#拜登挺台入北約? #誰疑美棄台?
今日凌晨,網路上傳開拜登總統接受美國媒體ABC News主持人George Stephanopoulos專訪時的一段談話,被認為是繼國家安全顧問蘇利文(Jake Sullivan)前一日的發言後,美國政府再度公開對阿富汗撤軍後世界各國包括台灣都逐漸升溫的「#疑美論」(認為美國的安全承諾不可靠)做出回應。
STEPHANOPOULOS: You talked about our adversaries, China and Russia. You already see China telling Taiwan, "See? You can't count on the Americans." (LAUGH)
BIDEN: Sh-- why wouldn't China say that? Look, George, the idea that w-- there's a fundamental difference between-- between Taiwan, South Korea, NATO. We are in a situation where they are in-- entities we've made agreements with based on not a civil war they're having on that island or in South Korea, but on an agreement where they have a unity government that, in fact, is trying to keep bad guys from doin' bad things to them.
We have made-- kept every commitment. We made a sacred commitment to Article Five that if in fact anyone were to invade or take action against our NATO allies, we would respond. Same with Japan, same with South Korea, same with-- Taiwan. It's not even comparable to talk about that.
我們已承——我們信守一切承諾。我們對(《北大西洋公約》(North Atlantic Treaty)的)第五條作出了莊嚴的承諾,如果有人要入侵、或採取行動對抗我們的北約盟友,我們會回應。對日本是如此,對南韓是如此,對——台灣(也)是如此。這根本就無法比較。」
以前連《美日安保條約》是否涉及釣魚台都要吵個幾十年,怎麼可能一句話就說日韓台我通通要守下來?何況美國與中華民國🇹🇼(or台灣)目前並未有正式的軍事同盟或協防條約(MDT),如何與北約對比?(《北大西洋公約》第五條「#集體防衛(collective defence)」條款主張:聯盟中任一成員受攻擊,將被視為對全體成員的侵略事件。)
與台灣網路輿論圈的自嗨、樂觀情緒(#台灣要加入北約了?美國爸爸表態死守台灣!)相反,正因為這個表態太過不尋常與不可能,更違反了美國長期以來堅守的「#戰略模糊」政策立場(”a deviation from a long-held U.S. position of "strategic ambiguity.”)。
第一時間,許多評論就認為這可能是拜登的又一次 #口誤(misspoken),代表人物如美國的中國問題專家 #葛來儀(Bonnie Glaser)就抱持這樣的看法。
果然,該篇專訪登出後不到7個小時,拜登政府的資深官員就對路透社(Reuters)放風透露:「#美國對台政策不變。」(“policy with regard to Taiwan has not changed”)
1⃣️長期關注美台關係議題的「US Taiwan Watch: 美國台灣觀測站」粉專大概是台灣這一波訊息燒開的推播起點與主力,內容尚稱公允詳實,並未特別增添政治觀點,也提醒大家美國依然沒有明確回應如果中共出兵,美國會是如何的回應法。(但美國也不可能明確回應,「戰略模糊」,remember?)
2⃣️民進黨副秘書長林飛帆於凌晨2點多發文(大概是觀測站的粉絲),除了同樣提供原文翻譯及評論,重點在他提到拜登的談話,「與美國國安會顧問蘇利文Jake Sullivan把台灣與以色列並列的談話,都明確破除中共正在台灣大肆操作的「#疑美論」和「#美國棄台論」,值得我們持續關注。」
這件事確實值得關注。然而坦白說,台灣的「疑美論」和「美國棄台論」有多少成分是中共大肆操作,有多少是民間自發討論?大概很難有人可以給出客觀量化的數據。因為在阿富汗撤軍後,世界各國都多少興起了這股 #疑美論風潮,連《紐約時報》與諸多民主黨政治人物都批評拜登,紐時更提醒諸多亞洲國家包括 #台灣要警醒。但台灣面對中共武力威脅與併吞野心,自然又多了這一層複雜的外力因素。
台灣:first time?
再來,拜登總統在提到台灣與南韓前時用的詞是「entities」(實體),這個詞很常用於形容一些不能算是主權國家的團體,美國或世界各地在國際法中討論到中華民國(ROC)或台灣(Taiwan)時很常使用這個詞,如「#政治實體」(political entity)。雖然不知道為何把南韓也放在一起(大概又是直率坦言下的口誤,韓國人知道會很生氣吧?),但重點在後面提到的「他們(台灣&南韓))有個 #統合一致的政府」(”they have a unity government”)。
❚ 小結
就我個人觀察,實在不認為國民黨內疑美、反美是主流立場,至多在個別議題上與美方立場有不同意見,黨的整體與決策層級人士基本上都是親美立場居多,只是他們又要顧及兩岸關係(親美和陸),沒辦法(也不認同)像民進黨那樣採取「#一邊倒」的政策,完全走「抗中保台」路線,親美程度感覺有差。但很大程度上,一些國民黨人也認為這樣的一邊倒政策對台灣人民的安全來說其實 #不夠負責任。
這樣一邊倒不留餘地,甚至可能煽動戰爭風險的路線對台灣是有危險的,「在應競爭的領域競爭,在 #可合作的領域合作,在 #必須對抗的領域對抗」,這是美國國務卿布林肯(Antony Blinken)揭示的對華方針,絕對不是一些人說的什麼美中全面爭霸、準備開戰,台灣要趕快選邊站對邊。
這也是為何近期包括吳釗燮部長、邱義仁秘書長及蔡英文總統,都一再發出 #踩煞車 意味的言論,甚至關心對岸水災,一改對抗姿態的原因。畢竟台海風高浪急,美國也不得不出來重申政策框架的邊界,「拜登政府支持強健的美台非官方關係,#不支持台灣獨立。」(by美國白宮國家安全委員會印太事務協調官坎貝爾Kurt Campbell)
君不見繼資深官員放話路透社之後,#國務院發言人 也跑出來重申台灣關係法、六項保證及一中政策等老調了嗎?歷經幾十年淬鍊實踐的政策框架,是不可能輕易更動的。
要戰略模糊還是戰略清晰?這件事 #本身也是模糊的,端看當下環境美國要如何彈性運用,重點在於能夠有效嚇阻。
台灣內部因為歷史與政治的多重因素,對於自身在國際上的地位有著 #焦慮與不安全感,把美國視為維持生存的唯一救生圈。阿富汗撤軍為何在台灣引起極大熱議,除了媒體的推波助瀾、喚起年長的國人當年美國撤軍斷交的痛苦回憶,很大程度上也是反應當前國人尤其綠營內部或許連他們自己都沒有意識到的 #焦慮與恐懼,想要相信、也逼自己相信美國一定會幫忙防守台灣、台灣非常重要,因此看到美方的誰說了什麼一點話,情緒就受到大幅刺激與波動,不是歡欣鼓舞就是難過得要命,實在大可不必。
如果是真正 #勇敢自信的台灣人,看到今天阿富汗面臨的情況(或說下場),應該是可以 #處變不驚(我們 #中華民國派 喜歡講 #莊敬自強 💪),最應先思考的是如何自立自強、如何提升台灣的籌碼與重要性,來認真檢視各項議題:是否要改革兵役制度、加強台灣的國防戰力,我們的軍事轉型完成了嗎?做對了嗎?我們的兩岸溝通管道暢通嗎?有辦法在周邊出事時保持最基本的聯繫而不誤判嗎?
#國際關係是關乎生與死的學問(”International theory is the theory of survival”— Martin Wight, 1961),需要長期觀察與浸淫才能一窺堂奧。近年來開始有很多專注國際關係的新媒體出現與傳統媒體的投入,這是好事。台灣非常需要了解國際關係,無論是經貿或是更重要的安全層面,更應該隨時保持冷靜思考,不要患得患失、隨媒體或政治人物的誇張言論起舞,因為這關乎我們所有人共同家園的存續,
同時也有51部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過37萬的網紅egg Channel,也在其Youtube影片中提到,egg編集長が出演したテレビで語ったギャル論を題材に制作した楽曲GALisMIND。 ギャルに対する偏見や、世間から向けられてきた様々な意見に対する想いやアンサーがリリックに込められています。 -ギャルとは?- 自分の好きなことを突き詰める。 年齢や性別、そして国籍も関係ない。 モテるからやると...
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theory japan 在 黃心健 Hsin-Chien Huang Facebook 的最佳貼文
#Congratulations! Director Hsin-Chien Huang's latest VR works, Samsara and The Starry Sand Beach, were nominated for the 78th Venice International Film Festival!
The 78th Venice International Film Festival (VIFF) announced the shortlisted nominees for the category of VR Film. Taiwanese new media artist, Distinguished Professor of NTNU, Hsin-Chien Huang, winner of the BEST VR Experience in 2017 with his work La Camera Insabbiata, will again contest for the Leone d’oro this year with two of his latest, sci-fi inspired works, Samsara and The Starry Sand Beach. While the Taiwanese athletes are striving for the Gold Medals at the Tokyo Olympics as we speak, director Hsin-Chien Huang dazzles the jury of VIFF with his visually-stunning and thought-provoking works — bringing cutting-edge Taiwanese VR films onto the international stage and letting world-wide audience sees Taiwan!
Before being selected for the 78th Venice International Film Festival, Samsara episode 1. has already grabbed the Jury Award at SXSW and Best VR Story at the Cannes XR Competition. This futuristic VR experience teleports the audience onto a journey that spans millions of years. Samsara is a Sanskrit word meaning “ the world ”. In Buddhism, it means what we perceive as the world is actually an endless cycle of karma (cause and effect), a cycle of life, death and rebirth in the six realms of existence. In this fascinating VR work, the audience is reincarnated into the bodies of different persons and creatures, experiencing the universe in their new bodies and in search for the ultimate spiritual transcendence.
Samsara depicts an apocalyptical story in the near future where human greed has depleted the earth’s resource. Catastrophic wars to fight for resource resulted in global destruction. Finally, the remaining humans had to leave the Earth and go on a search in space for a new place to live.
Nevertheless, their desperate, long quest for a new homeland… could it be just a loop in space and time? The cycle of greedy domination and total destruction that then necessitates the search for a new home…. may have hopelessly repeated itself over and over again? The constant evolutionary process and so-called progress, without transformation in consciousness and spiritual advancement, is nothing more than a Möbius strip that leads nowhere, perhaps…?
Samsara is an experiment based on the theory of Embodied Cognition. Through interactivity and VR, the audience gets to live inside the bodies of different persons and creatures, experiencing their feelings from within. Perhaps It is when we can perceive the world in different bodies that we may truly appreciate the thoughts of others and empathize with them. An experience that will also help us better comprehend our own existence and learn to live in harmony with all.
Samsara explores a complex of deeply interconnected issues of ecology, technology, natural resource and war, etc. It's a story about a journey humans are forced to take on, after having destroyed the earth with nuclear disasters. The survivors seek a new planet, in the boundless, interstellar space, to carry on their lives. Gradually they evolve into a new life form artificially. Yet, many years passed and they’ve come to realize that they would never make it to the new planet they’ve been dreaming of. In fact, they have simply been returning to the Earth, in different life forms, time after time.
Director Huang applies the concepts of embodied cognition, offering a unique way to contemplate about the nature of life. As the audience are transported into different bodies each time, they gain a brand new perspective to experience the world views presented in Samsara.
Samsara was produced under the guidance of Taiwan Creative Content Agency (TAICCA) and Kaohsiung Film Archive VR(VR FILM LAB), it’s a sate-of-the-art VR production made 100% in Taiwan. In the VR experience, viewers are transformed into various kinds of animals to interact with the scenes, including species unique and indigenous to Taiwan, such as Taiwan Blue Magpie and Formosan Black Bear.
Samsara Ep.1 features the latest somatosensory technology, including 4D views shooting techniques by the Industrial Technology Research Institute and TAICCA. A digital shooting system comprised of a high-sensitivity 4 million-pixel, full-color CCD sensor and 48 4DV-EX-Z cameras made it possible for Samsara Ep.1 to be taken from an omnidirectional view and shot without any blind spots, creating the ultimate immersive experience.
THE STARRY SAND BEACH, directed by Hsin-Chien Huang and produced in cooperation with Lucid Reality (France) and Oready 瑞意創科 Oready Innovation Lab (Taiwan), is a scientific fairy tale about a unique ecological wonder in Taiwan and Japan, the shiny starry sand beaches. Foraminifera, from the Latin word “foramen” meaning hole, is a single-celled organism that builds a shell with multiple chambers which intercommunicate with one another through holes. On the Qimei Island, Taiwan and the Yaeyama Islands, Japan, beaches have been formed by a specific species of foraminifera with star-shaped shells made of calcium carbonate. Like the real stars in the legends, grains of the starry sand have also been preserving the earth’s memories for millions of years.
THE STARRY SAND BEACH is a real-time 3D interactive VR adventure into the natural and mythological landscape of the starry sand beaches on Qimei Island in Penghu Archipelago, Xing Sha Wan in Kenting National Park and Taketomi Island in the far south of Japan. The experience is full of aesthetically-amazing elements and enriched with cultural and religious significance like Shintoism in Japan. A beautiful, haunting legend tells the story of the starry sand…
The final winners will be presented at the award ceremony held on Sep11. With great anticipation and hopes, Hsin-Chien Huang is expected to bring home again the grand prize for Taiwan!
#黃心健 #HsinChienHuang
#samsara #chalkroom
#VeniceInternationalFilmFestival #VIFF
theory japan 在 Mordeth13 Facebook 的最佳解答
Jenna Cody :
Is Taiwan a real China?
No, and with the exception of a few intervening decades - here’s the part that’ll surprise you - it never has been.
This’ll blow your mind too: that it never has been doesn’t matter.
So let’s start with what doesn’t actually matter.
Until the 1600s, Taiwan was indigenous. Indigenous Taiwanese are not Chinese, they’re Austronesian. Then it was a Dutch colony (note: I do not say “it was Dutch”, I say it was a Dutch colony). Then it was taken over by Ming loyalists at the end of the Ming dynasty (the Ming loyalists were breakaways, not a part of the new Qing court. Any overlap in Ming rule and Ming loyalist conquest of Taiwan was so brief as to be inconsequential).
Only then, in the late 1600s, was it taken over by the Chinese (Qing). But here’s the thing, it was more like a colony of the Qing, treated as - to use Emma Teng’s wording in Taiwan’s Imagined Geography - a barrier or barricade keeping the ‘real’ Qing China safe. In fact, the Qing didn’t even want Taiwan at first, the emperor called it “a ball of mud beyond the pale of civilization”. Prior to that, and to a great extent at that time, there was no concept on the part of China that Taiwan was Chinese, even though Chinese immigrants began moving to Taiwan under Dutch colonial rule (mostly encouraged by the Dutch, to work as laborers). When the Spanish landed in the north of Taiwan, it was the Dutch, not the Chinese, who kicked them out.
Under Qing colonial rule - and yes, I am choosing my words carefully - China only controlled the Western half of Taiwan. They didn’t even have maps for the eastern half. That’s how uninterested in it they were. I can’t say that the Qing controlled “Taiwan”, they only had power over part of it.
Note that the Qing were Manchu, which at the time of their conquest had not been a part of China: China itself essentially became a Manchu imperial holding, and Taiwan did as well, once they were convinced it was not a “ball of mud” but actually worth taking. Taiwan was not treated the same way as the rest of “Qing China”, and was not administered as a province until (I believe) 1887. So that’s around 200 years of Taiwan being a colony of the Qing.
What happened in the late 19th century to change China’s mind? Japan. A Japanese ship was shipwrecked in eastern Taiwan in the 1870s, and the crew was killed by hostile indigenous people in what is known as the Mudan Incident. A Japanese emissary mission went to China to inquire about what could be done, only to be told that China had no control there and if they went to eastern Taiwan, they did so at their own peril. China had not intended to imply that Taiwan wasn’t theirs, but they did. Japan - and other foreign powers, as France also attempted an invasion - were showing an interest in Taiwan, so China decided to cement its claim, started mapping the entire island, and made it a province.
So, I suppose for a decade or so Taiwan was a part of China. A China that no longer exists.
It remained a province until 1895, when it was ceded to Japan after the (first) Sino-Japanese War. Before that could happen, Taiwan declared itself a Republic, although it was essentially a Qing puppet state (though the history here is interesting - correspondence at the time indicates that the leaders of this ‘Republic of Taiwan’ considered themselves Chinese, and the tiger flag hints at this as well. However, the constitution was a very republican document, not something you’d expect to see in Qing-era China.) That lasted for less than a year, when the Japanese took it by force.
This is important for two reasons - the first is that some interpretations of IR theory state that when a colonial holding is released, it should revert to the state it was in before it was taken as a colony. In this case, that would actually be The Republic of Taiwan, not Qing-era China. Secondly, it puts to rest all notions that there was no Taiwan autonomy movement prior to 1947.
In any case, it would be impossible to revert to its previous state, as the government that controlled it - the Qing empire - no longer exists. The current government of China - the PRC - has never controlled it.
After the Japanese colonial era, there is a whole web of treaties and agreements that do not satisfactorily settle the status of Taiwan. None of them actually do so - those which explicitly state that Taiwan is to be given to the Republic of China (such as the Cairo declaration) are non-binding. Those that are binding do not settle the status of Taiwan (neither the treaty of San Francisco nor the Treaty of Taipei definitively say that Taiwan is a part of China, or even which China it is - the Treaty of Taipei sets out what nationality the Taiwanese are to be considered, but that doesn’t determine territorial claims). Treaty-wise, the status of Taiwan is “undetermined”.
Under more modern interpretations, what a state needs to be a state is…lessee…a contiguous territory, a government, a military, a currency…maybe I’m forgetting something, but Taiwan has all of it. For all intents and purposes it is independent already.
In fact, in the time when all of these agreements were made, the Allied powers weren’t as sure as you might have learned about what to do with Taiwan. They weren’t a big fan of Chiang Kai-shek, didn’t want it to go Communist, and discussed an Allied trusteeship (which would have led to independence) or backing local autonomy movements (which did exist). That it became what it did - “the ROC” but not China - was an accident (as Hsiao-ting Lin lays out in Accidental State).
In fact, the KMT knew this, and at the time the foreign minister (George Yeh) stated something to the effect that they were aware they were ‘squatters’ in Taiwan.
Since then, it’s true that the ROC claims to be the rightful government of Taiwan, however, that hardly matters when considering the future of Taiwan simply because they have no choice. To divest themselves of all such claims (and, presumably, change their name) would be considered by the PRC to be a declaration of formal independence. So that they have not done so is not a sign that they wish to retain the claim, merely that they wish to avoid a war.
It’s also true that most Taiwanese are ethnically “Han” (alongside indigenous and Hakka, although Hakka are, according to many, technically Han…but I don’t think that’s relevant here). But biology is not destiny: what ethnicity someone is shouldn’t determine what government they must be ruled by.
Through all of this, the Taiwanese have evolved their own culture, identity and sense of history. They are diverse in a way unique to Taiwan, having been a part of Austronesian and later Hoklo trade routes through Southeast Asia for millenia. Now, one in five (I’ve heard one in four, actually) Taiwanese children has a foreign parent. The Taiwanese language (which is not Mandarin - that’s a KMT transplant language forced on Taiwanese) is gaining popularity as people discover their history. Visiting Taiwan and China, it is clear where the cultural differences are, not least in terms of civic engagement. This morning, a group of legislators were removed after a weekend-long pro-labor hunger strike in front of the presidential palace. They were not arrested and will not be. Right now, a group of pro-labor protesters is lying down on the tracks at Taipei Main Station to protest the new labor law amendments.
This would never be allowed in China, but Taiwanese take it as a fiercely-guarded basic right.
Now, as I said, none of this matters.
What matters is self-determination. If you believe in democracy, you believe that every state (and Taiwan does fit the definition of a state) that wants to be democratic - that already is democratic and wishes to remain that way - has the right to self-determination. In fact, every nation does. You cannot be pro-democracy and also believe that it is acceptable to deprive people of this right, especially if they already have it.
Taiwan is already a democracy. That means it has the right to determine its own future. Period.
Even under the ROC, Taiwan was not allowed to determine its future. The KMT just arrived from China and claimed it. The Taiwanese were never asked if they consented. What do we call it when a foreign government arrives in land they had not previously governed and declares itself the legitimate governing power of that land without the consent of the local people? We call that colonialism.
Under this definition, the ROC can also be said to be a colonial power in Taiwan. They forced Mandarin - previously not a language native to Taiwan - onto the people, taught Chinese history, geography and culture, and insisted that the Taiwanese learn they were Chinese - not Taiwanese (and certainly not Japanese). This was forced on them. It was not chosen. Some, for awhile, swallowed it. Many didn’t. The independence movement only grew, and truly blossomed after democratization - something the Taiwanese fought for and won, not something handed to them by the KMT.
So what matters is what the Taiwanese want, not what the ROC is forced to claim. I cannot stress this enough - if you do not believe Taiwan has the right to this, you do not believe in democracy.
And poll after poll shows it: Taiwanese identify more as Taiwanese than Chinese (those who identify as both primarily identify as Taiwanese, just as I identify as American and Armenian, but primarily as American. Armenian is merely my ethnicity). They overwhelmingly support not unifying with China. The vast majority who support the status quo support one that leads to eventual de jure independence, not unification. The status quo is not - and cannot be - an endgame (if only because China has declared so, but also because it is untenable). Less than 10% want unification. Only a small number (a very small minority) would countenance unification in the future…even if China were to democratize.
The issue isn’t the incompatibility of the systems - it’s that the Taiwanese fundamentally do not see themselves as Chinese.
A change in China’s system won’t change that. It’s not an ethnic nationalism - there is no ethnic argument for Taiwan (or any nation - didn’t we learn in the 20th century what ethnicity-based nation-building leads to? Nothing good). It’s not a jingoistic or xenophobic nationalism - Taiwanese know that to be dangerous. It’s a nationalism based on shared identity, culture, history and civics. The healthiest kind of nationalism there is. Taiwan exists because the Taiwanese identify with it. Period.
There are debates about how long the status quo should go on, and what we should risk to insist on formal recognition. However, the question of whether or not to be Taiwan, not China…
…well, that’s already settled.
The Taiwanese have spoken and they are not Chinese.
Whatever y’all think about that doesn’t matter. That’s what they want, and if you believe in self-determination you will respect it.
If you don’t, good luck with your authoritarian nonsense, but Taiwan wants nothing to do with it.
theory japan 在 egg Channel Youtube 的精選貼文
egg編集長が出演したテレビで語ったギャル論を題材に制作した楽曲GALisMIND。 ギャルに対する偏見や、世間から向けられてきた様々な意見に対する想いやアンサーがリリックに込められています。
自分の好きなことを突き詰める。 年齢や性別、そして国籍も関係ない。 モテるからやるとかではない。好きなものは好き。 好きなものを貫く。言いたいことを言う。 自分の気持ちにウソをつかないという精神や生き様。 それこそがギャル。 そんなギャルマインドを持つ全ての人々に捧ぐ楽曲がGALisMINDです。
半熟卵っち / GALisMIND
作詞:大門弥生 / YAYOI DAIMON
作曲:大門弥生 / YAYOI DAIMON
egg専属モデルの中でもラップに定評のあるmaami、momoa、YU-chami、そして新メンバーにeripi、riseri、airiを加えた次世代HIP HOPユニット【半熟卵っち】。 ユニット名の由来はeggの名前の由来でもある、まだ社会に飛び立つ前の、無限の可能性を秘めた卵の状態の女の子たちという意味とHIPHOP初心者の未熟者という意味を込めてつけられた。
"GAL is MIND" is a song created based on the theory of gals that the editor-in-chief of egg talked about on TV. The lyrics contain prejudice against GAL, thoughts and answers to various opinions that have been directed by the world. -What is GAL?- Stick to what I like. Age, gender, and nationality do not matter. It's not like doing it because it's popular. I like what I like. Say what you want to say. The spirit and way of life of not lying about one's feelings. That's what GAL is. "GAL is MIND" is the song dedicated to all people who have a GAL mind.
■prod by 大門弥生 YAYOI DAIMON
IG @yayoidaimon
■beat by dubby bunny
IG @bunny_selfmade
theory japan 在 Pat Kay Youtube 的最佳解答
Episode 5 of the series decoding Visual Language with Photography Visual Patterns!
This week, Contrast. It's not just about the relationship between light and dark, it's so much more.
Visual Language & Visual Pattern Series
Ep 1, Frames: https://youtu.be/8ua1A7VI2H0
Ep 2, Negative Space: https://youtu.be/id0WCxwVNWY
Ep 3, Leading Lines: https://youtu.be/uu_5lEja2vA
Ep 4, Color Theory: https://youtu.be/yIOVJXNoDxY
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📷 Gear
Photo camera - https://geni.us/GJrG7iy
Video camera - https://geni.us/J1KUKOQ
Little camera - https://geni.us/TWPPdPC
Main lens - https://geni.us/ifAt80d
Wide lens - https://geni.us/6Gkq
Mid lens - https://geni.us/0ooL
Portrait lens - https://geni.us/mBf1I
Long lens - https://geni.us/213QPKM
Shotgun mic - https://geni.us/ogbq
Shotgun deadcat - https://geni.us/IGuRsBA
Lav mic - https://geni.us/z3i4Ov9
Drone - https://geni.us/2q5uu
Tripod - https://geni.us/vO4wh
Mini tripod - https://geni.us/k9ym
SD card - https://geni.us/DrVnd6q
Full gear list here - https://geni.us/A6HPT
0:00 Intro
0:40 Contrast explaination
4:10 Examples
9:48 Wrap up
theory japan 在 Pat Kay Youtube 的最佳貼文
In this video, I'm sharing a little idea about how our attention works, why practice helps, and how to get the most out of our time repetitiously perfecting our craft.
Visual Language & Visual Pattern Series
Ep 1, Frames: https://youtu.be/8ua1A7VI2H0
Ep 2, Negative Space: https://youtu.be/id0WCxwVNWY
Ep 3, Leading Lines: https://youtu.be/uu_5lEja2vA
Ep 4, Color Theory: https://youtu.be/yIOVJXNoDxY
Support me on Patreon or join this channel to get access to exclusive perks:
Let's chat! Join my Discord
Get the music I use
Epidemic Sound (30 days free) - https://geni.us/pk-epidemicsound
Artlist (get 2 months free) - https://geni.us/pk-artlist
Stock video footage (use my code for an extra 2 months free)
🌐 Find me at
Patreon - https://patreon.com/patkay
Website - https://patkay.com
Instagram - https://instagram.com/pat_kay
Instagram (second account) - https://instagram.com/heypatkay
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Discord - https://discord.gg/nrm4ZdhRQQ
Twitch - https://twitch.tv/heypatkay
🛍 Shop
Photography Guide to Japan - https://geni.us/DiscoverJapan
Photography Guide to Tokyo - https://geni.us/TokyoGuide
My entire Adobe Lightroom preset pack - https://geni.us/presets
Prints - https://geni.us/pkprints
📷 Gear
Photo camera - https://geni.us/GJrG7iy
Video camera - https://geni.us/J1KUKOQ
Little camera - https://geni.us/TWPPdPC
Main lens - https://geni.us/ifAt80d
Wide lens - https://geni.us/6Gkq
Mid lens - https://geni.us/0ooL
Portrait lens - https://geni.us/mBf1I
Long lens - https://geni.us/213QPKM
Shotgun mic - https://geni.us/ogbq
Shotgun deadcat - https://geni.us/IGuRsBA
Lav mic - https://geni.us/z3i4Ov9
Drone - https://geni.us/2q5uu
Tripod - https://geni.us/vO4wh
Mini tripod - https://geni.us/k9ym
SD card - https://geni.us/DrVnd6q
Full gear list here - https://geni.us/A6HPT
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