With an ambitious aim to host the first Red Carpet Gala Dinner at mainland Butterworth, CHT Network collaborated with Ichi Media for the first time to host an exclusive Red Carpet Gala Dinner- "The North Banquet 2016- of The Hosts and The VIPs". The event was held on 30 July 2016 at Sunway Carnival Mall's Convention Centre and has received tremendous support from many big brands such as RADO, Shiseido Professional, Lamborghini Kuala Lumpur, Sunway Hotel, Royals Blue, Airmas Group, GST Group, Gartien, Starbucks Malaysia, Red Box Karaoke, One East Museum, Passionis and DCOVA etc.
Read the full story here at: http://www.kenhuntfood.com/…/the-north-banquet-2016-of-host…