1. 經濟學人原文(https://econ.st/3feR8m4)。原文副題好妙:Germany’s leading stock market index risks becoming a corporate museum
2. 好似之前都想寫類似嘅嘢,但冇寫,結果又彈返出嚟。所以太陽底下冇乜新事。
3. 之前FT亦有篇文講(https://on.ft.com/2WdrpS4),1997年,教主回歸蘋果。當時蘋果市值30億美金,係西門子嘅十份一,而當年西門子係全歐洲最大嘅工業股(而家都仲係)。事隔廿年多啲,蘋果市值係10000億美金,唔止大過西門子N倍—其實係大過晒德國DAX指數三十隻成份股夾埋。見到分野未?德國錯過咗乜?
4. 講返,德國股市指數,DAX,三十間最大嘅公司,好多大家都識,男仔會識得更多,冇法,德國(至少以前)強項在科技,工程,汽車。你見巴黎或米蘭股市就會有啲潮牌。DAX嘅成份股,好多都老字號:Adidas,Allianz安聯,Bayer拜耳藥廠,BASF,寶馬,Daimler,德意志銀行,德國交易所,漢莎航空,德國郵政DHL,德國電訊,Merck藥廠(原來同美國分咗家!),慕尼黑再保,軟件公司SAP,西門子,福士汽車。
5. 真係間間大嘢,間間馳名,同埋 — 好似冇乜邊間有好嘢?你數下上面呢堆公司,邊間唔係近年大大鑊?
6. 一葉知秋(三十塊葉添),DAX指數嘅情況,亦都反映到呢個歐元區龍頭,全世界第四大經濟體系面對嘅困境
7. 3月,全球股災,DAX指數跌到低過1倍帳面值(*)。之前只係試過兩次,就係2009同2011年,金融海嘯同歐元區危機。
8. 當然,當時全球股市都跌啦下。但,你見到德國股市,近年都係明顯跑輸其他。跑輸美股冇得講,但連英國法國都跑輸,就比較值得關注—特別係,德國經濟其實不比英國法國差。
9. 正如頭先講,DAX入面呢堆公司,好多都多災多難。福士第一季利潤跌八成幾,而家0.6倍book。德國漢莎有機會申請破產保護,或者要政府救,0.4倍book.德意志銀行更加係衰咗好多年,而家0.2倍book.Adidas 近來股價同業績亦跑輸Nike,至於西門子更係積弱多年
10. 成個DAX,就得兩隻tech 股(舊tech 撚,特別係車撚工程撚,堅持西門子福士都係tech,隨你,正如你話田雞係野味都得,不過冇人理你咁解。你鍾意話通用汽車都係tech股波音都係都得的,其實煮米線都好高技術含量)。
11. 一隻SAP,做得相當唔錯,德國之光,好似係唯一。另一隻tech股,叫做Wirecard,近年成日見報,當然係衰嘢。造假數,醜聞。但其實未爆煲或乜,你2007-2017買,任何位都贏錢。
12. 正面啲嘅,睇下MDAX,代表DAX三十大,之後嘅六十間公司。呢個指數就表現不錯。入面就多啲Tech股,包括Teamviewer(德國公司呀,居然呢度都寫過)(https://bit.ly/3dad6Vn),Zalando(聽過個名,online fashion),Delivery Hero(外賣仔),以及其他HelloFre,Nemetschek ,Scout24,Freenet等等(唔識)。仲有生物科技股Evotec, Morphosys 同 Qiagen.
13. 其實就係新舊交替嘅過程,但嚟得慢。Qiagen或者Delivery Hero應該好快會入DAX,好可能係踢走漢莎航空。另一方面,柏林其實而家係歐洲創科之都(之一),聽聞主要係因為租平,大學生質素高(all due respect,唔通去意大利咩,開檔整pizza?),政府支援又好,我都有朋友過咗去。
14. 原文冇講,但我講下,香港都面對緊呢個過桯。首先like it or not ,香港股市最大嘅公司都係大陸公司,絶大多數行業都係(除咗地產,所以你睇到乜嘢係香港核心工業)。但恒指入面,正如上面講,都係銀行保險地產呢啲「舊經濟」嘢多。所謂咩BATMX,百度冇在香港上市(聽聞遲下二次上市),阿里巴巴上咗但入唔到恒指,因為同股不同權(聽聞就快會畀佢入,到時又可以噴一輪口水)(**),美團小米情況差不多。就只得一隻騰訊係恒指成份股。好多人亦認為成堆舊濟股係拖低指數,亦令個指數冇代表性。
15. 德國嘅問題,係嗰堆tech 股未夠大,慢慢壯大緊。但香港呢堆就明顯夠晒大,因為同股不同權卡住咁解。
16. 最後講遠少少,唔少人認為,扯,花無百日紅,而家就tech 股風光啫,但任何嘢都有個價,點知係咪一路增長?的確冇人知。但之後啲文可以講,而家你以為甚麼FAAMNG 甚至BATMX 佔指數佔股市市值好多?其實唔算。你睇下以前啲石油股,或者十幾廿年前啲金融股?
(*)忠實讀者都知,寫過幾次,恒指都有呢個情況,都一度 below book value。但,恒指入面好多係銀行股,特別係匯控同中資銀行,差不多佔25%,而呢堆東西,都係below book value嘅。有云話投資者「唔信大陸銀行的book」,我認為唔係,反正全世界好多銀行都係below book的。想講個分別係,銀行股為主嘅指數,below book不出奇,但DAX並非以銀行為主,就神奇啲。
(**)慎防有人唔知,再講一次我立場。由始到終我都反對同股不同權,全世界都係。理由好簡單,唔想畀短視股東廢柴散戶外行基金經理管嘅,咪撚上市咯,私人公司任撚得你點玩都得。冇錢?問銀行借咯。想上市做public company,就唔該睇下咩叫public company。但,首先我立場不代表我公司,如果我以公司身份就當然應該贊成,商機嘛,而反正我同我公司立場亦都冇人care。事實上全世界交易所都搶生意,啲科企小朋友夠惡,邊度肯就佢改例咪去邊度。所以你冇得堅持的。你間舖唔摸得?人地隔離得喎,咁咪人人去隔離。
同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過40萬的網紅糖餃子Sweet Dumpling,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Hello friends! Today we're going to share with you how to make classic meringue nuts dessert: French Dacquoise with coffee French buttercream. Dacquo...
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Hello friends! Today we're going to share with you how to make classic meringue nuts dessert: French Dacquoise with coffee French buttercream.
Dacquoise means “ of Dax” in french, which is a small town in southwestern France. Classic dacquoise is used as a layer of a cake or sandwiched for two layers with a variety of filling. But it can also be a cookie sandwich with buttercream. This French dessert is a light meringue with a sponge texture, it’s meringue-like crisp on the outside, and moist and soft texture like cake on the inside. The flavor is amazing and delicious. It’s a must try French dessert. Hope you like this video.
This is an #ASMR ver, you can check out the other version that with BGM and Voices in Chinese if you like:
How to make French Dacquoise Recipe
French Dacquoise Recipe
☞ Dacquoise mold: 6 slots, 7x5x1cm for each slot, if you don’t have dacquoise mold, you can use baking rings.
☞ Yields: This recipe can make 3 sets of dacquoise sandwiches for one egg white, you can use two or three egg whites to make 6 or 9 sets as you wish.
✎ Ingredients
☞ For dacquoise
powdered sugar 10g
All purpose flour 8g
almond flour 30g
medium egg white 1, 35g
granulated sugar 20g
☞ For French coffee buttercream (Cream au beurre cafe)
instant coffee granules 1g
hot water 4g
medium egg yolk 2, 36g
granulated sugar 45g
water 20g
unsalted butter 80g, softened and cubed
✎ Instrcutions
☞ For dacquoise
1. Use a sieve to sift the almond flour, powdered sugar and all purpose flour.
2. Place the egg whites and a bit of pinch of salt in a clean and dry bowl, beat the egg white with an hand electric mixer on medium speed for 1 minute. Then add the sugar one-third at a time, beat 30 seconds before adding the next.
3. After adding the rest of sugar, continue beating for 2 more minutes, then switch to low speed to beat for 30 seconds or until stiff peaks.
4. Add one half of dry ingredients into the meringue, making sure not to mix too much. Then add the rest of dry ingredients and gently fold the mixture until just combined.
5. Attach a tip to a piping bag and transfer the dacquoise mixture to the piping bag.
6. Pipe out the batter into the dacquoise slot. Use a scraper or offset spatula to smooth the surface and remove excess batter, and then use a toothpick to dip the water and to smooth out the shape.
7. Remove the mold carefully. Lightly dust the powdered sugar over the dough for the first time, after the powdered sugar is just absorbed into the batter, dust more powdered sugar over it again. This will create a better crust on the surface.
8. Preheat the oven to 230°C, reduce to 180°C and bake for 9-10 minutes, when time’s up, leave it in the oven for 5 minutes. Remove from the oven, stay with the baking tray to cool completely.
☞ For French coffee buttercream
1. Dissolve the 1g of instant coffee in 4g of hot water. Set aside to cool.
2. Add two egg yolks into the mixing bowl and beat until thick and pale.
3. Combine 45g sugar and 20g water in a small saucepan, heat over on med-low heat, cook until the sugar has dissolved and the syrup reaches 117°C.
4. Then immediately remove from heat and slowly drizzle the hot syrup into the bowl with the yolks, keep whisking on high speed until all syrup is added. Switch to low speed to whisk until the mixture (pâte à bombe) is cooled down to room temperature.
5. Add in 80g of softened butter one third at a time, allowing each batch to incorporate before adding the next. Mix to smooth.
6. Add the dissolved coffee and mix well, then pipe in a piping bag.
☞ Assembly
1. Sandwich the dacquoise with the buttercream, and refrigerate until ready to serve

dax or 在 孫在陽 Youtube 的最佳解答
從Excel到Power BI的大數據分析-13.Previousday函數、2個previousday的應用、Related、3日平均線、格悟化的條件
DAX函數是Power BI最不容易懂的部份,但對於數據分析,是最重要的關鍵。
01:00 Or函數
30:00 If函數
33:00 平均
38:00 篩選器
40:00 3日移動平均線應用

dax or 在 孫在陽 Youtube 的最佳貼文
面對日新月異的大數據工具,有時候很難跟上這節奏。Microsoft Power BI讓大家可以簡易的製作大數據分析。用 Excel Power BI 做大數據分析,課程大綱有認識大數據、大數據分析、視覺化呈現結果,提升管理品質,有效提升工作效率。另外;大數據分析還應該包含許多學習到的知識,回饋給資料,再重新計算,不是僅畫出視覺化圖後,就說做好了大數據分析。期待大家將了解應用這些工具使用,將大數據分析導入您的工作中。
孫在陽老師主講,[email protected]
