看他需要多久的時間,才能醒悟 #獨立是香港唯一的活路
1. 我已被拘捕17小時,仍未落口供。
2. 行動者已扣留逾17小時仍未釋放,情況極不尋常。
3. 我對此十分不滿,質疑此舉拖延時間,想阻止大家再作抗議。
4. 預期警方欲扣留48小時後,在7月1日把我送上法庭處理,阻止我參加七一遊行。
5. 若警方再不從速釋放,抗爭者將向法庭申請人身保護令,要求立即結束無理拘押。
1. Despite my arrest 17 hours ago, the police hasn't yet collected my testimony.
2. That protesters are still detained after more than 16 hours is highly unusual.
3. I'm extremely discontented with the arrangement and believe it's deliberately made to delay time, stopping more protests from erupting.
4. I anticipate the police to detain me for 48 hours and immediately send me to the court on 1 July to block me from attending the demonstration.
5. If the police refuses to release me shortly, the activists would apply for habeas corpus to request an end to the unreasonable detention.