The word “seed” in the passage above in Greek is sperma which is sperm.
When the sperm of God’s word fuses with the fertile egg in the faith-filled heart of our inward spirit-man, the result is a spiritual rebirth.
“For indeed we have had good news preached to us, even as they also did, but the word they heard didn’t profit them, because it wasn’t mixed with faith by those who heard.” (Hebrews 4:2 WEB)
“Of his own will he gave birth to us by the word of truth, that we should be a kind of first fruits of his creatures...Therefore, putting away all filthiness and overflowing of wickedness, receive with humility the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.” (James 1:18, 21)
Through this process, we become “born-again”. When we are born-again, we are new creatures that have God’s DNA inside our spirit, telling it to produce good works and walk in love, in alignment with God’s character.
“Jesus answered them, “Isn’t it written in your law, ‘I said, you are gods?’ If he called them gods, to whom the word of God came (and the Scripture can’t be broken), do you say of him whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world, ‘You blaspheme,’ because I said, ‘I am the Son of God?’” (John 10:34-36 WEB)
We have been born again through having faith in God’s word to become gods—that’s what it means to be a child of God.
Every creature gives birth after its own kind.
A lion gives birth to a lion cub and a sheep gives birth to a lamb.
When God’s Spirit gives birth to a new spirit, it becomes a god (lowercase g—the upper case G is reserved for our Creator).
Dear brethren, you have God’s DNA in your spirit telling and empowering it to walk in love and be fruitful in good works.
We once had no ability to do this when our spirits were still dead in sin, but now there has been a huge change.
The more aware you are of this truth, the more you can live out the truth that’s inside you.
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同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅矢部ユウナ,也在其Youtube影片中提到,毎週末アーティストをゲストに招いて、 ルーツについて語る企画【ROOTS MY ROOTS】 今回のゲストはSATTUCREW 0:00 ROOTS MY ROOTS 0:50 SATTUCREW Profile 2:50 乾杯 3:20 結成話 コンセプト 4:49 BBOYJA...
the roots things fall apart 在 stu sis Facebook 的最讚貼文
[119861] 26061. The Roots: Things Fall Apart (1999)★★★ⓡ✚
[119862] 26062. The New Pornographers: Twin Cinema (2005)★★★
[119863] 26063. Wolf Parade: Apologies to the Queen Mary (2005)★★★
[119864] 26064. The Go! Team: Thunder, Lightning, Strike (2004)★★★
[119865] 26065. The Plastic Constellations: Mazatlan (2004)★★★
[119866] 26066. The Shins: Chutes Too Narrow (2003)★★★
[119867] 26067. Tom Waits: Blood Money (2002)★★★
[119868] 26068. Tom Waits: Mule Variations (1999)★★★
[119869] 26069. Tom Waits: Bone Machine (1992)★★★
[119870] 26070. Tom Waits: Closing Time (1973)★★★
the roots things fall apart 在 Dwagie大支 Facebook 的最佳貼文
饒舌與小說中黑人意識的關係:The Roots Things Fall Apart常常看吉米法倫脫口秀的人,應該會發現這個節目,有一個現場配樂團體,其中最顯眼的應該是鼓手的大爆炸頭。這個團體叫做The Roots(台灣譯作扎根合唱團),是一個由當時同在高中就學的鼓手Questlove(或是以?uestlove出現)以及饒舌歌手Black Thought這兩位好朋友,再找來了Malik B.、Leonard "Hub" Hubbard以及Josh Abrams,共同在1987年成立,以樂器配唱饒舌為其主要特色,原本的團名叫做The Square Roots(平方根)。樂器手團員時常更換,但是最主要的成員是Questlove、Black Thought跟Malik B.,直到Malik B.退出。關於他的退出有許多種說法。在1999年經典專輯Things Fall Apart中的Adrenaline!這首歌中他自己也提到:耶,這是Malik B來自The Roots,沒有消失,我只是下錯交流道跑到Langhorne(…Yeah Malik B from the Roots, he ain’t gone. I took the wrong exit, the sign said Langhorne…) Roots剛成軍,四出東奔西跑表演之時,他就很常缺席的這件事。但是他早在The Roots第二張專輯Do You Want More?!!!??!(1994)發行後就表示,他比較喜歡剛成軍時的純爵士/嘻哈樂團,並表示對於現在的發展越來越沒有興趣。在Thing Fall Apart專輯發行不久後,Malik B.與部分團員正式離團,而在2000年時,傳聞Malik因偽造文書被判刑入監,緩刑後不久卻又違反規範被送返監獄。在2002年The Roots專輯Phrenology中的Water這首歌,就是Black Thought給Malik B.的公開信,主要認為Malik的改變來自於他的許多成癮性藥物濫用,但是Malik自己則堅持他的藥物使用並沒有給其他人帶來困擾。回到Things Fall Apart這張經典專輯,這個名字是取自同名小說。這本小說是1958年奈及利亞後殖民小說家Chinua Achebe所寫。小說主題環繞著奈及利亞伊博族領導人、當地九村內的摔角冠軍Okonkwo。因為小書跟專輯有所聯結,因此我在此簡介一下內容。小說分成三個章節:第一章節主要在描述Okonkwo的武力強壯,作為與他擅長吹笛子、熱愛語言的已故父親Unoka做比較。同時,Unoka相較於Okonkwo象徵的男子氣概而言,他反而是怕血、好賭而傾家蕩產、養不起妻兒的一位男子。第二章的開始,一位報信者在市場跟大家說村裡有一個婦人在鄰村的市場被鄰村的人殺了,引發全村的憤恨。Okonkwo作為村內第一勇士,代表著村子去鄰村談判。鄰村賠償了一位女子作為那個被殺婦人的丈夫的補償,並給了Okonkwo的村子一個15歲的少男Ikemefuna當作犯人處置。但村內長者不知道如何處置這個少年,因此把他交給Okonkwo養,等到成年了在處置。當Ikemefuna成年後,村中長者告訴Okonkwo說神諭顯示一定要將Ikemefuna處決,但是Okunkwo產生了許多心裡的矛盾與恐懼,因此第三章則主旨在描述Okunkwo的家庭,以及童年經驗造成的內心掙扎。專輯大致上也跟小說一樣分成三個章節,分別用同音字藏在第一首歌Act Won(Things Fall Apart)、第十首歌Act Too(The Love of My life)以及第十四首3rd Acts: ? vs. Scratch 2... Electric Boogaloo。但是,在專輯的最後一首Bonus Track中更藏了一個”Act Fore... The End?”,是延伸專輯的三章出來的第四部分,反問「結束了嗎?」非常有趣,因為Things Fall Apart也是一本有續集的小說,甚至還有許多其他作者所撰寫的外傳。再次回到專輯來講,這張專輯在早期,其實有五種封面版本,分別是:奔跑的婦女、手中的Ace、教堂爆炸案、碎石中的嬰兒(南京大屠殺)以及哭泣的孩子,每張都有背後的故事。但是,最後被流傳最廣泛的,是這張攝於1960年代紐約布魯克林某次黑人民權運動時被警察追逐而奔跑中的婦女照片。主要是因為這張照片對於黑人社群而言關聯性比較高,展現了當時的種族歧視與不正義,且這張照片表現的情緒張力也是非常充沛。在專輯第一首Act Won中,是剪輯了1990年Spike Lee的電影愛情至上(Mo’ Better Blues),丹佐華盛頓與韋斯里斯奈普斯(Wesley Snipes)的對話,展現電影主旨,也就是探討黑人藝術家的生存處境與掙扎。丹佐華盛頓所飾演的樂手抱怨黑人觀眾不支持自己、不欣賞自己的文化,這樣黑人總有一天會餓死。而Wisley Snipes則回應說商業市場就是你做好聽的東西,觀眾就會來,這麼簡單而已。其實這段對話也反映了The Roots本身面對市場取向與自我意識的掙扎。 Too這首歌,找了Common來合作。這首歌除了代表專輯與小說的第二章意象關聯以外,同時也是回應了Common的Used to Love H.E.R.這首將Hip Hop作為女性來表達對他的愛的經典歌曲,所以這個Too,其實代表著Used to Love H.E.R.的Part 2的意思,內容也是表達了對於Hip Hop的愛。 Act後的第一首歌You Got Me,與Erykah Badu和Eve合作,是這張專輯最紅的一首歌。當時Eve的藝名是毀滅前夕(Eve of Destruction),某種程度象徵著小說的第三部分,也就是主角心靈內的掙扎與崩潰。這首歌基本上是描述一段雖然住附近但是卻在無意中認識的、命中註定的戀情的情歌,也表達了Black Thought名人身份與真實生活的掙扎。…,也被認為是The Roots最突破性的一張專輯,在現在來看也仍然還是一部經典之作。非常可惜的是,當年葛蘭美獎時,這張專輯雖然大受好評,但是仍然被同年出專輯(The Slim Shady LP)的阿姆奪走最佳饒舌專輯獎,被許多饒舌評論家認為是頒獎上的種族歧視。這種爭議一直到2013年Kendrick Lamar與Macklemore的專輯競爭中仍然繼續。
the roots things fall apart 在 矢部ユウナ Youtube 的最讚貼文
ルーツについて語る企画【ROOTS MY ROOTS】
0:50 SATTUCREW Profile
2:50 乾杯
3:20 結成話 コンセプト
6:25 ルーツ
13:39 インスパイアーソング
19:37 今後の活動
アーティスト Nas
アルバム illmatic
アーティスト Donny Hathaway
アルバム Live
曲 What's goin'on
アーティスト The Roots
アルバム Things Fall Apart
アーティスト Hank Jones
曲 Confirmation
アーティスト Damian Marley
アルバム Welcome to Jamrock
曲 Beautiful
【乾杯DRINK:イエーガー マイスター】
イエーガー マイスター
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