中秋月份要吃的 "#雲片糕" 🎑. Traditional sliced Cloud Cakes 💭 which has a chewy rice & sugar texture, Toasted sesame. If this was sold overseas, Wrigley would have gone bust ages ago haha 👲🏻👍🏻. Popular for the macro Canto-Chiu Chow population, also Jiangsu or Shanghainese crowd. This batch's version I bought is 50/50 Sweet-Savory, otherwise known as the 'elderlies flavor' at the Vendors. Since some older customers prefer reduced sugar.
#雞仔餅 (軟 Soft version). Fermented Red Beancurd cookies with Pork Lard, Nuts, Candied Wintermelon, etc. This batch is hand made by 大角咀金牌, rather than neighboring competitor 雞仔餅大王. Personally many versions in town are pretty bad nowadays, flavorless especially for the hard versions. My favorite is from Lei Yue Mun, but great to eat alternative offerings sometimes plus this one's less greasy..! Tastes amazing when heated up slightly! 🐖🐖