元祖韓國蜂巢軟雪糕Softree 已經正式抵港, 我哋今個星期六(Nov8)將會正式開幕!而且凡於下午三點後購買任何一杯Softree雪糕(一口雪糕除外),以Instagram #SoftreeHK 及 Follow我哋 @Softree_HK 即送您買一送一 coupon! 仲唔快啲話俾朋友聽!
The original Korean Honey Comb soft-serve is in Hong Kong! We will be officially open this Saturday (Nov 8). Special Promotional Offer: Customers who have Instagram a photo with #SoftreeHK and follow our Instagram @Softree_HK ,We will give out Buy 1 Get 1 Free coupon to you for any ice cream purchase after 3 pm (except one bite ice cream).
Address: G/F, No 5, Caroline Hill Road, Causeway Bay
1) 憑券可兌換任何雪糕乙杯。
2) 優惠券並不可兌換現金或其他優惠。
3) 任何Instagram用戶參加是次活動獲得優惠券,即表示接受及同意是次此條款及細則。任何人違反本活動條款及細則,本店有權取消其優惠券,並對於任何破壞是次活動之行為保留追究權利。
4) 本店保留決定及更改優惠券內容之權力。如有任何爭議,本店保留最終決定及解釋權。
5) 優惠券有效期為一個月
Terms & Conditions of Buy 1 Get 1 Free coupon:
1. Redeem one Softree ice cream from the listed menu using the coupon.
2. The coupon cannot be exchanged for cash or any other form of discounts.
3. All participants of this Instagram promotion program must agree to the stated Terms and Conditions, Softree Hong Kong reserves the right to disqualify any participants who violate the program and retain the right to pursue legal action.
4. In case of any disputes Softree Hong Kong shall reserve the right of final decision.
5. Valid for One Month.
*此優惠並不包括一口雪* *Does not apply to mini cones. *