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5 years and 7 months in Vietnam.
I wish I could live there longer, but in order for me to have the future that I want, I need to change the direction of my life and leave.
First, I have been living off and using the money I have made from teaching in order to grow my channel by constantly producing videos. It was an investment that hasn’t had much financial rewards, but I have gained priceless friendships and experiences. Everything happens for a reason. This lifestyle has been possible for the past few years when I decided to focus more on YouTube full time thing. However, it just hasn’t worked out as I thought it would. YouTube earnings are just too low. Other business ventures designed to keep the YouTube channel functioning has not been successful. I am not very good at business. T-shirts and tour endorsements have not been doing well and I refuse to be too commercialized on my channel and try to sell too many things because it takes away from my artistic commitments. Remember, I did YouTube for fun and to share moments with my friends and family. I want to return to those days where it was a hobby for me.
Second, my parents are getting older and so am I. As an only son, I have to own up to certain responsibilities and I cannot live a life and in a place that constantly worries my mother. Despite everything that I have shown and proven about how modern and safe Vietnam can be, even after hundreds and hundreds of videos of Vietnam, my mother still cannot be convinced. I am her only son after all. So in her eyes, anywhere but Vietnam, which is fine. Easing her worry would make her happier. Plus, with the recent deaths of my grandfather, cousin’s husband, and my uncle, it made me realize more than ever that reconnecting with my parents when I do have the chance is a smart idea.
Third, I am obsessed with progress. I want to develop myself professionally further. I want to obtain a master’s degree, I want to try background acting, I want to gain the skills that would make me a better well rounded individual and leaving Vietnam would give me different perspectives. I loved teaching and value education dearly. If the situation was right for me and conditions were more proper, I wouldn’t mind returning to it one day- but not in Vietnam. I’ve taught in Vietnam already. Change is good. And I know you guys think that I have an amazing dream life, and I really think so too, but it just wasn’t sustainable enough for me to risk my 30s unless something major happens. I know America or Europe might be boring, but it’s not to me. Not yet at least.
But, the bottom line is, I’ve done it. I’ve traveled extensively in Vietnam and have brought you so many new and familiar places. I’m proud of that. I’m proud that I was committed and passionate to something with vigor. Vietnam just wasn’t an experience for me. It was my life. I am so happy to have been able to share parts of my life through cinematography with you guys. Thank you for caring about me and if you hate my guts, then I still hope these videos over the years have been at least a little bit valuable to you as they have been to me and my life.
I am incredibly sorry if this news makes anyone feel disappointed. It was not an easy decision to make and again, I am so sorry. I still want to make videos as a hobby and not as a job. After so many years and almost two years of almost full time work, it just isn’t where I need it to be. So instead of riding the ship until it sinks or become stale, I rather change course. I haven’t been able to do that for myself now yet, so I want to pivot and change. I will try my best to release as many videos as possible moving forward because there is still a lot of great Vietnam related content backed up and waiting to be edited. However, in the future if I cannot consistently release videos- weekly or twice a month or something, then I will end my Patreon and no longer accept contributions for videos….Again, thank you to everyone who supported me on Patreon. Every dollar goes back to video creating. I have tried my best to keep doing this for as long as I can, but it is time for me to pivot. Not quit, pivot. Stay tuned many more videos coming your way! You don’t want to miss out!
I will also be in Italy in a few days. If anyone is in Europe, especially anywhere in Eastern Europe and can host me or just meet up and share stories with me, please reply back to this. The same goes for anyone in America as well. I will try to visit as many American cities as possible to understand America and Canada a lot more. If anyone can offer me a couch or even a floor, I would be much appreciative of that.
If there’s any questions or concerns, feel free to write me. Thank you again for your support. This is a very sad, scary, but exciting time for me and I sincerely appreciate you guys being a part of my life.