[181511] 48311. 足球小將翼:大空へはばたけ"Captain Tsubasa" The New Soccer Star (1983)★★★
[181512] 48312. 足球小將翼:燃えろサッカー小僧"Captain Tsubasa" A Career Begins (1983)★★★
[181513] 48313. 足球小將翼:明日に向って、キック・オフ"Captain Tsubasa" Kick-Off for the Future (1983)★★
[181514] 48314. 足球小將翼:ボールは友だち"Captain Tsubasa" The Football Is My Best Friend (1983)★★
[181515] 48315. 足球小將翼:ライバルはどこだ"Captain Tsubasa" Where Is the Rival? (1983)★★
[181516] 48316. 足球小將翼:ゴールをかためろ"Captain Tsubasa" Blocked Off (1983)★★★
[181517] 48317. 足球小將翼:運命のロングシュート"Captain Tsubasa" The Show Must Go On (1983)★★★
[181518] 48318. 足球小將翼:さわやかコンビ誕生"Captain Tsubasa" A Perfect Duo (1983)★★
[181519] 48319. 足球小將翼:ラストチャンスにかけろ"Captain Tsubasa" The Last Chance (1983)★★★
[181520] 48320. 足球小將翼:夢はブラジルへ"Captain Tsubasa" A Long Way to Brazil (1983)★★
[181521] 48321. 足球小將翼:はぐれ狼小次郎あらわる"Captain Tsubasa" The Provocation (1983)★★
[181522] 48322. 足球小將翼:めざせ!日本一"Captain Tsubasa" No Easy Way (1983)★★
[181523] 48323. 足球小將翼:泥まみれの熱戦"Captain Tsubasa" Fast Game in the Mud (1984)★★✚
[181524] 48324. 足球小將翼:フィールドの貴公子"Captain Tsubasa" Tsubasa Is Sieged (1984)★★
[181525] 48325. 足球小將翼:傷だらけのキーパー"Captain Tsubasa" An Unfair Enemy (1984)★★★
[181526] 48326. 足球小將翼:夢はひとつ燃えろイレブン"Captain Tsubasa" The Verification Test (1984)★★
[181527] 48327. 足球小將翼:開幕!全国大会"Captain Tsubasa" The Youth National Championship (1984)★★
[181528] 48328. 足球小將翼:宿命の対決!翼VS小次郎"Captain Tsubasa" Fatal Confrontation (1984)★★★
[181529] 48329. 足球小將翼:恐怖の弾丸シュート"Captain Tsubasa" The Mighty Shot (1984)★★★
[181530] 48330. 足球小將翼:サッカーは俺の夢だ!"Captain Tsubasa" Soccer Is My Dream (1984)★★★
[181531] 48331. 足球小將翼:泣くな!翼"Captain Tsubasa" No Victory in Semi Final (1984)★★
[181532] 48332. 足球小將翼:双子のストライカー"Captain Tsubasa" The Brothers Tachibana (1984)★★★
[181533] 48333. 足球小將翼:石崎の大チョンボ"Captain Tsubasa" Ryo Shoots an Own Goal (1984)★★★
[181534] 48334. 足球小將翼:空中大決戦"Captain Tsubasa" The Fight for the Final (1984)★★
[181535] 48335. 足球小將翼:俺が大会一のキーパーだ!"Captain Tsubasa" The Best Keeper of the Tournament (1984)★★★
[181536] 48336. 足球小將翼:ガラスのエース"Captain Tsubasa" The End of a Career (1984)★★
[181537] 48337. 足球小將翼:ベスト4!激突"Captain Tsubasa" Encounters in Semi-Final (1984)★★
[181538] 48338. 足球小將翼:北国の熱きイレブン"Captain Tsubasa" The Brave Fighters from the North (1984)★★∿
[181539] 48339. 足球小將翼:血みどろの対決"Captain Tsubasa" Hard Confrontations (1984)★★
[181540] 48340. 足球小將翼:傷だらけの貴公子"Captain Tsubasa" A Wounded Prince (1984)★★
[181541] 48341. 足球小將翼:華麗なる対決"Captain Tsubasa" A Brilliant Fight (1984)★★
[181542] 48342. 足球小將翼:翼をワナにかけろ"Captain Tsubasa" Tsubasa in the Trap (1984)★★
[181543] 48343. 足球小將翼:とべない翼"Captain Tsubasa" I Can't Play (1984)★★★
[181544] 48344. 足球小將翼:よみがえれ翼"Captain Tsubasa" Tsubasa's Resurrection (1984)★★★
[181545] 48345. 足球小將翼:淳死なないで"Captain Tsubasa" Misogi, Don't Die (1984)★★★
[181546] 48346. 足球小將翼:ボクの心臓まだ動いている"Captain Tsubasa" My Heart Still Beats (1984)★★★
[181547] 48347. 足球小將翼:奇跡の超ロングシュート"Captain Tsubasa" Mega-Shot (1984)★★
[181548] 48348. 足球小將翼:眠れる猛虎・小次郎"Captain Tsubasa" A Wise Decision (1984)★★
[181549] 48349. 足球小將翼:復活!天才キーパー若林"Captain Tsubasa" The Finale (1984)★★
[181550] 48350. 足球小將翼:出た!先制のツインシュート"Captain Tsubasa" The Shoting Secret (1984)★★✚
[181551] 48351. 足球小將翼:激突!若林対小次郎"Captain Tsubasa" The Duel (1984)★★★
[181552] 48352. 足球小將翼:猛虎よ牙をむけ!"Captain Tsubasa" Roar, Lion (1984)★★★
[181553] 48353. 足球小將翼:危うし!ゴールデンコンビ"Captain Tsubasa" Nankatsu in Crisis (1984)★★★
[181554] 48354. 足球小將翼:炎のダイビングヘッド"Captain Tsubasa" The Equalizer (1984)★★✚
[181555] 48355. 足球小將翼:ピンチ!エースなき戦い"Captain Tsubasa" The Game Without Aces (1984)★★
[181556] 48356. 足球小將翼:やった!石崎得意の顔面ブロック"Captain Tsubasa" Against Better Knowledge (1984)★★★
[181557] 48357. 足球小將翼:小次郎のVサイン"Captain Tsubasa" Kojiro's Sign of Winning (1984)★★
[181558] 48358. 足球小將翼:奇跡を呼ぶトリプルシュート"Captain Tsubasa" Unsuccessful Overhead Kick (1984)★★
[181559] 48359. 足球小將翼:灼熱の延長戦"Captain Tsubasa" The Fight Continues (1984)★★
[181560] 48360. 足球小將翼:ああ幻のゴール!?"Captain Tsubasa" The Extra Time (1984)★★
[181561] 48361. 足球小將翼:オレたちは負けない!"Captain Tsubasa" What's the Result of the Extra Time (1984)★★
[181562] 48362. 足球小將翼:死闘!再延長戦"Captain Tsubasa" One New Strategy (1984)★★✚
[181563] 48363. 足球小將翼:復活!ゴールデンコンビ"Captain Tsubasa" Two Are Better Than One (1984)★★
[181564] 48364. 足球小將翼:最後の決戦!翼対小次郎"Captain Tsubasa" The Duel of the Strikers (1984)★★★
[181565] 48365. 足球小將翼:栄光そしてサヨナラ"Captain Tsubasa" Tears Despite Success (1984)★★
[181566] 48366. 足球小將翼:それぞれの旅立ち"Captain Tsubasa" Great Departures (1984)★★
[181567] 48367. 足球小將翼:オレたち中学三年生"Captain Tsubasa" The New Rival (1984)★★
[181568] 48368. 足球小將翼:V3への熱きスタート"Captain Tsubasa" The Shooting of the Hawk (1984)★★
[181569] 48369. 足球小將翼:新たなるライバル"Captain Tsubasa" Nankatsu vs. Otomo (1984)★★★
[181570] 48370. 足球小將翼:翼よ!フィールドの鷹になれ"Captain Tsubasa" Tsubasa vs. Nitta (1984)★★
[181571] 48371. 足球小將翼:ノートラップ隼シュート"Captain Tsubasa" A Hard Comparison (1984)★★★
[181572] 48372. 足球小將翼:挑戦者たちのララバイ"Captain Tsubasa" The Challenge (1984)★★★
[181573] 48373. 足球小將翼:打倒・翼!オレがヒーローだ"Captain Tsubasa" Decisions (1984)★★✚
[181574] 48374. 足球小將翼:甦ったエース・三杉淳"Captain Tsubasa" Race Against Time (1984)★★
[181575] 48375. 足球小將翼:夢の対決!三杉対小次郎"Captain Tsubasa" The Journey to Europe (1985)★★
[181576] 48376. 足球小將翼:ヨーロッパ発翼くんへ"Captain Tsubasa" The Duel (1985)★★★
[181577] 48377. 足球小將翼:フィールドに散った貴公子"Captain Tsubasa" A King Resigns (1985)★★
[181578] 48378. 足球小將翼:若林からの手紙"Captain Tsubasa" The Letter (1985)★★
[181579] 48379. 足球小將翼:牙をとぐ猛虎・小次郎"Captain Tsubasa" The National Championship (1985)★★
[181580] 48380. 足球小將翼:めざせV3!波乱の開幕"Captain Tsubasa" A Strong Enemy (1985)★★★
[181581] 48381. 足球小將翼:決めろ!ドライブシュート"Captain Tsubasa" The Shot from a Distance (1985)★★★
[181582] 48382. 足球小將翼:防げ!必殺のカミソリシュート"Captain Tsubasa" The Secret Goal (1985)★★★
[181583] 48383. 足球小將翼:ライバルたちの熱き足音"Captain Tsubasa" A Rival Does Not Give Up (1985)★★
[181584] 48384. 足球小將翼:出た!スカイラブ・ハリケーン"Captain Tsubasa" Air Acrobats (1985)★★
[181585] 48385. 足球小將翼:翼よ誰よりも高く飛べ"Captain Tsubasa" The Catapult Shot (1985)★★
[181586] 48386. 足球小將翼:立花兄弟・必殺のコンビプレー"Captain Tsubasa" The Acrobats (1985)★★★
[181587] 48387. 足球小將翼:決めろ!スライディングシュート"Captain Tsubasa" A New Trick (1985)★★★
[181588] 48388. 足球小將翼:激突!ベスト8"Captain Tsubasa" The Quarter Final (1985)★★★
[181589] 48389. 足球小將翼:北の荒鷲・松山光"Captain Tsubasa" An Uneventful Match (1985)★★★
[181590] 48390. 足球小將翼:ベールをぬいだ怪童次藤洋"Captain Tsubasa" Tsugito's Trick Box (1985)★★★
[181591] 48391. 足球小將翼:羽をもがれたフィールドの鷹"Captain Tsubasa" A Falcon with Lame Wings (1985)★★★∿
[181592] 48392. 足球小將翼:気迫の連続ドライブシュート"Captain Tsubasa" A Special Shot (1985)★★★
[181593] 48393. 足球小將翼:激突!ゴール前の死闘"Captain Tsubasa" The Fight Continues (1985)★★★╍
[181594] 48394. 足球小將翼:不滅のチームワーク"Captain Tsubasa" Teamwork (1985)★★★
[181595] 48395. 足球小將翼:燃えあがれ!ベスト4"Captain Tsubasa" Match Preparations (1985)★★
[181596] 48396. 足球小將翼:若島津・無念の初失点"Captain Tsubasa" Help Cry to the Substitutes' Bench (1985)★★
[181597] 48397. 足球小將翼:オリの中の猛虎・小次郎"Captain Tsubasa" The Present for the Captain (1985)★★★
[181598] 48398. 足球小將翼:怒りのタイガー軍団!!!"Captain Tsubasa" Top Performance (1985)★★
[181599] 48399. 足球小將翼:岬太郎のヨーロッパ便り"Captain Tsubasa" The Letter from Europe (1985)★★
[181600] 48400. 足球小將翼:夢のヨーロッパ遠征・選ばれるのは誰か!?"Captain Tsubasa" Who Will Be Chosen (1985)★★
[181601] 48401. 足球小將翼:フィールドに翔べ!鷲と鷹"Captain Tsubasa" Where Love Falls (1985)★★
[181602] 48402. 足球小將翼:北の荒鷲・無敵のロングシュート"Captain Tsubasa" The Attack Headlong (1985)★★
[181603] 48403. 足球小將翼:勝利への逆襲"Captain Tsubasa" Fairness Goes First (1985)★★
[181604] 48404. 足球小將翼:猛攻!四連続シュート"Captain Tsubasa" The Attack (1985)★★✚
[181605] 48405. 足球小將翼:傷だらけの翼よみがえれ不死鳥"Captain Tsubasa" A Captain as Hero (1985)★★★
[181606] 48406. 足球小將翼:さらば北の戦士"Captain Tsubasa" Bitter Tears (1985)★★
[181607] 48407. 足球小將翼:猛虎の挑戦状"Captain Tsubasa" Hyuga's Challenge (1985)★★
[181608] 48408. 足球小將翼:ヨーロッパの熱き誓いを思い出せ"Captain Tsubasa" Feverish Ravings (1985)★★
[181609] 48409. 足球小將翼:翼対イングランド重戦車軍団"Captain Tsubasa" Matchwinner Tsubasa (1985)★★
[181610] 48410. 足球小將翼:あらたなる試練"Captain Tsubasa" Surprise in Field (1985)★★
[181611] 48411. 足球小將翼:燃えるフィールド翼対ピエール!!"Captain Tsubasa" Tsubasa vs. Pierre, a Fair Fight (1985)★★
[181612] 48412. 足球小將翼:倒せ!ヨーロッパ・ナンバーワン"Captain Tsubasa" The Might of the Kaiser (1985)★★
[181613] 48413. 足球小將翼:無敵の皇帝・シュナイダー"Captain Tsubasa" Unexpected Visit (1985)★★
[181614] 48414. 足球小將翼:栄光へのラストキック"Captain Tsubasa" An Impossible Recovery (1985)★★
[181615] 48415. 足球小將翼:宿命の対決、ふたたび"Captain Tsubasa" The Last Fight Begins (1985)★★
[181616] 48416. 足球小將翼:世紀のラスト・ファイト"Captain Tsubasa" The Great Final (1985)★★★
[181617] 48417. 足球小將翼:先制のスーパーショット!"Captain Tsubasa" Nankatsu Is Down (1985)★★★
[181618] 48418. 足球小將翼:逆襲のドライブシュート"Captain Tsubasa" Don't Give Up (1985)★★★
[181619] 48419. 足球小將翼:火をふくタイガーショト"Captain Tsubasa" The Tiger Fights Alone (1985)★★★
[181620] 48420. 足球小將翼:王者・南葛最大の危機"Captain Tsubasa" A Despair Fight (1985)★★★
[181621] 48421. 足球小將翼:跡のドライブシュート"Captain Tsubasa" Tsubasa Doesn't Give Up (1985)★★★╍
[181622] 48422. 足球小將翼:日向小次郎の反撃!"Captain Tsubasa" Tsubasa Is Hurt (1985)★★
[181623] 48423. 足球小將翼:舞い上がれ!不死鳥"Captain Tsubasa" Thrill (1985)★★
[181624] 48424. 足球小將翼:燃えろ!炎のチームワーク"Captain Tsubasa" Keep on Fighting (1985)★★
[181625] 48425. 足球小將翼:夢のダイビング・オーバーヘッド"Captain Tsubasa" Dream Goal (1985)★★
[181626] 48426. 足球小將翼:ラストゴールは俺が取る!"Captain Tsubasa" On Knife's Edge (1985)★★★
[181627] 48427. 足球小將翼:守り抜け!俺たちのゴール"Captain Tsubasa" With All Power (1986)★★★
[181628] 48428. 足球小將翼:走れ翼!勝利のゴールへ"Captain Tsubasa" It's Getting Exciting (1986)★★★
[181629] 48429. 足球小將翼:運命のタイム・アップ"Captain Tsubasa" The Unsuccessful Tiger Shot (1986)★★★✚
[181630] 48430. 足球小將翼:駆けぬけろ!V3はオレたちの夢"Captain Tsubasa" Still Tied (1986)★★
[181631] 48431. 足球小將翼:奇跡をよぶフィールドの鷹"Captain Tsubasa" To the Last Gasp (1986)★★★
[181632] 48432. 足球小將翼:復活オレたちのキャプテン"Captain Tsubasa" Just 10 Minutes Left (1986)★★★
[181633] 48433. 足球小將翼:翼の最終作戦!!"Captain Tsubasa" All or Nothing (1986)★★★
[181634] 48434. 足球小將翼:傷だらけのヒーロー"Captain Tsubasa" In Last Minute (1986)★★★✚
[181635] 48435. 足球小將翼:栄光そして新なる旅立ち"Captain Tsubasa" Shared Victory (1986)★★
[181636] 48436. 足球小將翼:最高の友俺と若林源三"Captain Tsubasa" Memories (1986)★★
[181637] 48437. 足球小將翼:永遠のパートナー俺と岬太郎"Captain Tsubasa" Hoping for Europe (1986)★★
[181638] 48438. 足球小將翼:はばたけ!輝ける戦士たち"Captain Tsubasa" The 17 Best (1986)★★
[181639] 48439. 足球小將翼:天空翱翔"Captain Tsubasa" Soar Toward the Great Sky! (2018)★★
[181640] 48440. 足球小將翼:飛了"Captain Tsubasa" Take Flight! (2018)★★
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Ứng dụng và Game cho Android:
1. Dead Bunker 2 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.egproject.deadbunker2
2. Highwind https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.selvaInteractive.highwind
3. Buff Knight - Idle RPG Runner https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.buffstudio.onthehero
4. Hero Evolution2 : SP https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.crablue.herodefensesp
5. Zombie Masters VIP - Ultimate Action Game https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=me.nextdoors.zombiemastersvip
6. Survivalist: invasion PRO https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.teslagamesglobal.survivalistpro
7. Cờ Vua 3D https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.skyisland.game.chess3d
8. Lophis Roguelike:Card RPG game,Darkest Dungeon https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=me.dream.lophisroguelikepro
9. Dungeon Shooter : The Forgotten Temple https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.imcrazy.ds2
10. Tap Town Premium (idle RPG) - Magic https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.honeydew.vip.herostores
11. Dean The Kid: Action Platformer https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gmail.leedingapps.deanthekid
12. Everybody's RPG https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nomadgames.everybodyrpgpay
13. War 1944 VIP : Thế chiến II https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bluebirdgames.war1944
14. City Destructor HD https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nodetrack.citydeshd
15. Fraction Calculator "Fractal MK-12" https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=biz.infosoft.fractal
16. Pro Mp3 player - Qamp https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.qamp.pro
17. Xumi Security https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.stonebridge.xumi.android.xumisecurity.pro
18. Letter Battle https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.firstplayable.letterbattle
19. The Last Ninja Twins https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=no.agens.ninjatwins
20. ExtremeJobs Knight’s Assistant VIP https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bigshotgames.hero_managervip
Ứng dụng và Game cho iOS:
1. Ocmo https://apps.apple.com/app/id1096895720
2. PhotoTangler Collage Maker https://apps.apple.com/app/id422301314
3. GifJif - Custom Gif Creator https://apps.apple.com/app/id1078038667
4. Vxcam - AR Video Text & Emoji https://apps.apple.com/app/id1352777505
5. Videdit - Handy Video Editor https://apps.apple.com/app/id1330314351
6. Audirvana Remote https://apps.apple.com/app/id1008281758
7. Buddy & Me: Dream Edition https://apps.apple.com/app/id637897973
8. Dig Deep! https://apps.apple.com/app/id1033679736
9. Hindsight - Time Tracker https://apps.apple.com/app/id920899942
10. Vikings: an Archer's Journey https://apps.apple.com/app/id1145485982
11. PDF Max Pro - #1 PDF app! https://apps.apple.com/app/id552664144
hero journey game 在 Cedric Loo - 呂銳 Facebook 的最佳解答
2nd round End Game with little Dr Strange but... I think we master each other fav hero poses😂😂
一天看了两次,我依然很感动。说起来感觉很夸张但是我真的很感恩活在这个年代。可以从2008年开始看着钢铁侠的电影,接着有不同的漫威英雄加入MCU. 到了这部End Game将复仇者系列暂时画上句号。这个句号虽然很不舍,但是这个句点真的太漂亮了!我很庆幸可以见证这一切!Part of the journey is the end~ I'm forever Marvel Fans!!!
#nospoiler #endgame #avengers #blessed #marvel #teamstark #ironman #forever
hero journey game 在 AKaMiKz Youtube 的最佳解答
Deity Arena Gameplay - Attacker Gameplay
Size: 742 MB
"Deity Arena" 3D Fantasy Strategy RPG
Big farewell to the lonely journey! Deity Arena provides you with diversified social gameplay. The innovative PVP double lineup mode values the initiative in the beginning. Micro-operation may determine the victory or defeat in the battle.
【Massive Heroes】
The game uses multiple scenes and plot texts to outline the Continent of Atlantis. It includes nearly 100 Eastern and Western myths and legends and created deities with different attributes. Each deity has a rich story background, exclusive skills and special effects. In addition, after reaching a specified level, you can also change jobs, change skins to increase your combat power, and unlock more buffs!
【Real blow】
3D modeling retains the exquisite painting and high image quality. Even the details are well pursued .You will experience exhilarating real blow feeling such as repelling and floating. With the gorgeous special effects of skills, you can enjoy the refreshing feeling of the blood showdown!
【Combo skills】
Different hero skill strategies and multiple hero lineups can cause different combo damage.When encountering a boss, you can click on the goddess portrait to trigger a full-screen big move.It can cause super high damage to reverse the situation and win the battle!
The innovative PVP double lineup mode values the initiative in the beginning. Micro-management may determine the victory or defeat in the battle. There are three cross-server gameplay in the game, who can win the top and become the pinnacle king? Big farewell to a single growth path, we now have diversified social gameplay such as Battleship Expedition, Peak King, and Guild Realm. Pet treasure hunter, cat travel, mid-night dinner and other leisure games will ensure you great fun!

hero journey game 在 translation Youtube 的精選貼文
作曲:藤田靖明氏。山口真理さん(Track 07,22,38,41,49)、藤井美苗さん(Track 08)、下村陽子さん(Track 32)、西村達也氏(Track 31)
Manufacturer: 1993.04.03 capcom / capcom,status
Computer: Super famicon / snes
Hardware: SPC700
Music driver programmer: Yoshihiro Sakaguchi (Oyabun), Yasushi Ikeda (Ikebomb)
Composer: Yasuaki Fujita (Bun Bun), Mari Yamaguchi (Mari), Minae Fujii (Ojalin), Yoko Shimomura (Pii)
00:00:00 01.[s.e.]Lightning (s.e./稲光)
00:00:05 02.Blood Relation (血脈)
00:03:08 03.The Dragon Warrior (竜の戦士/タイトル)
00:05:46 04.White Dragon (白竜/オープニング)
00:07:10 05.Quickening (胎動)
00:07:59 06.Fate (命運/イベントなど)
00:10:33 07.Starting the Journey ~Breath of Fire~ (旅立~ブレスオブ ファイア~/序盤フィールド)
00:13:25 08.Day and Night (日夜/街)
00:16:35 09.Profit (営利)
00:19:07 10.Sorrow (哀惜)
00:21:59 11.Beginning of Battle (緒戦/前半通常戦闘)
00:24:44 12.Victory Song (凱歌/戦闘勝利)
00:25:45 13.Gentle Breeze (微風/ウインディア)
00:28:28 14.Sleep (眠)
00:28:33 15.Strong Fortress (堅城/城)
00:30:55 16.Solution (解)
00:31:01 17.Bonds (絆)
00:31:11 18.Culvert (暗渠/洞窟)
00:34:20 19.Skyscraper (高楼/塔)
00:36:49 20.A Brave General (梟将/ボス戦)
00:39:47 21.Deep Forest (深林/森)
00:43:02 22.Holy (聖)
00:43:08 23.Distant View (遠望/中盤フィールド)
00:46:44 24.Fishing (釣)
00:46:49 25.Release (放)
00:46:55 26.Small Hermitage (小庵/家の中)
00:49:23 27.A Road (街路/光の街)
00:52:34 28.A Drunk's Life (酔生/未使用曲)
00:55:42 29.Secret City (窃都/闇の街)
00:58:23 30.Sand Palace (砂宮/ヂューン)
01:02:03 31.Memories (記憶/竜の像セーブ)
01:04:35 32.Trade City (商都/マッカ)
01:07:41 33.Swimming (遊泳/大魚移動時)
01:10:01 34.Battling (戟戦/後半通常戦闘)
01:12:52 35.Dejection (喪心/ロメロの村)
01:15:16 36.Premature Death (夭折)
01:17:51 37.Expedition (遠征/終盤フィールド)
01:21:13 38.Music City (楽都/音楽の街)
01:23:42 39.Song and Dance (歌舞/カンタベル)
01:26:52 40.Ancient Ruins (遺墟/ダンジョン)
01:29:50 41.Emergency (危急)
01:32:11 42.Flying (飛遊/大鳥移動時)
01:35:11 43.The Empire (帝国/帝都)
01:38:08 44.A Powerful Emperor (強帝)
01:40:51 45.God's Footprints (神蹟)
01:43:30 46.The Final Level (終域)
01:46:29 47.Black Dragon (黒竜/ゾーゴン戦・ジュダス戦など)
01:49:20 48.Dawn (暁/水中)
01:51:48 49.Return (帰還/エンディング)
01:54:26 50.Great Achievement (偉/スタッフロール *Good end,Bad endあり。Bad endは後半パートが無いショートver.)
01:56:14 51.True Ending (トゥルーエンド)
01:58:06 52.The Lost Hero (ロストヒーロー)
02:01:04 53.Dragon Heart (ドラゴンハート)
02:01:17 54.Level Up! (レベルアップ!)
02:03:10 55.Special Item Fanfare (スペシャルアイテムファンファーレ)
02:03:16 56.The Fife (ファイフ)
02:03:20 57.Unused Ambience (アンビエンス/未使用)

hero journey game 在 Shiney Youtube 的最讚貼文
The Outwer Worlds
ซื้อเกมได้ที่ https://store.epicgames.com/legendauser/the-outer-worlds
The Outer Worlds is a new single-player first-person sci-fi RPG from Obsidian Entertainment and Private Division.
Lost in transit while on a colonist ship bound for the furthest edge of the galaxy, you awake decades later only to find yourself in the midst of a deep conspiracy threatening to destroy the Halcyon colony. As you explore the furthest reaches of space and encounter various factions, all vying for power, the character you decide to become will determine how this player-driven story unfolds. In the corporate equation for the colony, you are the unplanned variable.
• The player-driven story RPG: In keeping with the Obsidian tradition, how you approach The Outer Worlds is up to you. Your choices affect not only the way the story develops; but your character build, companion stories, and end game scenarios.
• You can be flawed, in a good way: New to The Outer Worlds is the idea of flaws. A compelling hero is made by the flaws they carry with them. While playing The Outer Worlds, the game tracks your experience to find what you aren't particularly good at. Keep getting attacked by Raptidons? Taking the Raptiphobia flaw gives you a debuff when confronting the vicious creatures, but rewards you with an additional character perk immediately. This optional approach to the game helps you build the character you want while exploring Halcyon.
• Lead your companions: During your journey through the furthest colony, you will meet a host of characters who will want to join your crew. Armed with unique abilities, these companions all have their own missions, motivations, and ideals. It's up to you to help them achieve their goals, or turn them to your own ends.
• Explore the corporate colony: Halcyon is a colony at the edge of the galaxy owned and operated by a corporate board. They control everything... except for the alien monsters left behind when the terraforming of the colony’s two planets didn’t exactly go according to plan. Find your ship, build your crew, and explore the settlements, space stations, and other intriguing locations throughout Halcyon.

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Nov 16, 2019 - Explore Patricia Morningstar's board "Hero's journey", followed by 171 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about hero's journey, board game ... ... <看更多>
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Olá a todos! Take down sexy, mean witches in command-based RPG combat! ▻ Apoie o Desenvolvedor (Support the Developer) ... ... <看更多>