Cinderella, a story I read on plane, was a good role model for us all. She taught us eight lessons on how to live happily ever after:
1. Have courage and always be kind. These were the last words that Ella’s (Cinder-Ella) mother’s shared with her before she dies. Although there were times where it was difficult to do so, Ella honored her mother’s wishes. She showed us when you live your life with courage and kindness, life will be good to you.
2. Don’t give away your power to anyone. No matter how mean people can be, don’t let them make you feel like you are not worthy or a bad person. You have the choice to let people change how you feel about yourself or not. Don’t let them tell you differently who you are.
3. No matter how bad things get stay true to yourself. Sometimes life takes you to unhappy places or situations, but you do not need to have that define who you are. No matter how bad it may seem, don’t let your current situation drag you down.
4. There is always something to sing about. Even when things are tough in life it does not mean that there is no hope. Keep your spirit up and yes, singing does help.
5. There is nothing wrong with believing in a bit of magic. Maybe there is no such thing as a fairy godmother turning pumpkins into carriages or mice into horses, but there are unexplainable good things that happen in life. Don’t ask why or how. Just quietly give thanks and embrace them.
6. You reap what you sow. If you do good things to others, good things will happen to you. If you do mean things to others, mean things will happen to you. Enough said.
7. Practice forgiveness. Holding onto grudges, anger and wanting revenge festers in one’s soul. If you never let go of these negatives thoughts and feelings you will never be able to live the rest of your life living happily ever after.
8. Happily ever after is possible. It does not, however, come from a Prince Charming. It comes from within. Living your life with grace and dignity, never compromising with what feels right, and trusting who you are, are the secrets to living a joyous life.
It’s a wonderful way to remind us all how to live a full, happy life.
With love,