感謝臉友 @Skippy At Large 在「翻譯很有事」貢獻此文,以下全文轉錄。內容太精彩,一定要讓更多人看到。(對岸書評網站豆瓣及網路上可找到一些相關評論。)
1 溫洽溢大量誤譯Janathan D. Spence(史景遷)多本英文著作,已非新聞。
2 最驚爆的是,被誤譯的作者Janathan D. Spence本人原來也是。誤。譯。大。王!他英譯明末張岱《陶庵夢憶》,由於文言文理解不足,誤譯百出(文末指出誤譯的可能原因),詳見2009年汪榮祖教授〈夢憶裡的夢囈〉譯評一文 (PDF,留言有連結),揪出幾十個荒唐誤譯。
3 可見,許多權威往往經不住檢驗,這包括權威譯者在內。
4 任何譯作一定要有人對照原文審譯。審譯者的原文理解能力必須在譯者之上,否則找了也是白搭。
5 溫洽溢的中譯《前朝夢憶》,參考還原了張岱原著的本義,大大抵銷了史景遷的誤譯,然而如汪教授PDF文末指出,溫譯者並未透過譯註指出作者Spence的錯誤,而逕行在譯文中改正,令中文讀者不曾察覺意思有誤。這作法的對錯非常值得討論。
Jonathan D. Spence: Return to Dragon Mountain: Memories of a Late Ming Man
譯 者: 溫洽溢
出版:時報文化出版,2009; 廣西師範大學出版社,2010
1. Zhang Dai lived a parade when the moon came out and the lanterns shone.
2. Zhang Dai wrote of one teacher called Zhu who never began his theater training for girls by introducing them to acting. Instead he taught them first to play a broad range of musical instruments—strings, wind and percussion—and then taught them to sing and finally to dance. The result was that some of Zhu's actresses attained a “level of perfection that could be felt through the pores.”
3. On ordinary days Zhang Dai studied. He never was done, and he never would be done, as he well knew, for he was locked into a system from which there was no outlet save absolute success.
1、3 兩個錯誤分別是第一章、第二章的開頭一句,問題很明白,無須多說。第2 個錯誤出在錯解「陶庵夢憶」的原文:
「朱雲崍教女戲,非教戲也。未教戲,先教琴,先教琵琶,先教提琴、弦子、蕭管,鼓吹、歌舞,借戲為之,其實不專為戲也。...... 絲竹錯雜,檀板清謳,入妙腠理,唱完以曲白終之,反覺多事矣。」
大意不過:朱雲崍教戲先從伴奏教起,訓練精妙,結果戲曲的主要曲文部份反而成為配角了。“level of perfection that could be felt through the pores.” 當作「入妙腠理」;而且認為「反為多事矣」的不是學戲的徒弟,而是旁觀的眾人。
這使張岱並非以史書留名,反倒因簡短、警句式散文這種迥別的文體享有盛譽。散文是晚明主要文體之一。散文講究文體雅致,竭盡所能雕章琢句,以彰顯作者的多才多藝,筆觸要敏捷、不拖泥帶水,以捕捉飄忽情緒或瞬間剎那,同時利用語氣上的對比或急轉直下,勾引且震驚讀者。張岱的成長過程中,這樣的文體一直很受歡迎,他自己後來也成為散文大家。從許多例子來看,馳名的散文大家同時也是遊記作家(travel writer)。他們以浪跡天涯、遊山玩水聞名,寄居名士之家,不斷四處流浪,敏於音調、悖論,能看他人所不能看,感他人所不能感,行文走筆雖扼要洗鍊,但也處處旁徵博引。(p. 8)
The melodious and enchanting form of regional drama from Suzhou known as kunqu was already separating itself from local specializations like Shaoxing theater, just as later “Beijing opera” was to grow out of and—to many connoisseurs—to vulgarize kunqu drama in search of a broader audience.
蘇州的崑曲,旋律優美,形式精妙,已走出如紹興戲這類地方戲曲的格局,一如日後京劇的發展,走向通俗化以求拓展觀眾層面。(p. 30)
As if all that were not sufficient, mother-in-law Liu also had to care for a “harsh and fussy uncle” and her own widowed mother-in-law ....
外母劉太君此外還得照料“嚴厲瑣屑”的舅舅,侍奉守寡的婆婆........ (p. 77)
此處是一吊詭:純就翻譯而言,uncle譯為舅舅是對的,卻因為翻對而錯了,因為在文言中,「舅」還有別的意思。就尊卑親疏關係而言,「舅」這裡只能是 “夫之父” 的意思---- 對明代婦女而言,舅舅這層關係,怎麼也擺不到婆婆前面。所以p. 76 中,譯文將 "as aunt" 譯為「為姑」,僅僅因為抄錄張岱原文而閃過了尷尬,到了這裡其閱讀文言文的程度就暴露無疑。顯然在「雍正王朝之大義覺迷」錯繆叢出的文言斷句並不是意外,只是譯者和編審的正常表現。嗚呼哀哉!
為什麼說這本書牽涉廣大? 因為背後的陣容龐大。溫洽溢翻譯「前朝夢憶」時,已經獲得國內出版業龍頭時報文化奉上「白金翻譯家」的冠冕,且剛贏得新聞局2008金鼎獎「最佳翻譯人」的榮銜。本書隨後出了簡體版,由當時非常活躍、堪稱胡溫時代的「啟蒙出版社」的廣西師範大學出版,收入「史景遷作品集」,負責這套書的編審是鄭培凱、鄢秀教授。鄭教授從台大外文系畢業後,進入耶魯大學,成為史景遷的第一個博士班學生,目前任職於香港城市大學,專業研究領域就是明代文學。鄢秀教授是鄭教授的夫人,畢業於中國外語專業高校雙璧之一的上海外語大學,之後在德州大學奧斯丁分校獲得翻譯學博士,現在主持香港城市大學翻譯及語言系的碩士學科。
然而,若明白史景遷何許人也,這箇中的諧趣可就完全不好笑了。一般讀者知道他是耶魯大學教授,但恐怕未必了解他的頭銜史德鄰傑出講座(Sterling Professor) 的意義:這是耶魯授予教授的最高榮譽,全校千餘教職人員裡,只有20-40名教授能獲得這崇隆的位置。以耶魯大學在美國學界的地位,史景遷的威望如何,就無需多言了。竟在晚年寫出如此一書,真值得我們好好思考 prestige 一字的拉丁字源的本義了。
問題的根源出在哪裡?原著的謝辭提供了些許線索。首先,史景遷採用的翻譯,許多來自他在耶魯的研究生助理。從羅馬拼音的名字來判斷,除了台大畢業的劉晞儀(現任美國大都會博物館助理主任)外,他們大多來自中國。史景遷的夫人金安平教授也深入參與這本書的寫作。 金教授1950生於台南市,12歲移居美國,後來在哥倫比亞大學獲得博士,目前在耶魯教授中國哲學。金教授系出名門,祖父是20世紀初的著名學者金毓黻。
史景遷寫作時也倚重兩本書: In Limpid Dream: Nostalgia and Zhang Dai's Reminiscences of the Ming, 作者 Philip A Kafalas 從哈佛大學部畢業後,在史丹佛獲得博士學位,目前在喬治城大學任教。本書是根據學位論文改寫,據史景遷的說法,內容包含大量的陶庵夢憶的翻譯。另一本是法譯的陶庵夢憶,譯者Brigitte Teboul-Wang, 背景不明,或是 一位嫁給華裔的法國女士。
史景遷的岔子是不是出在這些助理和書籍上,沒看到確切的證據,目前只能夠存疑了。 但作者、譯者、編審、出版社都該負責,則是了無疑義的。「合六州四十三縣鐵,不能為此錯也。」此書堪為鑑戒!
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(“Go back to Beijing,” says Tsai, “and tell them you were served by the next President of Taiwan.”)
朋友們告訴我,昨天附上的《TIME》雜誌英漢對照翻譯文章,已經被下架了。對此,我真的感到非常遺憾。(更新消息:PTT貼文者並非原譯,因恐引起誤會而刪文。原譯文出自獨立記者Jessie Chen臉書,特此致謝。)
民進黨主席暨總統參選人蔡英文登上最新一期時代雜誌封面,標題是「她將可能領導華人世界唯一民主國家, She Could Lead The Only Chinese Democracy」。蔡主席是繼印度總理莫迪、印尼總統佐科威、韓國總統朴槿惠後,最新一位登上時代雜誌封面的亞洲領導人。
She Could Lead the Only Chinese Democracy
And that makes Beijing nervous
Cover Story: Championing Taiwan
Presidential front runner Tsai Ing-wen wants to put the island’s interests first
‘The Next President Of Taiwan’
That’s how Tsai Ing-wen refers to herself. But will the island’s voters agree?
Emily Rauhala / 台北報導 Adam Ferguson / 攝影
Tsai Ing-wen is making breakfast. The presidential candidate cracks five eggs and lets them bubble with bacon in the pan. She stacks slices of thick, white toast. It’s a recipe adapted from British chef Jamie Oliver, but the ingredients, she can’t help but say, are pure Taiwan. The meat comes courtesy of Happy Pig, a farm near her spare but tasteful Taipei apartment, the bread from a neighborhood bakery. She offers me an orange. “Organic,” she says, in English. “And local, of course.”
蔡英文正在做早餐。這位總統候選人打了五個蛋,和著平底鍋裡面的培根一起吱吱作響,再把一片片白色的厚片土司疊起來。料理手法學自英國名廚傑米奧利佛(Jamie Oliver),但是她忍不住要說,烹調食材屬於最純粹的台灣原料。培根來自「快樂豬」農場,距離她那簡單卻有品味的公寓不遠,而麵包是從她家附近的烘培坊買來的。她遞了一顆橘子給我,用英文跟我說:「有機的!當然也是在地的。」
This is not an average breakfast for the 58-year-old lawyer turned politician running to become Taiwan’s next President—most days she grabs a coffee and books it to the car. But it is, in many ways, oh so Tsai. The Taipei-raised, U.S.- and U.K.-educated former negotiator wrote her doctoral thesis on international trade law. As a minister, party chair and presidential candidate (she narrowly lost to two-term incumbent Ma Ying-jeou in the 2012 race), Tsai gained a reputation for being wonky—the type who likes to debate protectionism over early-morning sips of black coffee or oolong tea.
對於這位58歲、從律師轉變成政治人物的總統候選人來說,這可不是她平常吃的早餐。她通常隨手抓一杯咖啡在車上喝。不過許多方面來說,這應該可以算是一貫的「蔡式」風格。這位在臺北長大、在英美留學過的談判專家,博士論文寫的是國際貿易法。在她當陸委 會主委、民進黨主席、總統候選人期間(她在2012年的總統大選中以些微差距輸給了馬英九總統),得到學院派的風評──她是那種喜歡在早上喝黑咖啡或烏龍茶時,跟你辯論保護主義的人。
Now, as the early front runner in Taiwan’s January 2016 presidential election, her vision for the island is proudly, defiantly, Taiwan-centric. Tsai says she would maintain the political status quo across the strait with China—essentially, both Taipei and Beijing agreeing to disagree as to which represents the one, true China, leaving the question of the island’s fate to the future. But Tsai wants to put Taiwan’s economy, development and culture first. While Ma and his government have pushed for new trade and tourism pacts with Beijing—China accounts for some 40% of Taiwan’s exports—Tsai aims to lessen the island’s dependence on the mainland by building global ties and championing local brands. “Taiwan needs a new model, ” she tells TIME.
Whether voters share her vision is a question that matters beyond Taipei. Taiwan is tiny, with a population of only 23 million, but its economy—powered by electronics, agriculture and tourism—ranks about mid-20s in the world by GDP size, with a GDP per capita about thrice that of China’s. Ceded by China’s Qing dynasty to Japan after the 1894–95 First Sino-Japanese War, colonized by Tokyo for half a century, then seized by Nationalist forces fleeing the Communists at the end of the Chinese civil war, Taiwan has long been a pawn in a regional great game. It is a linchpin for the U.S. in East Asia alongside Japan, South Korea and the Philippines, and, most important, it’s the only real democracy in the Chinese-speaking world.
“This election matters because it’s a window into democracy rooted in Chinese tradition,” says Lung Ying-tai, an author and social commentator who recently stepped down as Culture Minister. “Because of Taiwan, the world is able to envision a different China.”
Taiwan’s politics irritate and befuddle Beijing. To the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP), Taiwan is the province that got away, a living, breathing, voting reminder of what could happen to China if the CCP loosens its grip on its periphery, from Tibet to Xinjiang to Hong Kong. Beijing is particularly wary of a change in government from Ma’s relatively China-friendly Kuomintang (KMT) to Tsai’s firmly China-skeptic Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). When Tsai ran for President in 2012, Beijing blasted her, without actually naming her, as a “troublemaker” and “splittist”—CCP-speak reserved for Dalai Lama–level foes. “A DPP government means uncertainty for cross-strait ties,” says Lin Gang, a Taiwan specialist at Shanghai Jiao Tong University’s School of International and Public Affairs.
To the U.S., which is bound by the Taiwan Relations Act to come to the island’ s aid if it’s attacked, Taiwan is a longtime friend and unofficial ally, though the strength of that friendship is being tested by China’s rise. Washington worries that Taiwan’s people, especially its youth, are growing warier of China, and that any conflict between the two might draw in the U.S.
“What this election has done is crystallize the changes, the shift in public opinion,” says Shelley Rigger, a Taiwan scholar at Davidson College in North Carolina and the author of Why Taiwan Matters. “I don’t think cross-strait relations are going to be easy going forward, and that’s not something U.S. policymakers want to hear.”
對美國來說,根據《台灣關係法》,在台灣受到武力攻擊的情況下,須協防台灣。台灣是美國長期友邦和非正式盟國,儘管兩國之間友誼的強度正受到中國崛起的考驗。華府擔心台灣人民,特別是年輕人,對於中國的警戒心逐漸提高,而兩者之間的衝突可能會把美國牽扯進來。著有《台灣為何重要》(Why Taiwan Matters)一書的美國北卡羅來那州戴維森大學(Davidson College)教授任雪麗(Shelley Rigger)說:「這場選舉讓所有的改變具體化,反映出民意板塊的移動……我不認為接下來的兩岸關係會更融洽,而這不是美國的政策制定者想要聽到的東西。」
The KMT has yet to formally nominate a candidate for the top job, but the favorite is Hung Hsiu-chu, the legislature’s female deputy speaker. Nicknamed ”little hot pepper” because of her diminutive stature and feisty manner, Hung, 67, would be a contrast to the more professorial Tsai should she get the KMT’s nod. “I don’t think [Tsai] is a strong opponent,” Hung tells TIME. Yet the DPP’s choice, who has already started pressing the flesh islandwide, is spirited too. “People have this vision of me as a conservative person, but I’m actually quite adventurous,” she says. And possessed of a sharp sense of humor—when I compliment her cooking, Tsai looks at me with mock exasperation: “I have a Ph.D., you know.”
Tsai grew up in a home on Taipei’s Zhongshan Road North, a street named after Taiwan’s symbolic father, Sun Yat-sen, the Chinese revolutionary who helped overthrow the Qing and co-founded the KMT. Her own father, an auto mechanic turned property developer, was of the Confucian kind: he encouraged her to study hard but also expected her, as the youngest daughter, to devote herself to his care. “I was not considered a kid that would be successful in my career,” says Tsai.
After attending university in Taiwan, she studied law at Cornell in New York because, she says, it seemed the place for a young woman who “wanted to have a revolutionary life.” From there she went to the London School of Economics, where she earned her Ph.D., also in law, in less than three years. “That pleased my father,” she says. When he called her home, she obliged, returning to Taiwan to teach and, in 1994, to enter government in a series of high- profile but mostly policy-oriented roles in the Fair Trade Commission, National Security Council and Mainland Affairs Council.
Even close supporters say Tsai was, and perhaps still is, an unlikely politician, especially for the DPP. Taiwan’s opposition party was forged in struggle and led by veterans of the democracy movement—a fight Tsai mostly missed. The Kaohsiung Incident in 1979—a human-rights rally that was violently broken up by security forces, galvanizing the democracy movement— took place while Tsai was overseas, cocooned in the ivory tower. If the archetypal DPP operative is a bare-knuckle street fighter, Tsai is an Olympic fencer—restrained and precise.
She stepped into the spotlight in 2008, becoming party chair when the DPP found itself booted from office, with its chief Chen Shui-bian, the outgoing President, later convicted of corruption. While she possessed a deep knowledge of policy, Tsai did not then seem like a leader. “She used to sort of hide behind me when we went door to door,” recalls legislator Hsiao Bi-khim, a longtime colleague and friend. “People compared her to a lost bunny in the forest, with wolves surrounding, both from within the party and outside.
After an unsuccessful 2010 mayoral bid, Tsai ran for, and also lost, the presidency in 2012. Jason Liu, a veteran DPP speechwriter, says now that the campaign did not “sell” Tsai well enough. The ideas were strong, but the delivery left “distance between her and the voters.” Ironically, it was not until her concession speech that Tsai seemed to connect emotionally with Taiwan’s citizens. “You may cry,” she told the tearful crowd. “But don’t lose heart.”
A lot has changed since 2012. Eleven hours after making eggs, with a policy meeting, a cross-country train ride and a harbor tour behind her, Tsai is addressing a couple hundred students at a university in the southern city of Kaohsiung, a DPP stronghold. She’s in lecture mode, at ease, talking about her party’s economic plans: stronger regional links and a focus on innovation to support small businesses. “How many of you went to Taipei for the Sunflower protests?” she asks in Mandarin. At least a third raise their hands.
Taiwan’s students were once seen as apathetic. But during spring last year, Taipei was swept up by thousands-strong demonstrations over a services pact with China. Student and civic groups worried that the deal could hurt Taiwan’s economy and leave it vulnerable to pressure from Beijing. They felt it was pushed through without adequate public scrutiny. The Sunflower Movement, as it came to be called after a florist donated bundles of the blooms, grew into a grassroots revolt, culminating in the March 18 storming of the legislature.
The movement was grounded in questions of social justice. Since coming to power in 2008, Ma has argued that cross-strait commerce is the key to the island’s fortunes, signing 21 trade deals. Yet young people in particular wonder if the deals benefit only Big Business on both sides of the strait. They say rapprochement with Beijing has left them none the richer, and agonize over the high cost of housing, flat wages and the possibility of local jobs going to China. A sign during a protest outside the Presidential Palace on March 30 last year captured the mood: “We don’t have another Taiwan to sell.”
The emphasis on quality of life, and not just macro-indicators, is good news for Tsai. Her vision for a more economically independent Taiwan did not sway the electorate in 2012 but may now have stronger appeal. The KMT, bruised by the Sunflower protests and then battered by fed-up voters in midterm polls last fall, is trying to remake itself as a more populist party. Timothy Yang, a former Foreign Minister who is now vice president of the National Policy Foundation, the KMT’s think tank, says the party stands by its cross-strait record. But even Yang, a KMT stalwart, is keen to address the issue of equity:
“The benefits of this interaction with mainland China should be shared with the general public.”
Tsai should easily carry traditional DPP support: much of the south, the youth vote, and those who identify as Taiwanese and who are not a part of the elite that came from China after the CCP victory in 1949. The DPP’s missing link is Big Business, which supports the KMT and closer ties with the mainland, where many Taiwan companies are invested. Tsai recognizes that this is a constituency she needs to woo but doesn’t seem clear as to how, beyond saying, “Our challenge is to produce something that is sensible to both sides without being considered as a traitor to the friends we used to be with when we were an opposition party.”
That will be hard. The KMT has long argued that it, not the DPP, is best qualified to run the economy, which, corruption apart, did not do well under Chen. Tsai’s supporters concede that many citizens feel the same way—that the DPP can be an effective opposition but not administration. “The KMT has always portrayed itself as more suited to guide the economy,” says J. Michael Cole, a Taipei-based senior fellow with the University of Nottingham’s China Policy Institute and a senior officer at Tsai’s Thinking Taiwan Foundation. “There’s this stubborn perception that a DPP government would be bad for business.”
這是困難的挑戰。國民黨長期主張自己比民進黨更擅長治理經濟,尤其陳水扁執政時期除了貪污,經濟表現並不好。蔡英文的支持者也同意,確實有些民眾認為民進黨可是一個稱職的反對黨,但不是執政黨。諾丁漢大學中國政策研究中心資深研究員暨小英基金會資深主管寇謐將(J. Michael Cole)說:「國民黨把自己描繪是一個更適合主導經濟的政黨。另外也有一種僵化的刻版印象,認為民進黨執政對企業不利。」
It’s a narrative that the CCP backs and may well float as the campaign progresses, either directly, in China’s state-controlled press, or indirectly, through, for instance, its connections in Taiwan’s business community. “Beijing is going to want to make a point through all sorts of channels, including Big Business, that cross-strait relations will not be as smooth if you vote a government into power that has not accepted the foundation that has underpinned developments of the last eight years,” says Alan Romberg, a distinguished fellow at the Stimson Center, a Washington, D.C., think tank.
這種論調受到中國共產黨的支持,並且今隨著選戰的進展不斷被拋出。共產黨可能直接地利用中國控制的媒體影響選舉,或是間接地透過中國與台灣商業界的連結。美國華府智庫史汀森研究中心(Stimson Center)資深學者容安瀾(Alan Romberg)說:「北京將會透過大企業等各種管道來闡述其立場,表明要是台灣人民讓一個不接受過去八年兩岸發展基
Beijing has never been receptive to a DPP government, but it is particularly negative now. Since coming to power in 2012, China’s leader Xi Jinping has proved himself to be more assertive and nationalistic than most expected, a man not eager to compromise. Last September he told a delegation from the island that China and Taiwan might be one day be reunited under Hong Kong’s “one country, two systems” formula, which is rejected by both the KMT and DPP and, surveys consistently show, the vast majority of Taiwan’s people. This May, Xi warned again about the danger of “separatist forces”—a comment widely interpreted as a swipe at the DPP.
Cross-strait relations are managed according to the so-called 1992 Consensus reached by Beijing and Taipei (then also governed by the KMT), a formula the KMT’s Yang calls “a masterpiece of ambiguity.” Under the 1992 Consensus, both sides acknowledge that there is only one China, but without specifying what exactly that means. This, Yang says, has allowed the KMT to move forward on bilateral trade, transport and tourism without being forced to address whether “one China” is the China imagined by Beijing or by Taipei.
The DPP has long promoted de jure independence. The first clause in its charter calls for “the establishment of an independent sovereignty known as the Republic of Taiwan,” not the Republic of China, Taiwan’s official name. This platform resonates with the DPP base but is increasingly untenable given China’s economic clout and growing power on the world stage. While the first DPP presidency under Chen was hardly a break from the past, it did see a cooling with Beijing. Things warmed again under Ma. Lin, the Taiwan expert at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, says Tsai is somewhere between Chen and Ma: “If she wins the election, she will not pursue Taiwan in dependence. But she will not promote the development of the cross-strait relationship as Ma Ying-jeou did.”
Tsai stresses that she will not alter the politics between Taiwan and China, but she is vague about whether she will repeal the DPP’s independence clause. And unification? That, she says, “is something you have to resolve democratically—it is a decision to be made by the people here.”
Hung, Tsai’s potential KMT opponent, says the DPP flag bearer needs to clarify her stance on cross-strait relations. “People ask her, ‘What is the status quo?’ and she can’t say anything specific,” says Hung. The KMT’s Yang offers a metaphor: “Before you harvest, you have to plow the land, transplant the seedlings, fertilize; all the work … has been done by the KMT, and yet they are going to harvest the crop?”
Tsai believes she will win that right. Several days before I return to my Beijing base, over Taiwan-Japanese fusion in Kaohsiung, Tsai is quietly confident that she will gain the trust of Taiwan’s voters and secure victory, whatever Beijing might think. She puts a final piece of tuna on my plate. It’ s from Pingtung County in the south, where she was born. “Go back to Beijing,” says Tsai, “and tell them you were served by the next President of Taiwan.”
—With reporting by Zoher Abdoolcarim, Gladys Tsai and Natalie Tso/Taipei
at2010 ptt 在 漂流出口 Outlet Drift Facebook 的最佳貼文
《當江山成為事實 藝改就是義務》江山藝改所成立一週年派對
《When Jiang Shan is a Fact, Yi Gai is a Duty》Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo 1st Anniversary Party
時間 Time/
2014/05/17(六) 15:00 ~ 22:00
地點 Venue/
江山藝改所 (新竹市江山街17-4號/城隍廟旁/江山街13.15號巷縫中)
Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo (No.17-4, Jiang Shan St., Hsinchu City/near Cheng Huang Temple/in the alley between No.13 & 15, Jiang Shan St.)
票價 Admission/
預售票 Advance $300 (發售至5/16 23:59前)
現場票 At Door $400
@ 購票方式 How to buy tickets:
1. 於本所營業時間現場購票 Pay cash at JSYGS during open time.
2. FB傳訊預約 Send a message to our Facebook page.
3. 來電預約 Call 03-5266456 during open time.
●地圖 Map
English version:
演出順序 Lineup/
15:00~15:50 Betty Apple 鄭宜蘋
16:00~16:50 再見!奈央! Goodbye Nao
17:00~17:50 理化兄弟 Physical Chemical Brother
18:00~18:50 漂流出口 Outlet Drift
19:00~19:50 黑狼/黃大旺龍捲風 Blackwolf Tornado
20:00~20:50 KbN 凱比鳥
21:00~22:00 Vice City + VJ Carl_Westman
表演者簡介 About The Performers/
Betty Apple 鄭宜蘋
曾跨界參與聲音藝術,電子樂表演,劇場音樂設計。為2012年電子樂推廣團體「耕聲人」主辦人之一,於當年九月促成台灣第一張以臥室電子樂反核人共同發起的「i love nuclear」的反核電音合輯,為台灣新生代聲音藝術搖籃的「失聲祭」2013年駐祭藝術家。更被國際前衛藝術雜誌「white fungus」多次邀請,與國際知名電子聲響藝術家Merzbow、EVOL、Zbigniew Karkowski、Scott Afford、王福瑞、Samin Son同台演出。
Betty Apple is a composer, DJ, and sound and performance artist. Apple has made an impact in Taipei with visceral noise/performance art pieces using synthesizers, field recordings and amplified vibrators. In 2013, Apple was the artist in residence at Lacking Sound Festival. In addition to her own performances, she curated a series of events exploring notions of sound in relation to femininity. Apple is at the forefront of a new wave of Taiwanese artists who are beginning to fuse their work with political activism. The anti-nuclear movement has grown exponentially in Taiwan over the past few years, in particular, since the meltdown at Fukushima, and Apple is among those who have organized events and produced music to support it.
再見!奈央! Goodbye Nao
它在每個人心中都有不同具像 不斷被詮釋 解剖 試圖理解
表演起因 素材 精神或意義 無法歸類
他們所期待重視 僅是他們的姿態 能給觀眾的觸發
觀者 表演者 沉浸渾沌一氣的哲意場景
唯有踏入 才有機會透徹
非搖滾 後搖滾 工業噪音 行動聲響藝術 範籌
如鋼鐵 如流雲 如詩般的善意
全都 全都 回到自身感應衝擊
當然如果 你相信以上全都是放屁
那你大概也向他們靠攏了一點 (by babywhite)
「正如他們所聲明的,他們的音樂不過是無意識的囈語以及突如其來的悲傷」- Taipei Times
「春天吶喊狀況多 樂手調音不順摔吉他」- 東森新聞
「為什麼你們的現場表演跟CD不一樣?」- 眾多友人
「我從來沒有聽懂再見奈央過,對,一次也沒有。」- freakeels(PTT 後搖滾版版主)
「Roo!」- 德州樂團The Octopus Project
「髒三樂團上海巡演,台灣樂團暖場,吉他手演出脫衣秀」- 東森新聞
「或许"傻逼"才是更合适他们的标签吧」、「我觉得他们实在是太烂了,烂到我搜肠刮肚也找不出任何正面的评论可以奉献给他们。」- 大陸網友
2005年10月 「再見!奈央!」首次在台北地下樂團最重要的舞台 THE WALL LIVE HOUSE 演出並受到PTT後現代搖滾版POST ROCK 版主的讚賞
2006年「再見!奈央!」成立首演之後即受邀參加台北市立美術館 <疆界>藝術展開幕-噪動之夜
Goodbye! Nao! needs no introduction. This band can be dissected and understood in many ways because how and what they play can’t be categorized. The only thing they anticipate is the energy and creativity they bring to the audience during performance.
理化兄弟 Physical Chemical Brother
電子皮、搖滾骨、數位魂 - 當8-BIT(8位元音樂)從遊戲中獨立出來,這已經不只是獨立音樂,更是獨立電子 - 翻玩古早任天堂電玩影像以及音樂的理化兄弟,將場景轉移到舞廳,創作風格橫跨Electro,Techno,Drum and bass,甚至到Dubstepush buttons。
當年差點組樂隊的無名氏兄弟,始終遙遙無期,於失散多年後在一場奇異的廟會相遇,各自吞了一顆濟公搓揉的腋下仙丹,各自幻化成DJ與VJ,理化兄弟於是誕生。目前的團員編制為創作型DJ :林昭宇 與半創作型VJ:黃真。目前有點專注於研究 8-bit 樂音,也稱為chiptune或是 Gameboy music。我們試圖運用現代科技來翻玩並探討當時曾經是頂風的影音技術,場域則從個人電玩機台到派對,再轉換進入表演空間進行與不同觀眾的對話。
Physical Chemical Brother sampling 8 bit sounds and graphic from Nintendo games, creating tracks who's style ranges from Electronic, Techno, DNB to Dubstep. Then places the mix on the dancefloor
where it becomes not just indie music but electro indie.
漂流出口 Outlet Drift
Three aboriginal Taiwanese youths from Taitung jam together in the big city, united by their shared love of modern and avant-garde music.
Once lost in the value of life under influence of environment and being in a part of aboriginal groups, he’s finally found his identity in his culture through music and hoping to make an impact with his emotions through music.
Firm drums, bouncing bass and psychedelic guitar sound as if a little boy running and screaming in a creepy, foggy woods. This is a band blending traditional aboriginal Taiwanese tunes with experimental noises.
黑狼龍捲風(黃大旺) Blackwolf Tornado (Dawang Yingfan Huang)
It is yet another challenging attempt to continue the performing life of congenital artist Blackwolf Dawang Huang.
KbN 凱比鳥
Adding rock’n’roll elements to experimental electronic sounds in over ten years, they’ve been looking for and creating endless possibility of sounds.
KbN - Before 2005 CD&DVD (2006)
19992005 (Orange Disk, 2013)
合輯 :
I Forgot Everything(2002)
蘿蔔一代 (小白兔唱片, 2003)
沈默的約定 (默契音樂, 2003)
2002貢寮海洋音樂季紀念專輯(角頭音樂, 2003)
FC5-118(台北之音, 2005)
Da Party(一瞬之光制作所, 2008)
The Message(Agnes b, 2010)
電擊夜市(Fun Music, 2011)
來做一張地下社會合輯(Underworld, 2012)
Dance Floor@台北關渡美術館 2008
Vice City
Vice City特別喜愛同時具有寬廣時間感、空間感,加上豐富身體感的音樂,有點像冥想、瑜珈,能夠帶來解放與覺知的神奇能量。
Vice City loves music that has broad sense of time and space, and rich physical sense that can bring liberation and magical energy of awareness that often comes with meditation or yoga. Any elements that seem conflicted such as natural sounds, traditional tribal music instruments and singing and modern industrial city are her sources of inspiration.
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/vicecitybeats
FB: https://www.facebook.com/vicecity2013
VJ Carl Westman
長期旅居台灣的南非籍藝術家Carl Westman,創作遍及繪畫、平面設計、VJ影像、電子舞曲、噪音等形式,他的音樂就如同其視覺作品,在幾何線條與大量交疊的色彩中,既繁複又簡單,充滿了一股迷幻中帶著深邃黑暗的氛圍,反映他對生命、宇宙之意義與可能性的探索。
Long term resident of Taiwan, South African artist Carl Westman's type of creation includes painting, graphic design, VJ, electronic music and noise. Similar to his visual work by overlapping geometric shapes and colors, his music is both complex and simple in a deep and dark psychedelic atmosphere, reflecting his exploration in the meaning of life and universe.
FB: https://www.facebook.com/WooYapa
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因 C3317B / C4317B 產品已售完,現正不加價升級 C3325 / C4325
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