觀測站剛剛分享了德州參議員克魯茲(Ted Cruz)發言挺台灣的新聞。我們幾位小編把原文影片找來看,覺得克魯茲的發言實在太精采了,所以幫大家把他講到台灣的部分做了翻譯,大家可以搭配著影片(http://bit.ly/2ticbNX)來看。
影片的場合是,克魯茲在出席華府智庫「美國企業研究所」(American Enterprise Institute, AEI),在回答中央社記者問題時,不僅大方表態挺台,甚至表示已簽署聯名信給眾議院議長佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi),要她儘快邀請台灣總統蔡英文來美國國會演講。
📰 中央社新聞連結:http://bit.ly/2ShiQqe
中央社 💬
Thank you. Rita Cheng from Central News Agency, Taiwan. Thank you. My question is: since that I remember you cosponsored the Taiwan Travel Act last year, right? And then President Trump also signed into the law. So I am just wondering: do you have any plan or idea to carry out the Taiwan Travel Act? Will you support President Tsai, President of Taiwan Tsai Ing-wen, to visit Washington DC and deliver her speech in the Congress? Is it good time or good idea to do it this year? Thank you.
謝謝你,台灣中央社Rita Cheng。謝謝。我的問題是:我記得你去年連署了台灣旅行法,而川普總統也簽署立法了。所以我想知道:你是否有計劃或打算要如何執行台灣旅行法?你是否支持蔡總統,台灣總統蔡英文,訪問華盛頓特區並在國會發表演說?今年時機恰當嗎?可行嗎?謝謝。
克魯茲 💬
So let me start with the second part of your question. Yes, I support President Tsai coming and delivering a speech to Congress indeed. I just recently signed a letter, urging the speaker of the House to invite her. When she came to Houston some time ago, I met with her one on one, and I would say I was thoroughly amused prior to the meeting to receive a letter from the PRC. The government of China asked me “Please, don’t meet with President Tsai.” And, look, anyone who knows me would know that that’s such a correspondence that’s unlikely to be successful. But I had a great fun responding to that letter and explaining to the government of China that I will meet with whoever I damn will please. And they have no authority to dictate who I meet with any more than I have an authority to dictate who they meet with.
But, beyond that, listen, I meet the people of Taiwan, you want to talk about the extraordinary story of standing up against Chinese oppression, and creating an economic jewel, an economic powerhouse. You want an illustration of whether freedom or totalitarianism works, compare Taiwan and China side by side. And so in my time in the Senate, I have consistently worked to be the leading defender of Taiwan in the Senate and Senate armed services committee year after year after year. I have introduced legislations, some of which was passed, some of which was not, to strengthen our relationship with Taiwan.
And I think standing with our allies against, in this case, China, would fall into the basket I just described as a rival. China is constantly trying to press Taiwan into submission, constantly trying to stifle Taiwan, constantly maintaining the fiction of the One China Policy. And I think, speaking out, look, the meeting I had with President Tsai, I think, was positive and beneficial. And I hope to see her coming to Washington and deliver an address in Congress.
我認為與盟友並肩對抗中國,可以套用到我剛才說的,對抗一個敵手的概念。中國一直試圖壓迫台灣使其屈服, 一直要扼殺台灣的生存空間,一直做著一中政策的迷夢。我認為和蔡總統的會面是相當正面、有好處的。我也希望能看到她來華盛頓並在國會發表演講。
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