According to a Research and Markets report, the AR and VR markets are forecasted to grow at a CAGR of 38.1% and 27.9% respectively from 2020 to 2025 under the influence of the pandemic 📈 One can certainly tell from the winners of this year’s COMPUTEX d&i Awards that AR and VR applications are changing the way people interact in increasingly diverse fields 🙋
The J7EF Plus AR glasses from Jorjin Technologies create a more intuitive way for human-computer interaction, providing better remote management for fields such as manufacturing and logistics. Yajantech offers AR SDK (Software Develop Kit) that allows for the introduction of AR solutions to applications such as smart manufacturing and modeling in a short period of time. Retina Stereotactic Surgery Navigation System from Eped integrates smart healthcare technologies and is compatible with AR glasses, which enable doctors to perform minimally invasive surgeries with success! Tune into COMPUTEX for more first hand information on the latest forward-looking technologies! 🏃♂️
根據市調公司 Research and Markets 預測,在疫情影響下,2020 年至 2025 年間,AR 市場的年複合成長率達 38.1%,VR 市場則以 27.9% 速度成長📈而從 COMPUTEX d&i Awards 得獎產品中也可以發現,AR/VR 應用場域更加多元,不斷改變人們互動模式🙋
佐臻股份有限公司推出 J7EF Plus AR 智慧眼鏡,可創造更直覺的人機互動方式,提升如工業、物流等各領域的遠距管理體驗;雅匠科技的跨平台 AR SDK(軟體開發套件),讓智慧製造、建築建模及其他多元應用情境,能在短時間內輕鬆導入 AR 解決方案;EPED Inc. International 醫百科技的雷帝納 Retina 手術導航系統,結合智慧醫療技術和服務,甚至可搭配 AR 眼鏡,協助醫師更精準地執行各類微創手術!想第一手接觸更多國際性的前瞻技術,別忘了持續鎖定 COMPUTEX 展會🏃♂️
forward-looking information 在 口袋財經 Pocket Money Facebook 的最佳貼文
【20191101 口袋日常新聞】
Twitter 禁止政治廣告
- Twitter 將在 11/22 全面禁止政治廣告
- 新的政治廣告規範將在 11/15 實施
- 美國總統候選人 Joe BIden 要求 Facebook、Twitter 和 Youtube 禁止投放虛假廣告
- Facebook 認為社群平台不該進行言論核實,這違反了言論自由
- Twitter 則是準備開始規範了
- 附上 Twitter CEO John Dorsey 的發表內容
Dorsey’s full statement on the rule change is below (emojis removed):
We’ve made the decision to stop all political advertising on Twitter globally. We believe political message reach should be earned, not bought. Why? A few reasons...
Political message earns reach when people decide to follow an account or retweet. Paying for reach removes that decision, forcing highly optimized and targeted political messages on people. We believe this decision should not be compromised by money.
While internet advertising is incredibly powerful and very effective for commercial advertisers, that power brings significant risks to politics, where it can be used to influence votes to affect the lives of millions.
Internet political ads present entirely new challenges to civic discourse: machine learning-based optimization of messaging and micro-targeting, unchecked misleading information, and deep fakes. All at increasing velocity, sophistication, and overwhelming scale.
These challenges will affect ALL internet communication, not just political ads. Best to focus our efforts on the root problems, without the additional burden and complexity taking money brings. Trying to fix both means fixing neither well, and harms our credibility.
For instance, it‘s not credible for us to say: “We’re working hard to stop people from gaming our systems to spread misleading info, buuut if someone pays us to target and force people to see their political ad…well...they can say whatever they want!
We considered stopping only candidate ads, but issue ads present a way to circumvent. Additionally, it isn’t fair for everyone but candidates to buy ads for issues they want to push. So we’re stopping these too.
We’re well aware we‘re a small part of a much larger political advertising ecosystem. Some might argue our actions today could favor incumbents. But we have witnessed many social movements reach massive scale without any political advertising. I trust this will only grow.
In addition, we need more forward-looking political ad regulation (very difficult to do). Ad transparency requirements are progress, but not enough. The internet provides entirely new capabilities, and regulators need to think past the present day to ensure a level playing field.
We’ll share the final policy by 11/15, including a few exceptions (ads in support of voter registration will still be allowed, for instance). We’ll start enforcing our new policy on 11/22 to provide current advertisers a notice period before this change goes into effect.
A final note. This isn’t about free expression. This is about paying for reach. And paying to increase the reach of political speech has significant ramifications that today’s democratic infrastructure may not be prepared to handle. It’s worth stepping back in order to address.
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➡️ 新聞來源 The Verge
forward-looking information 在 織田紀香 Facebook 的最佳貼文
伊隆·馬斯克 2016年7月21日
第一步: 打造一款產量很小的車型,該車型價格肯定是昂貴的;第二步: 用賺到的錢,開發一款產量適中的、價格相對低一些的車型第三步: 再用賺到的錢,創造一款量產的、價格親民的車型而且...第四步:提供太陽能電力。不開玩笑,在過去的10年中,這項規劃一直出現在我們的網站上。
我只能從第一步(譯者注:打造產量小、價格昂貴的車型)開始,是因為我從PayPal賺到的錢,只夠支持第一步!當時我認為,我們成功的機率很低,而我不想拿任何人的錢來冒險 --- 因此,只能用我自己的錢。歷史上成功的汽車初創企業寥寥無幾。截至2016年,沒有倒閉的美國汽車企業只有兩家:福特和特斯拉。創辦一家汽車公司是白痴一樣的愚蠢行為,而創辦一家電動汽車公司則是蠢上加蠢!
其次,產量小的車型意味著工廠的規模要更小、更簡潔,大多數工序要靠手工完成。在沒有形成規模效應之前,我們無論生產何種車型 --- 經濟型也好,運動型也罷,都會是價格昂貴的。然而,至少有些人會花大價錢去購買一款運動車型,但沒人會花10萬美元購入一部電動的本田思域,哪怕它看上去再酷也沒用。 我發佈特斯拉規劃藍圖第一篇章的原因之一,是為了回復那些攻擊特斯拉的言論 --- 有人指責我們只為富人造車,他們的意思是,生產運動車型的公司還不夠多,或者其他稀奇古怪的理由。然而遺憾的是,那篇博文未能阻止援引這些理由撰寫的攻擊特斯拉的文章 ---- 我的目的沒有徹底達成。
如果特斯拉和 SolarCity 是兩家獨立的公司,這一目的則很難實現。因此,我們必須通過整合來消除作為兩家獨立公司所固有的障礙。儘管,兩家公司具有類似的起源,追求相同的可持續能源的整體目標,但這兩家公司是完全獨立的,這很大程度上是歷史的偶然造成的。現在,特斯拉準備擴大 特斯拉能源(Powerwall),而 SolarCity 則準備提供豐富的差異化太陽能產品,把兩家公司整合到一起的時機已經到來。
豐富產品線和涵蓋主要的地面交通形式目前,特斯拉只涉足了兩個相對較小的高端轎車和 SUV細分市場。隨著Model 3、一款緊湊型 SUV 以及一款小型卡車的推出,我們將進軍更多的細分市場。基於本規劃的第三部分,比 Model 3 成本更低的車型看起來是不必要的。
盡可能迅速地擴大產能是實現可持續發展未來的關鍵。工欲善其事必先利其器,特斯拉的工程師部門已把相當的精力專注於設計製造設備的設備。自動化生產的第一原理分析表明,大約2 年為一個迭代週期,第一套生產Model 3 的設備可被視為 0.5 版本,1.0 版本很有可能在2018年出現, 而版本 3 則將可以實現 5 至 10 倍(產能)的提升。
除了乘用車,我們還需要其他兩款電動產品:重型卡車和高載客密度的城市交通(工具)。特斯拉對這兩款產品的開發仍處於初期階段,2017年將會對外公佈。我們相信,Tesla Semi 將大大降低貨物運輸成本,同時增加安全性,提升運營的樂趣。
即使有一天,軟體已經高度完善,甚至遠超人類駕駛員,獲得監管部門批准完全自動駕駛也還有很長時間,而這個時間會隨地區不同而有很大差異。我們預計,獲得世界各地監管部門批准,需要積累大約60 億英里(接近100 億公里)的自動駕駛里程。目前自動駕駛車輛的學習里程才剛剛超過每天 300萬英里(接近500萬公里)。
根據最近發佈的 2015 年美國國家交通安全管理局(NHTSA)的報告,汽車傷亡事故率增加了 8%,每 8900 萬英里就有一人因交通事故死亡。而Autopilot 的行駛里程將很快將超過這一里程的兩倍,且系統每天都在不斷地完善。正如有人呼籲的,禁用特斯拉的Autopilot, 並不比禁止飛機的Autopilot功能更有道理,而我們的系統也正是借用了飛機Autopilot的名稱。
解釋為何Autopilot 被稱為"Beta測試版"是很重要的。這裡使用的不是該詞在描述"軟體測試版beta software"時所具有的通常含義。(我們)在向消費者發佈之前,每個版本都經過了廣泛的內部測試。之所以稱其為"Beta測試版",是為了減少消費者對它的盲目信任,並表明它將繼續得到完善(在默認情況下,Autopilot 功能始終處於關閉狀態)。一旦Autopilot達到比美國汽車平均水平安全大約 10 倍,"Beta測試版"的標識就會被取消。
您還可以很便捷地在特斯拉 App上設定一個按鍵,將您的座駕加入到特斯拉共享車隊,讓愛車在您工作或休假時為您賺取收入,從而大大抵消、甚至有可能超出月貸款或租賃成本。這將大大降低真實的擁有成本,以至於幾乎每個人都可以擁有一部特斯拉。由於大部分車主每天的車輛使用率只有 5% 至 10% ,全自動駕駛車輛的基本經濟效用,將很可能是非自動駕駛汽車的數倍。
1. 創造驚人高效的、配備集成儲電功能的、美觀的太陽能
2. 擴充電動汽車產品線,滿足各細分市場需求
3. 通過大量的車隊學習功能,開發出比人類手動駕駛安全10倍的自動駕駛技術
4. 讓車輛在閒置的時候,通過分享來為你賺錢。
* * * * *
Certain statements in this blog post, such as those about future products, services and features, are "forward-looking statements" that are subject to risks and uncertainties. These forward-looking statements are based on current expectations. Various important factors could cause actual results to differ materially. Tesla disclaims any obligation to update this information.
This communication is not an offer or a solicitation of an offer to purchase, sell or exchange securities or a solicitation of a proxy from any stockholder. Subject to future developments, additional documents regarding the proposed transaction may be filed with the SEC, which investors should read carefully if and when they become available because they contain important information. Investors may obtain a free copy of the documents filed by Tesla, when they are available, from the SEC's website at Tesla, its directors and certain of its executive officers may be deemed to be participants in a solicitation of proxies for the proposed transaction. Information about the directors and executive officers of Tesla is set forth in its proxy statement for the 2016 annual meeting of stockholders, as filed with the SEC, and will be included in the relevant documents regarding the proposed transaction filed with the SEC.
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