▼ 1. HFPA 在金球獎頒獎前三天宣示會努力招募黑人會員
長年被批評忽略有色人種創作者作品的金球獎主辦單位 HFPA 好萊塢外籍記者協會,近日又被洛杉磯時報踢爆87名成員沒有任何一名黑人,而且長期坐視擔任媒體記者的會員大拿片商好處等弊端。為了避免醜聞繼續延燒,HFPA 趕在今年金球獎頒獎典禮前三天承認他們長期缺乏黑人代表的問題,並宣示會盡快制定行動計劃來改善會員族群背景缺乏代表性的狀況。娛樂媒體 The Ginger 則再補一槍認為金球獎已經證明了自己完全不值得被認真看待的事實真相,並建議大家未來應該把注意力轉向其他更有代表性的獎項,比如獨立精神獎、編劇工會獎、演員工會獎、紐約影評人協會或是其他任何影評人協會頒發的獎項。
▼ 2. 一些和 Daft Punk 有關的數據
傳奇電音團體 Daft Punk 無預警宣佈解散的錯愕仍在,今天出現了幾則和 Daft Punk 有關的數字統計,可以讓不熟悉這個電音團體的人想像一下他們的影響力。首先是解散消息傳出之後,ebay 上的相關商品交易量增加了500%,連商品搜尋也暴增了600%,顯示有大量樂迷試圖把握最後機會留住關於他們的記憶。Billboard 的報導也指出雖然他們已經7年沒有發行專輯,但過去4年的專輯銷售仍然保持強勁,平均每年繼續賣出31.7萬張專輯(包含黑膠、CD和數位下載),單曲一年也有11.7萬首銷量。如果該團沒有解散,一年的巡迴演出收益估計高達1億美元。現在這1億美元產值可能蒸發了,但未來舊專輯將繼續靠著新舊樂迷的支持為他們兩人繼續製造源源不絕的收入。
▼ 3. 好萊塢串流大戰最後一個玩家 Paramount+ 現身之後的各界反應
1) 雖然有華爾街分析師看好 Paramount+,但多數分析師都覺得這道菜來得太遲太不夠看。體育賽事項目不夠多,新聞節目則終究無法與網路比即時性。最終 ViacomCBS 要同時繼續往傳統電視業務和新的串流業務裡倒錢,會使他們的債務壓力極大。(https://bit.ly/3ksGPOo)
2) Bloomberg 也注意到了 ViacomCBS 在傳統媒體業務和新串流業務之間的猶豫。比如他們只發佈了《A Quiet Place Part II 噤界II》和《 Mission: Impossible 7 不可能的任務 7》打破空窗期上架的規劃,而沒有像 WarnerMedia 那樣把所有的大片統統倒進串流業務裡。該集團的旗下的有線電視頻道 Showtime 也被排除在串流版圖內,可能是因為該業務收入還太重要所致。(https://bloom.bg/3uCSVc4)
3) 紐約時報找了品牌專家來分析 Plus 這個被用爛的字如何變成舊酒裝新瓶的陳腔濫調。媒體產業最早的 Plus 可以上溯到1984年開台的法國電視頻道 Canal+。雖然 Plus 容易溝通,四個字母就可以告訴消費者這是更好更新的東西。但是在媒體產業時時刻刻都在版圖重組的年代,如果更新的東西之後還有更新的東西怎麼辦?Paramount Plus Plus Plus?Paramout Pro Max?(https://nyti.ms/2ZRmsAX)
4) Gizmodo 的作者則激憤地警告紐約時報別再對 Plus 這個字說三道四,人家合用得很.....(https://bit.ly/3ksBmXJ)
▽ 其他今天也可以知道一下的事請見留言
同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過9,920的網紅Cy Leo,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Together with 4 promising young jazz musician, Cy Leo has brought a 60mins concert to the Hong Kong City University on the 24 Feb 2017, in order to de...
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mission: impossible 7 part 2 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
▼ 1. Netflix 宣佈今年韓劇投資總額高達5億美元
雖然 Netflix 在台灣猛打「好台」的形象廣告,但今天的大新聞揭露了他們骨子裡藏的是「好韓」的策略。Netflix 的聯合執行長 Ted Sarandos 今天親自透過線上記者會宣佈他們今年將投資5億美元在韓國電影和電視劇的製作上。和2015年~2020年間投資韓國內容購買及製作的7億美元相比,今年的投資金額成長完全可以用超光速飛行來比喻。雖然韓劇最大的海外市場是 Netflix 還沒拿到鑰匙進去的中國市場,但顯然 Netflix 仍然覺得投資韓劇足以輻射到夠多的亞洲觀眾(我們終於為了看太多韓劇而付出代價),因而選擇將韓國的作為亞洲的製作中心。他們日前才租下首爾近郊兩個攝影棚基地,並和 CJ 娛樂及其子公司 Studio Dragon 簽下為期三年的製作合約。當然不只是台灣人,韓國觀眾仍然貢獻良多,根據 Nielsen 的調查2020年底 Netflix 在韓國的訂戶數量較年初爆炸性成長了64%。
▼ 2. HBO 進一步與 HBO Max 人事整併和裁員
作為美國有線電視時代最偉大的王朝,HBO 正在親眼見證自己曾經統治的領土被新時代的主人一點一滴吞噬。 AT&T 入主 Warner 之後就積極推動 HBO 的內容與品牌整併進集團準備推出的串流服務 HBO Max 之中,還為了推動整併不力讓在電視圈長期呼風喚雨的 HBO 董事長兼執行長 Richard Plepler 走人。終於在 HBO Max 順利上路並和新冠肺炎造成的好萊塢板塊移動撞個滿懷之後,AT&T 正在推動 HBO 和 HBO Max 的進一步組織整併工作,讓同一個主管同時負責 HBO 頻道和 HBO Max 串流節目的業務。雖然職務整併中最後留下來的經常都是比較資深的 HBO 主管(而讓相對資淺的 HBO Max 主管走人),但這一波裁員比例仍將高達 5~7%,也就是說現有員工會有超過1750人將因而失業。
▼ 3. Paramount+ 姍姍來遲地爬上串流這座擁擠的山頭(Sony 表示你們忙就好)
Paramount 原本是好萊塢大片廠中除了 Sony 之外對經營串流平台最意興闌珊的一家。Sony 和 Paramount 甚至還利用不搶著建平台的心力,去替串流打工製作節目( Paramount 旗下有專為串流服務的製片部門,Sony 則少為人知地是串流史上最好的電視劇《The Crown 王冠》背後的製作團隊母公司)。「內容為王」這句娛樂產業金句出自 Paramount 母公司 ViacomCBS 背後的媒體大亨 Sumner Redstone,原本經營院線的他後來一口氣投資過 Columbia (現今的 Sony)、Fox、Orion 和 Paramount,並於 1990年代入主經營 Paramount。然而串流的興起證明了「通路」仍可能取代「內容」成為真正的王,所以去年 Sumner Redstone 過世之後他的繼承人女兒 Shari Redstone 隨即推翻爸爸對這個世界第四大娛樂集團 VIacomCBS 的佈局,宣佈要打造自己的串流平台 Paramount+。今天舉行的 ViacomCBS 線上投資人大會中,正式揭露了 Paramount+ 的費率、時程、節目等規劃:
1) 原本隸屬 CBS 電視台的串流服務 CBS All Access 將改名為 Paramount+,並提升成為整個 ViacomCBS 集團所有娛樂內容專屬的串流服務。帶有廣告的基本訂戶將比原本 CBS All Access 的每月 5.99 美元再減少 1美元,而每月支付 9.99美元的訂戶則可以在沒有廣告的干擾下收看平台上所有節目。
2) Paramount+ 預計會有超過30000集電視劇以及2500部電影。一如 Disney 率先示範的策略,Paramount 也打算將整個片廠倉庫裡頭所有的經典 IP 通通倒進果汁機裡攪成新的電視劇,除了原本就已經是 CBS All Access 代名詞的 Star Trek 星際爭霸戰系列衍生節目之外,接下來要上桌的調理素材包含了:
~ The Godfather 教父
~ Grease 火爆浪子
~ Love Story 愛的故事
~ Fatal Attraction 致命的吸引力
~ Flashdance 閃舞
~ The Italian Job 大淘金 / 偷天換日
3) 最後,則是打破空窗期的重量級節目:預計在電影院上映45天後就提早上架到 Paramount+ 的大片包括:《A Quiet Place Part II 噤界II》和《 Mission: Impossible 7 不可能的任務 7》。如果這個打破空窗期的動作是發生在2020年,大概會引發激烈的討論和電影院業者的激憤。但在窗戶到處碎了一地的2021年, Paramount+的激進似乎有點慢半拍。不過以宇宙救星 Tom Cruise 的《不可能的任務》系列在整個產業鏈中扮演的關鍵位置,這次提早上架初串流仍然是值得觀察的指標性時刻。唯一令人好奇的是:Paramount 公司有人膽趕開口向Hunt探員詢問能否直接開串流延伸宇宙節目的事嗎?
▽ 其他今天也可以知道一下的事請見留言
mission: impossible 7 part 2 在 ลงทุนแมน Facebook 的最佳貼文
รู้จัก EECi เมืองนวัตกรรมแห่งใหม่ของประเทศไทย / โดย ลงทุนแมน
สหรัฐอเมริกามี ซิลิคอนวัลเลย์ เป็นเมืองเทคโนโลยี
จีนมี เซินเจิ้น ที่เปลี่ยนตัวเองจากอาณาจักรก๊อบปี้ มาเป็นดินแดนนวัตกรรมล้ำสมัย
ทีนี้หลายคนคงถามแล้วเมืองไทย สถานที่นี้อยู่ที่ไหน? ...
Continue ReadingKnow EECi, Thailand's innovative city / by investman
USA has Silicon Valley as a tech city
China has Shenzhen that transforms itself from a photoby approach to a modern innovation land.
Many people may ask now. Where is Thailand?
We must have heard EEC or EC economic development area in the development of 3 provinces in the East, Chonburi, Rayong and Chachoengsao.
Which is one of the Mega projects under Thailand policy 4.0
With a total infrastructure investment of 1.5 trillion baht.
To have both high speed trains, double rail trains, airport and harbor.
To connect travel conveniently and uplift the Thai industry compared to world class.
Which 1 in 3 provinces will exist. One area that is raised to be a city of innovation.
EECi or Eastern Economic Economic Corridor of Innovation is located in Wang Moon Valley, Rayong province.
Area up to 3,454 Rai
How much time does EECi have to be a Silicon Valley of Thailand?
Invest man will tell you about it.
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EECi aims Thailand to move forward to innovative new industries.
To add economic value to long term countries
When it's like this, it's impossible to guess that EECi must be a source of scientists and good engineers.
Let's combine research materials to top up new industries with advanced technologies.
By this innovative city, there are ′′ 6 target industry ′′ that serves differently.
1. Modern agriculture that will change old agriculture completely.
Because you know that Thailand has 6.8 million farming households.
But it's only 8 % income from the total GDP value of 1.68 trillion baht.
From such information, it means indirect meaning that Thai farmers will have less income than other industrial sector. When it's like this, it's a result. The new generation doesn't want to be farmers.
EECi has another mission to innovate modern agriculture research. Modern Farming
To solve this problem by making productivity more but using less people but more quality.
With infrastructure such as Plant Factory (Plant Factory)
It's a technology to help new generation farmers to produce effectiveness.
Because it's a planting system. Shut up or semi-shut system can control the environment
Such as lighting, temperatures and food elements are suitable for plant growth.
Phenomics Greenhouse Technology Farmhouse (Phenomenics Greenhouse) will have equipment to measure the physical characteristics of plants.
Growing in various conditions of how high and growth is.
Then, gather as a database to help select strong plant species.
2. biofuels and biological chemicals
When the produce is much, it has to be sold more expensively.
This area will also serve advanced technology to privatize agricultural produce to increase in value.
One of them is Biorefinery. Biorefinery. A prototype to privatize agricultural produce.
Go to high value products
Which is Dr. Jane Kritthaya, Director EECi from National Science and Technology Development Office of the National Science and Technology Development Office (NCO) ) As the EECi regulatory agency says, ′′ EECi will help make more value for raw materials in the country to go to the world market. From the same time that Thailand sells ′′ tons of rice ′′ can be sold from rice to ′′ gram ′′ at the same time. More value added than ′′
By this prototype biological refinery starts from design, experimenting, agricultural produce.
Comes to the fermentation process, then separates the produce into 2 parts.
It's Non-GMP to produce fuel and biological materials.
And GMP will produce food, cosmetics and supplements.
3. high performance battery and modern transportation
Many people may not know that our country is the world's number 11 big car manufacturer.
But today. Car technology runs further than we think.
The trend of the world will surely occur, is that the combustion engine will gradually go extinct.
And will be replaced by BEV Car
And if we don't want to lose a huge income that will happen in the future.
It has to be Thailand as part of the manufacturing base of electric cars and future cars.
By one of the key structures is ′′ high performance battery production
For that reason, EECi will be a space to mobilize engineers and specialists in public and private sector. Think of how to make Thailand a top largest battery production base of Asia to develop unmanned automotive technology.
4. Automation, Robotics and Smart Electronics
We may have heard often that technology will replace human labor.
To keep industrial costs cheaper and more quality products.
EECi is not overlooked by the creation of robotics and intelligent industrial mechanical machines so that they can support and test the prototype development process, manufacturing products for entrepreneurs.
Make the innovation center sustainable or sustainable Manufacturing Center (SMC) develops people with knowledge.
So far, production line samples so that both small and medium produce sector have experimented with semi-automatic and automatic production processes. Make it suitable for your business or not. To bring information before making a real investment in your business.
5. Aviation and Space
Many people may question whether our country can actually do this?
But the government sector is considered in Thailand
World top manufacturing base and automotive parts
We should also be able to develop future aircraft and aircraft parts too.
When it's like this, EECi will be a gathering of good engineers to develop the aviation industry.
Unmanned aircraft to satellite
6. Medical Devices
From the facts of Thailand, we produce rubber gloves and condoms to the top of the world.
But.. another angle is a weakness.
Each year we import high tech medical devices, 7-8 billion baht per year.
Which if Thailand is a Medical Hub in the eyes of the world.
It's necessary to decrease imports and turn to manufacturers of advanced medical devices, technology.
Which would make EECi have a team to innovate to produce various medical instruments in the area.
Also, in the EECI area, there will be a 3 GeV Energy Level sin Light Generator
Which produces a million times brighter than the daylight.
With this brightness is like a special microscope.
Where we can see all kinds of material molecules on Earth thoroughly.
Interesting is this beam is an important science infrastructure.
Continuing research and development in various industries.
When looking at EECi, the side round must say this could be another turning point of the country.
We're doing all the way to build a higher business and new industries.
To add value to the Thai economic system.
Because if we don't hurry up to do it today.. in the future, we may be a country left behind.
It's hard to run a world that is changing so fast.
In the past, Thai research results invented at laboratory level, there are still limited to developing manufacturing processes to forward to useful users. We have weaknesses that are not invested in infrastructure and mechanism to expand research. And another side can't take much advantage of foreign advanced technology. Because of lack of infrastructure and mechanism to support technology adaptation to Thai context.
In the future, EECi would be an important infrastructure and mechanism of the country to shut down the weaknesses in this matter..
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- Fact Sheet EECi DocumentTranslated
mission: impossible 7 part 2 在 Cy Leo Youtube 的最讚貼文
Together with 4 promising young jazz musician, Cy Leo has brought a 60mins concert to the Hong Kong City University on the 24 Feb 2017, in order to demonstrate the beauty of the harmonica. The repertoire was ranging from movie music, jazz, fusion, pop, funk to classical music.
Line up:
Drummer: Blue Kwok
Bassist: Max Mckellar
Keyboardist: Ricky Wong
Guitarist: Vincent Lau
Song List
1. Mission Impossible
2. Spain
3. Overjoyed
4. Blusette
5. Jazzy
6. Intermezzo Giocoso
7. Flight of the bumble bee
8. Moon Medley
9. Inner Odyssey
10. Libertango

mission: impossible 7 part 2 在 Cy Leo Youtube 的最讚貼文
Together with 4 promising young jazz musician, Cy Leo has brought a 60mins concert to the Hong Kong City University on the 24 Feb 2017, in order to demonstrate the beauty of the harmonica. The repertoire was ranging from movie music, jazz, fusion, pop, funk to classical music.
Line up:
Drummer: Blue Kwok
Bassist: Max Mckellar
Keyboardist: Ricky Wong
Guitarist: Vincent Lau
Song List
1. Mission Impossible
2. Spain
3. Overjoyed
4. Blusette
5. Jazzy
6. Intermezzo Giocoso
7. Flight of the bumble bee
8. Moon Medley
9. Inner Odyssey
10. Libertango

mission: impossible 7 part 2 在 Cy Leo Youtube 的最佳解答
Together with 4 promising young jazz musician, Cy Leo has brought a 60mins concert to the Hong Kong City University on the 24 Feb 2017, in order to demonstrate the beauty of the harmonica. The repertoire was ranging from movie music, jazz, fusion, pop, funk to classical music.
Line up:
Drummer: Blue Kwok
Bassist: Max Mckellar
Keyboardist: Ricky Wong
Guitarist: Vincent Lau
Song List
1. Mission Impossible
2. Spain
3. Overjoyed
4. Blusette
5. Jazzy
6. Intermezzo Giocoso
7. Flight of the bumble bee
8. Moon Medley
9. Inner Odyssey
10. Libertango
