《MIT 知識分享: 建立爆炸性的生意七步方程式》
做生意要記住呢條formula ....
現在我身處於波士頓的MIT,剛上完一課 Business Platform 如何建立生意平台。 我猜要拍完這短片已經回到香港了,趁還在這個美麗的背景我就先和你分享一下。
不說不知,MIT 今年是全球排名第一的大學,根據教授 Catherine Tucker 及 Pierre Azoulay,做生意你要記住以下 formula.
Your Offering 你提供予客人的產品/服務:
(1) Stand Alone Benefit 本身的好處
+ (2) Same-Side Network Effect 同一邊的網絡效應
+ (3) Cross-Side Network Effect 跨邊網絡效應
- (4) Price 價錢
- (5) Switching Cost 轉移成本
- (6) Multi-Homing Cost 多方持有成本
has to be greater than 必要大過
(7) Competitor's Offering (Net of Price) 競爭對手給予人客的價值(扣除價錢)
根據2018年 Interbrand Best Global Brands 排名,全球首十名的品牌加起來總值超過9000億美金,當中6個品牌都是教授所指的 Platform Business 平台生意。十年前? 只有3個。
教授話做生意,你可以在一個 Product 產品的生意,或是一個 Platform 平台的生意?
Product 就好像一條pipeline 管道,先要入貨,加工,出貨,再收錢,一步步來的。
Platform 平台生意,就是大家一起將貨品放上去,而
(1) 有第三方參與
(2) 大家直接交流/交易
(3) 最好的平台,就是即使你什麼都不做,坐著都會有錢收。
例如一間普通的茶餐廳是Product 生意,先入貨,加工,出貨,再收錢。並非平台,因為多人吃,不會增加其他食客的價值,而食客與食客之間均沒有任何直接交流。但如果舉辦一個speed dating night (快速約會之夜),男跟女每五分鐘喝一杯奶茶就轉個對象談天,每人收費$200,一年內結婚就再收多兩萬,當然如何監管乃是題外話,這就是一個平台 platform 生意。因為有三方參與(男同女),他們可以直接交流,情投意合的話還可以直接"交易"結帳, 平台基本上什麼也沒幹便有錢收。
High tech點,Google是一個 Search Platform 搜尋平台。但如果你去 Google search 這五個字,包括 Business Services, Bail Bonds, Casino, Lawyer, Asset Management,平均你每click一下,無論你有沒有光顧也好,該公司便會因為你的那一下click而需要繳付超過50元美金廣告費予Google,所以如果你討厭那一間公司,便不斷click他吧。
2018年 Google的廣告收入超過1100億美金, 因此Google並不是一間search engine或科技公司,而主要是一間廣告公司, 9成收入都是靠廣告收入。這亦是教授所指,最好的平台收入。什麼都沒有做,只要用家搜尋資料,click一下,就有錢收。現在的Google就是這樣,每年被click一萬二千億次。
售賣衫褲並非平台,因為只有一買一賣,沒有第三方。地產經紀,僱傭中介或Dating公司雖然有第三方,亦不是完整的平台,因為客人大家都不能夠直接參與交流或者交易,始終有個中間人。包括 我司的商舖基金也是一樣,因此我們與他們都只可以被名為擬似平台 "Platformy",但並非完全是平台。
但如果像Amazon,Facebook, Uber,Apple雙方或以上可以直接交流/交易,就是真正完整的平台full platform,再加入科技元素,只要夠聰明,生意便能夠做到好大。可惜絕大部分人都失敗。為什麼呢? 要重溫一下以上的formula。
(1) 要人客買你的產品,產品先要有好的stand-alone benefit 本身有好處。 賣衫賣褲賣美容賣教育賣飲食賣車賣樓賣穿梭機也好,客人使用你的產品後一定會覺得比沒有使用來得好,他才會選擇購買。這一點不難明白。但即使多十萬個其他人客購買呢? 對於人客使用該產品的得益並無明顯影響。假如我去你的茶餐廳食飯,好像大家樂般,即使多十萬個人食,該碟飯對於那人的價值都是一樣。 因此他的WTP (Willingness-To-Pay) 並不會願意付更多錢。
(2) 加 Same-Side Network Effect 同一邊的網絡效應。如果全世界只有你一個人有Facebook, 無論Facebook如何記存你的美好回憶,你都未必會日日用。只是因為你有好多朋友用,Facebook 對於你的價值才會大大提升。以前的傳真機,座枱電話,今日的Microsoft Office, Iphone, Android, Dropbox 都一樣,越多人用,對你的價值就提升,Same Side 大家身處同一邊。
(3) 加 Cross-Side Network Effect 跨邊網絡效應,就是因為乘客多了,Uber 司機就相對增加。因為多人使用Visa / Master, 收咭的商戶就相對增加。因為多人使用iphone, AppStore的Apps Developer就相對增加,因為Apps多,又使到更多人用 iphone,雖然兩者係唔同邊,大家都循環再循環地增大。
看看這幅圖,純粹 Stand Alone Benefit,無論有多少user ,用家的 Willingness-To-Pay願意付出的價錢都差唔多。但只要有了 Network Effect, 隨著用家越多,他們的Willingness-To-Pay 就大大提升了,亦都解釋了為何 Platform Business 價值的爆炸力遠遠大於 Product Business
而最好的平台基本上係什麼都不用做,就好像你每次付款,Uber就收司機兩成交易費,Visa/Master收商戶2%,Apple就收 Apps開發商3成費用。Google? 你每次Click一Click, 他就收商戶高達五十元美金廣告費! 做平台成功是否很好呢?! 這才是真正的地產霸權! 你個電話這幾吋的螢幕,才真正是21世紀塊地。
知道你的產品或平台有什麼好處,就要(4) 減 Price。以上都曾經提過,你收多少錢呢?
(4.1) 你收誰人的錢呢? 哪一個party是less price sensitive對價格沒那麼敏感呢? 誰有 deep pocket 大量金錢呢? 一般當然是大企業或為了賺錢的商家便願意付錢多於一般普羅大眾。
(4.2) 誰人定價? 就如樓盤放售網站,劃一收費定價每月登每個盤200元? 就如Uber/Google 按需求來定價? 就如補習老師/網球教練,讓他們按自己的資歷定價? 或者就如 Priceline / ebay 般,由買家定價?
(4.3) 如何收費呢? 收費可以按次交易收費,可以按月按年subscription收費,可以現時流行的 Freemium Model, 即是先免費,吸引用家試用後,想再増加function再開始收費。
無論怎樣收費也好,要緊記,即使你定到最便宜的價錢,免費也好,都未必夠。因為你要由競爭對手處轉落你身上,人客都仍然要有switching cost 及 multi-homing cost.
(5) 再減 Switching Cost 轉移成本,即是如果轉去用你的新產品,例如打字的 keyboard新排法,人客是否需要從新學習呢? 由iphone的IOS 轉落你的 Samsung Android電話,是否需要花好多時間呢? 要緊記,不單止他,還有他的朋友呢? 如Facebook,是否需要全部人一齊轉呢? 要的話,switching cost就超級大了。
再減 (6) Multi-Homing Cost 多方持有成本,即是如果人客同時用兩款產品,是否需要很大成本呢? 我同時subscribe to Dropbox 及 Google Drive,最多付費兩次,但file save 在兩邊我並不會感到太麻煩,反而會感到有保障,Multi-Homing Cost 較低。但如果我同時一邊用 Apple iPhone,另一邊又用 Samsung Android 電話,或者一邊用Blu-Ray 另一邊又用HD-DVD看電影,我可能會感到很麻煩,機又要多部,買碟又要多隻,電話入資料又要入多次,App 可能很多都唔同,這樣Multi-Homing Cost 就會好高,等於逼我二選其一,或者索性不會嘗試新產品。
如果 Switching Cost 大,Multi-Homing Cost 又大的話,一個平台,例如Facebook / Microsoft 等,獨大機會就會大了。
簡單來說,就當你是一間舉辦 speed dating的茶餐廳,你產品的 (1) Stand Alone Benefit (假設是100元,因為有食物有飲品)
+ (2) Same-Side Network Effect (假設是300元,因為可以認識異性)
+ (3) Cross-Side Network Effect (假設是0元, 因為除男與女以外,並沒其他供應商會來)
- (4) Price (假設是每人收費200元)
- (5) Switching Cost (假設是20元,因為新客要學習speed dating 的新流程,乘車都要用錢)
- (6) Multi-Homing Cost (假設近乎0元,因為人客四處嘗試也沒所謂)
has to be greater than
(7) Competitor's Offering (Net of Price) 競爭對手給予人客價值(減除售價) (假設是40元, 因為他們只有食物,不能夠認識異性,值100元,但收費60蚊)
100+300+0-200-20-0 = 180,即是大於 40,那麼你就有生意做。
但如果你沒有network effect那300元,或者價錢收得太貴,又或者人客的switching cost太大(例如要說法文,但人客都不懂得說),加減起來低過競爭對手那40元net value 的話,你就無生意做了。
除非你把 Price 減至0,甚至乎負數,即是貼錢吸引人客來你那邊體驗,他一試之後, switching cost 去第二邊便會提升了,這叫 "lock-in",就好像第一次使用Alipay有紅包送一樣,那你就可以蝕前賺後了。
雖說來容易,但在今時今日競爭激烈的社會,蝕前賺後的策略,需要十分大的資本投入,才能夠建立到critical mass 達到有顯著的 Network Effect。教室內稱之為 Penguin Effect 企鵝效應。就如所有企鵝都看到海中有魚食,但第一隻跳下去的話,好容易便會被海豹吃掉,所以大家都不會跳下去,一直等一直等,分分鐘隨時餓死。你建立platform做生意,便要令到這一班企鵝願意同一時間跳入海,互相掩護底下大家都能夠有魚吃,產生 network effect。但你若不能夠吸引牠們一次過跳入海,當第一隻犧牲後,第二隻便不敢跳下去,那你的平台便完蛋了。
這個亦是為何很多平台死亡的原因,可以花費很多億,很多users, 但依然蝕本。Spotify音樂串流平台,過去十年便蝕了超過30億美金。Uber差不多同期就蝕了過百億美金。你又能否蝕得起呢?
最後,並不要因為我說出的蝕本數字嚇到了。輸得大,賠得大,新來最值錢的公司應該全部都會是平台的生意。你並不一定要玩那麼大,我自己做商舖基金都一樣,先做好product的生意,再發展平台 platform,先買舖賺錢,再讓人客多點trade in and out 基金,以戰養戰,總比什麼也沒有的情況下就向難度挑戰來得容易吧。
總之緊記以上七步formula, 1加2加3減4減5減6大過7,這麼容易記,希望對你日後做生意如何計算,亦有所啟發。
買舖/租舖/放舖/投資商舖基金熱線: 28301111 或 whatsapp +852 90361143
盛滙商舖基金 Bridgeway 網頁 www.bwfund.com
李根興創業之友 https://www.facebook.com/EdwinNetwork/
李根興商舖之友 https://www.facebook.com/edwinprimeshop/
李根興 youtube 商舖創業及投資分享商舖創業及投資分享https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEN66AnLghXESgCDIsz-3Nw
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That was days before Christmas when I was walking down the street for an important interview with a Lebanese political party. I came to a check point in the downtown and stopped by the army. “Hey, what’s that?” the army asked me after checking my passport. He pointed at my neck. Awkwardly I was trying to cover the mark with my hand, that’s a somebody’s love mark but I said it’s some bruises and walked away.
Christmas eve was lonely in Beirut that year. The city celebrates Christmas and New Year grandly, and the Lebanese around the world would come back to the country for the festivals. That December I spent my day time going around Syrian refugee camp and interviewing Hezbollah, while night time I would get myself drown in a local bar. There was a Chinese old lady who love talking about her ex-boyfriends, and the bar manager, Joseph who's also a good story teller telling me Lebanoneses' story from all walks of life. I'd order a fruit juice and listening to his story, mostly sad stories. I was 22 that year, partially active in dating apps. I told Joseph it was surprisingly easy to get a match. He smiled and told me the locals would rather go out with the foreigners as it's best way to avoid scandal. Scandal is going to bring destruction on the individual there. I guess that leads to a greater loneliness among ones, which lead them to fail to build a relationship but rather go for option(s) that could enable ones to experience intimacy without time and energy investment.
I used to think I am good in being alone, given that started solo backpacking in a real young age, and later working in some conflict zones. But then I realized I am wrong when I went through failure in varies kind of relationships in my 20s. Having a better social status doesn’t mean a person is abundance inside, that’s what I observed from some of my friends. I too, tried to was anxiously hoping to be loved, hoping the external factors could strengthen my confidence and giving my life a more meaningful purpose, till I later started an introspection and filling up the empty cup in me by myself. I learn to talk to myself, and understand myself more, learning how to be alone but not lonely. I have long given up the idea of “get yourself busy” or “meeting new friends” in order to get rid of negative emotions.
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Sign up as a member for early access, behind the scenes footage, exclusive bonus videos and much more! A lot of our topics are not always "ad-friendly" and we might get demonetised so we don't earn from the ads nor are there sponsors. A little goes a long way and we're trying to get better tech equipment, pay my co-producer and keep the show running for as long as we can. This week we've got 3 extra videos for members only - a never-before-heard-about dating story in New York , Anita's worst (and objectively THE worst) date and outtakes from this shoot.
Thank you so so so much if you decide to support us!!!!!
00:00 Intro
00:50 How I started online dating, my thoughts on dating apps
05:55 Stigma and cons of online dating
11:36 Online dating etiquette (expectations, disclosing sexuality, multiple dates)
18:55 First dates, safety
22:00 Meet Anita!
22:25 The types of people you meet & conversations you have on dating apps
26:15 Are there decent guys online?
27:38 Bad/dumb bios, dating requirements, being "judgemental"
32:20 Talking about bad dates, the type of people we seek out on dates
36:40 Anita’s bad dates
39:05 Dating apps overseas, my bad date in New York
41:18 Ghosting
51:18 How has the dating scene changed during the pandemic?
54:05 How to talk about your hobbies
55:37 Cheaters on dating apps
58:19 Sugardaddies (or mommies) on dating apps
59:35 Using dating apps for networking
1:01:50 Hotpot on a first date?!
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✎ wordweed@gmail.com
Edited by myself!
