今年五月和美國出版社The Moppet Books 合作的What I Can Learn From 系列是該出本社推出的全新現代自傳系列繪本,激勵孩童或青少年如何成為現代、有眼界及獨立的思考者。目前已推出史蒂夫·賈伯斯及歐普拉·蓋爾·温弗里傳記,很高興這次是負責美國第一女神及名主持人歐普拉繪本的插畫。在與出版社溝通畫面和故事情節的過程也很有趣,又再一次查詢及認識這位了不起女性的生平故事更讚嘆她的人生經歷。繪本現在已在美國童書界擁有兩個獎項的年度金牌肯定了🥇🎉🎉🎉
系列繪本販售於Moppet Books 出版社網站、Amazon、美國地方書店及全美連鎖書店Barnes and Noble。
I finally received the copies of the Oprah book I illustrated named "What I Can Learn From the Fantastic and Incredible Life of Oprah Winfrey" from the U.S. It's one of the books of "What I Can Learn From" series by The Moppet Books, an inspirational biography series for young readers highlights the lives and ideas of contemporary visionaries, and encourages diversity, determination and individuality.
I was lucky to get to involve this project, studied Oprah's life experience and inspired.
Hopefully the picture book will finally launch in Taiwan bookstore and introduce to young readers and parents in Taiwan.
Books are available on Moppet Books website, Amazon’s, select bookstores, and Barnes and Noble
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