《新加坡聯合早報、紐約時報、BBC其他國際新聞 對美國因白人警察執法過當全國各地抗爭,且包圍白宮新聞》6/1
* 美國白人警察粗暴執法導致非洲裔男子死亡所引發的示威活動持續升級,使美國陷入近年來最嚴重的社會動蕩,多個大城市週六(5月30日)實施宵禁,至少有八個州屬出動了聯邦國民警衛隊維持秩序。
反種族歧視示威再升級 美20多個大城市實施宵禁 https://www.zaobao.com/znews/international/story20200601-1057699?utm_source=ZB_iPhone&utm_medium=share
* 全美多個城市因明尼蘇達州白人警察暴力執法引發的動亂越演越烈。
油罐車衝向人群 美國德州進入災難狀態 https://www.zaobao.com/realtime/world/story20200601-1057776?utm_source=ZB_iPhone&utm_medium=share
* 政治抗爭持續,美國全國多州進入緊急狀態,示威者包圍白宮,並且在白宮外現場燃燒物品,美國鎮暴警察國民警衛嚴正以待,剛剛噴催淚瓦斯,試圖驅除民眾。
George Floyd Protests Live Updates: Cities on Edge as Fires Burn Near the White House
Nationwide demonstrations resume, officials in several states reinforce their National Guard presence and anger mounts at increasingly aggressive tactics by the police.
RIGHT NOWFires are burning in the streets near the White House in Washington, where a curfew went into effect at 11 p.m. Eastern time.
Here’s what you need to know:
*The White House goes dark as fires rage nearby.
*Two Atlanta police officers were fired for using excessive force during a protest.
*A man is arrested after driving a truck through a crowd of Minnesota protesters.
*Trump is heard, but not seen, on a simmering Sunday.
*Could protesting spread coronavirus? Officials are worried.
*National Guard commanders say troops are meant only to keep the peace.
*Looters strike Philadelphia stores while peaceful crowds protest at City Hall.
The police fired tear gas near the White House on Sunday night to dissuade protesters who had smashed the windows of prominent buildings, overturned cars and set fires, with smoke seen rising from near the Washington Monument.
George Floyd death: Violence erupts on sixth day of protests https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-52872401
* 此時此刻的白宮拉菲耶特廣場外,🔥已經燒到了川普官邸。紐約時報報導週五晚川普曾一度在幕僚建議下至白宮地下室短暫躲避。 http://t.cn/A62CLrdd —鳳凰衛視
* 當地時間5月31日,美國首都華盛頓連續三天爆發反種族歧視示威。當天,近千名示威者再次在白宮北側的拉斐特公園外示威抗議。人們手拿標語,高呼「沒有公正,就沒有和平」等口號。在華盛頓的抗議現場,有三類抗議者。第一類是真正為非裔爭取權益的和平抗議者。不僅是非裔,還有白人,西裔等等。今天還有華裔舉著中英文的標語:「黑人的命也是命。」第二類是打砸搶的犯罪分子,華盛頓的奢侈品店被砸,今天全部戒嚴;第三類是激進主義趁機製造混亂。