• Adopt new traffic separation schemes (TSSs) and associated routeing measures and of precautionary areas with recommended directions of traffic flow in the Sunda and Lombok Straits, Indonesia, to minimize the risk of collision between ships and grounding.
• Adopt draft amendments to the Recommendations on navigation through the English Channel and the Dover Strait (resolution A.475(XII), related to the termination of the voluntary movement ship reporting system MAREP.
• Approve a Procedure for the submission of documents containing proposals for the establishment of, or amendments to, ships' routeing systems or ship reporting systems.
• Approve draft liaison statements to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) on maritime radio communication issues and approve the draft IMO position on maritime radiocommunication matters for submission to the World Radiocommunication Conference 2019 (WRC-19), to be held in November 2019.
• Approve draft amendments to Maritime Safety Information (MSI)-related instruments to accommodate amendments to SOLAS adopted in 2018 (entering into force on 1January 2020) provide for new mobile satellite services recognized by IMO to be used in the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS), and allow the broadcast of MSI to a defined geographical area through those newly recognized services, in addition to the existing Inmarsat services., to be effective from 1 January 2020. (MSI includes navigational and meteorological warnings, meteorological forecasts and other urgent safety-related messages broadcast to ships). The draft amendments relate to, International SafetyNET Manual (MSC.1/Circ.1364/Rev.1), Promulgation of maritime safety information (resolution A.705(17), as amended), World-Wide Navigational Warning Service (resolution A.706(17), as amended), IMO/WMO Worldwide Met-Ocean Information and Warning Service guidance document (resolution A.1051(27)).
• Consider a draft Iridium SafetyCast service manual and note information provided by IMSO in relation to the implementation of the recognized maritime mobile satellite services provided by Iridium Satellite LLC.
(1)台灣之海上風力發電正一步步地推展之中,在西岸一片風場之中為了海上航行安全將規劃出一條8海里寬雙向航行的”分道航行巷道”(traffic separation schemes TSSs ),
在彰化與澎湖之間的狹窄水域中,除了航行船隻隻密度極大之外,每年中又有東北季風,颱風,及西南季風灌注於此”喇叭口”中, 加上11月到3月間之”霧季”及橫衝直闖的漁船,對於風力發電者而言是不可多得的”風場”,但是對於海上航行的各類船隻來說將是一場畢業考,這個新設的”分道航行制”,將不止於是國內的議題,如何透過國際海事組織(IMO)將之公諸於世?這將是一個不折不扣的國際性議題!
(2)在此TSS之中是否應對超大型船隻及危險品船隻採取強制的"船舶通報系統”(Ship Reporting Syatem MAREP)?
iridium satellite 在 海洋首都中的航海家 Facebook 的最佳貼文
exactEarth 與Harris合作後,藉著利用 Iridium NEXT constellation的全球真時(Real Time)衛星連線,使得AIS在應用上又往前一大步.這就是exactView™ RT
b.在一分鐘內提供顧客在AIS 表列訊息中的大數據分析
e. 可支援未來AIS新岸台VHF廣播系統VDES
這AIS在應用上的拓展與發明,Satellite AIS在未來20年間將大大的影響到全球海上的安全與效率,它將AIS原本零零散散的資料,在現有"點"(船名,船位,資料...);"線"(航跡,ETA,..);"面"(AtoN,)的既有基礎上,推向了"體"(各點資料之大數據分析,統計,應用…),加上時間的因素後更可推展至四度空間(過去資料的回顧,未來避碰的結果…);除了影像之外它還支援海上VHF頻道之廣播與通訊VDES(VHF Data Exchange System).目前可以想到的應用:船位偏離航線之警告;區域內有潛在碰撞危機之警示;到港船更精確之ETA與碼頭調派;海氣象環境下之最適航向;節省燃油與減低空汙排放;漁獲量之管控….
中國人說:逝者如斯乎不捨晝夜; 衛星時代則是:來者如斯乎不捨晝夜.