In the morning, the director of the museum came to our house and excitingly said "school, school, come!". She waved her hand and called us getting on the car. After arrived the school, we finally knew that we were invited to share our stories at school next day, so we decided to stay here one more night.
Today we came to a halt. Although our steps didn't move on expectedly, we went forward to our goal.
One of the museum staff came and took care of us. She asked visitors to buy us somefood. The couple that visited our living place is very lovely. They went outing because they would like to do something different, and then they met us, a group of people come from Asia.
We shared the experience of this journey and draw their faces as gifts for them. We did those things to transmit how we respect the relationship we built. "What a harvest day today!", they said.
It turns out that our existence could be a surprise in someone's life.
We feel all things happened. We thank everything, just like it's prepared and arranged for us especially.
主辦單位:夢想騎士計畫 / 社團法人I-LIFE國際行動協會
協辦單位:財團法人勵馨事業福利基金會 / 社團法人台灣全人發展與性別平等協會